Australian Homeless News (2024)

Table of Contents
Fred's Van regular timetable Free Dentistry and Homeless-Friendly Doctors​Updated 30 September 2023 Free Hairdressing in AdelaideUpdated 30 September 2023. Unemployed Workers Union Rights Guide Adelaide CBD homeless industry statistics Government informer app(some use it to send them a bum steer) Was Martin Bryant framed for Tasmanian massacre? The preacher appears ​not to be an empire builder Beware the ghouls of organ transplanting Trolls and geo-engineering Brave woman stands up. Early 31 May 2024 Gateway Baptists ​replace Alberton coffee service Leaders diefor resisting Covid injections Discrimination against ​white homeless campers The Colonel ​and the suspect school teacher And then you go ​and say something like… Strange forest fires and innocent people attacked and killed three times 4 May 2024 A difficult video from Amazing Polly about Covid dissidents Early 4 May 2024 Antarctic surgeon trapped in nursing home Free gift cards, groceries, blankets, money, and prescriptions Their plan to enslave us American Whitney Webb links together those planning to enslave us at every level. Late 22 April 2024 Chelsea Ireland outfit ​at the top of their game Vietnamese free early lunch ​at Renown Park Melbourne Zero learns from Adelaide Zero Project Australian government pledges $73 million for bureaucrats in homeless industry Paul Boden in the U.S.A. says the homeless industry got bigger while homeless housing got less: a mirror of Adelaide’s homeless services December 2020​ For previous ten years of Adelaide Homeless Journal see the menu at top of this page The Hutt Street Centre and Kent Town Rotary areportraying Robyn as homeless for the purpose of collecting money.However, Robyn is not homeless. She haslived foryears in acomfortable home in an exclusive suburbacross the South Parklands andwithin walking distance of the Hutt Street Centre. Rotary may not know this, but the Hutt Street Centre does as Robyn has been going there for decades. This is a problem with homeless welfare where clients get drawn into an agency's propaganda unit. Robyn has had a tumultuous life and has adapted her tactics to meet those challenges and her endurance is a credit to the survival skills of humanity. www.predatorsandfriends.weebly.comThe story of Sherri Robinsonand Tony DeKort The WestCare Letters (click here)

Anonymous Contact Page

Free Food Adelaide South Australia.
Free food updated 9 June 2024.

Fred's Van regular timetable

Free showers in Adelaide
Updated 30 September 2023.

​Free Laundry
Updated 16 May 2024.

Free Dentistry and Homeless-Friendly Doctors
​Updated 30 September 2023

Free Hairdressing in Adelaide
Updated 30 September 2023.

Free gift cards, groceries, blankets, money, and prescriptions​Updated 27 April 2024

Unemployed Workers Union Rights Guide

Adelaide CBD homeless industry statistics

Government informer app
(some use it to send them a bum steer)

Older Adelaide Homeless Journal 2006 to 2019

Australian Homeless News (1)

(above) Free face masks are a low moving stock at the Western Food Hub. The fear campaign has lost its edge. (Adelaide Homeless School, June 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (2)

(above) Whatever happened to the N.D.I.S. homeless man living in his car? He became an interior designer specialising in curtains. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (3)

(above) After getting welfare housing he made curtains from shower curtains cut in half. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (4)

(above) Homeless campers bundle on Port Road Hindmarsh. New small camps appear every few days then disappear. I waited until this one had gone before publishing image. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (5)

(above) City Reach Church offers free food every Thursday at 11:00am at 62 Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh. They don't ask for anything nor collect data. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (6)

(above) They don't offer hell of a lot, but they are friendly and fair. And they're not a big money church. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (7)

(above) Trinity church at Paradise use a gym for their Sunday services. Every second Sunday at 11:15am after their church service they provide free vegetables and bread to anyone who turns up. See the free food guide for more details. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

ComingSoon:On the Street (Monday); Tea Tree Council orders homeless people off Salvo property; Elderly female Rotary volunteer uses blocking technique to avoid being charged with assault; Helen Munro funeral; Former refugee volunteers at homeless service in gratitude for Salvation Army sponsoring and paying for his ticket to Australia;Eleanor leaves because of noise; Homeless man eyeballs greedy client at free food joint; Ambulance called for drunk boy at Mary's Kitchen; Church@ParaVista free food quite good (Aldi and Oz Harvest make good team); Mary's kitchen freezer fails so they throw everything out.

Two new free joints

Reviews needed.

Toasties on Tuesdays at Hillcrest
Northeast Community House, 27 Queensborough Ave., Hillcrest. Ph (08) 8369 0329. “Two free toasties per person” on Tuesdays 10am – 2:00pm. Closed during school holidays. No mention of coffee. Be careful you don’t become the toast. Mt Barker free lunch Fridays
Anglican Church, 40 Hutchinson Street, Mt Barker. Ph Margie on 0437 738 069. Free lunch in Parish Hall. 11:30am to 1:30pm. Lunch, tea and coffee. Operates through school holidays. No I.D. or personal data collected. Government express bus from Adelaide. 8 June 2024

Woody and Skip at Parliament House

8 June 2024

A difficult recovery

A highly intellectualised middle-aged man with a high I.Q made a mistake. As an N.D.I.S. disabled client, he signed up part of his financial package to a ‘psycho-social support’ program operated by Recovery 4 Life.

A problem arose rather soon as Recovery 4 Life stacked the group with low I.Q. people who were easily upset by the boisterous and robust conversations from the high I.Q. man.

Somewhat predictably, the Recovery 4 Life accused him of harassment of the other clients. This might have been subjectively true for them and they can’t be blamed for feeling disturbed. The high I.Q. man is a disturbing character.

Again, somewhat predictably, the Recovery 4 Life manager called him in for a ‘chat’ to discuss the problem. We don’t have the manager’s side of the story, but the client said she used his disabilities as a weapon in their argument to blame him for the situation.

So what is the possible lesson we can learn from this? The first is that friendly welfare employees asking questions are actually forming a data file on your faults and weaknesses that may be used against you later.

The second is that Recovery 4 Life should more carefully compose their therapy groups without the imperative of filling seats to guarantee extra funding.

Early 9 June 2024

Australian Homeless News (8)

(above) The case of the mystery woolen blankets at St Bede's in Semaphore. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

Two in one day

Two individuals from two churches asked to rewrite the Adelaide Homeless Journal Free Food Guide to remove the nasty parts. Both said their church didn’t want to be associated with the 37-page leaflet as it stands.

At least, they asked permission. And sure, it is okay providing they don’t link Adelaide Homeless Journal with the sanitised version.

This is typical of our emerging reality where language is sanitised to avoid offending anyone. The result is that the written word and conversation become nearly meaningless.

8 June 2024

Was Martin Bryant framed for Tasmanian massacre?

The video begins with Americans talking about being framed for murder then moves to the strange case of a low-IQ awkward man becoming a miraculous shooter with very little practice.

8 June 2024

Australian Homeless News (9)

(above) It is useful to develop and maintain skills while homeless. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, June 2024.)

Another bureaucratic housing junket

The sponsors include SA Power Networks owned by the Chinese. Oaklands Green housing estate builders at Oakland with streets named Bombay and Rangoon with a tiny reserve named Rajah. And Incolink, an insurance company connected with the construction industry. And the South Australian government.

Tickets for this day gathering at Adelaide University next Tuesday 11 June are $80 - $150. The high price is designed to discourage activists and limit attendance to insiders whose tickets are paid by their employers.

The speakers include the usual suspects including Ian Cox, Alice Clarke and Nick Champion.

But hasn’t Champion been the Minister for Housing for years and now has the added Minister of Infrastructure responsibilities? He’s been the one knocking down Housing Trust houses, keeping others empty and lying through his teeth.

And nothing will happen from this symposium. Sure, there may be announcements of thousands of houses to be built, but they won’t mention that the number won’t even cover the influx of cashed-up immigrants coming to Adelaide every day. And the Don Dunstan Foundation won’t breathe a word of criticism as it’s stifled by its own doctrinal imperatives.

But the interesting part is why does Nick Champion frequently appears scared? He’s a veteran politician so what is making him so frightened?

6 June 2024

Australian Homeless News (10)

(above) The war against homeless people is relentless. Tents rarely last more than a few days. Little mercy is shown by Council employees who have shelter. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

"disappearing charity donations"
i red dat ding

Early 5 June 2024

From the anonymous contact page

More people need to record these animals when they bully us and post it publicly so people are aware of these animals, like in this vid. Anglican clergy have a code of conduct, available online. Its pretty specific about what this foreign clergy is doing. It breaks the code of conduct on many levels.Emotional manipulation is apparantly abuse. This 3 minutes is packed with it. The threat to shut the whole place down though hey. According to the description no notable incidents took place, just bickering nobody really noticed. This animal gives everyone a serve making them wait for thier food, it even plays the victim. Vunrable hungry voiceless people senselessly bullied by a predator, a foreign predator. Apparantly offensive language also a breech of code of conduct, this animal swore a few times. According to it, because it doesn't ban individuals everyone gets bullied and threatened. People who have done nothing wrong or will, people on these animals side. This animal is a Power tripper and unforgivable what it did.The place was unsafe because of its violence and lack of respect for vulnerable people while lecturing about it wants a safe place and everyone deserves respect. Is the thing retatded?


Second Editor: But they clapped at the end of her admonitions?

Early 5 June 2024

Australian Homeless News (11)

(above) There were three Helens at Stevo's free brunch at the Uniting Church every Tuesday. Now there are two Helens. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

Coles & woolies must have the dumbest staff at there self service checkouts in Australia!! The shoplifting is a breeze the amount of times I have a chuckle what people can actually get away with is insane Good luck to them - we as consumers deserve better

I swear black & blue that pas forgione is trying to become a politician his previous ACOSS stint pre-covid & SACOSS not to mention a job at national trust he’s Building his portfolio using ppl’s stories there all nutters seriously the guy has a method to his madness Seriously he’s annoying & wants to rule the world!!!

4 June 2024

The preacher appears
​not to be an empire builder

Richard the BBQ and Taxi man donated a $2000 coffee machine to the church. He said it was too complicated to grind the beans, load the granules into the filter then clean up for just one or two cups of coffee. He also donated a fridge. A woman also offered a fridge and washing machine to anyone wanting them.

Then Gideon Misajo stood on the stage and thanked both of them, but added that the church wasn’t about donating things, but that our presence alone was sufficient. You don’t hear that sort of talk in many churches.

Meanwhile, a police officer on a motorcycle followed Salvo Terri’s ex-boyfriend into the carpark. He fined him $500 for riding a bicycle with an attached petrol motor, these being banned in South Australia about ten years ago. A crystal meth dealer would have got a smaller fine. (Terri’s ex doesn’t deal drugs.) He said he’d wear the fine on the chin. The policeman told him to “stop bothering these people”.

The meal included prawn dumplings and clam soup plus chicken, salad, bread, mustard dip and other stuff. I felt like a monster refusing the fish foods as they try to meet my dietary desires that for myself includes only certain types of fish and the rest non-meat.

A teenage girl sang beautifully on the stage while Gideon talked about something, but I can’t remember what it was. What he did teach was that new immigrants don’t always fit the stereotype of chasing money and property. He showed us white losers that people we call foreigners are also our benefactors. We live and learn.

Three Arab women from ONE Life church were there for the first time with their children. The place gets four or five new people each week, but a similar amount stop going because of the greed of other diners.

One problem was Gideon putting us on video for a Facebook or similar page. Big mistake. Nothing erodes trust more effectively than using others, even denigrating them for your own prestige.

Renown Park Saturday lunch and takeaway vegetables
The Adelaide Mizo/Hope Grace Greek church at 59 Tait Street, Renown Park. Free meal Saturday 11:00am. Coffee from 10am to 12:00 noon. Free vegetables and bread takeaway. Indoor badminton ping pong table without a net. Billiards. Operated by Vietnamese with a Burma pastor using a Greek non-orthodox church. Everyone welcome especially homeless. White fellas welcome. They don’t collect personal information for the Eternal Shame File. Entry and parking back of church.

4 June 2024

Beware the ghouls of organ transplanting

Australian Homeless News (12)

(above) No strings attached? Best check to confirm. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

On the Street

Employees banned an elderly client from bringing a fresh salad to add to his Hutt Street Centre lunch. He countered saying the lunches didn’t contain enough fresh food. After a long period, they relented and now he adds his fresh salad to the lunches that he acknowledges are good. *The washing machine at the Tea Tree Gully Salvation Army Corps became clogged with twigs from the laundry of homeless people living in the gully back of Bunnings. *A homeless man moved into a unit at Elizabeth. He went to collect his furniture and clothing from a shed in Rosewater. Rats had eaten holes and defecated over most of it. He plans to wear his rat-eaten clothing when applying for charity cards.*Due to an ugly argument between drug addicts, the Tea Tree Gully Corps has closed its free coffee room when children are present in the building. Management doesn’t want them to witness disputes between drug addicts. *Gary Martin and Chris Adams of Hands of Hope have formed a new group called Streets of Hope. They plan to deliver supplies to homeless people in the Modbury area rather than through established homeless organisations. Chris has lived seventeen years on the streets of Adelaide and other cities and is one of the most experienced rough sleepers in the City of Adelaide. *Woody of Woody and Skip says the clash of personalities in the homeless scene represents a clash of values between released prisoners and the rest of the homeless culture. A key difference is that released prisoners attack anyone who calls the police for help. Homeless people in general say the thugs and drug dealers shouldn’t rob and assault others with impunity and that the police should be used to counter this. However, the police rarely want to get involved in disputes that they see as little more than fights between useless people. Woody adds adds that political and charity politics make life on the streets even more complicated. Woody says the key factor for survival is treating everyone with kindness and respect. *Orange Sky has ceased its Christies Beach laundry service at Fred’s Van on McKinna Road. We can guess the reasons: unreliability of service, not enough water in the machines and not drying laundry properly due to not enough time on site. And maybe the wrong location. Orange Sky should quickly begin a weekly four-hour shift on either Wednesday or Friday mornings at Tea Tree Gully Salvation Army. That would be a winner. *Everything going up in price except drugs, a homeless man at Elizabeth told us again.*A homeless man says the three enemies of those living outside in Modbury are its Mayor, Mayor Marijka Ryan, social media influencer Sonya Blackwell, and the wife of the President of the local Rotary Club.

Early 2 June 2024

Australian Homeless News (13)

(above) Tampons for men who menstruate in the men's toilets at the Salisbury Institute building in Salisbury. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Grant might be an expert policeman

Yes, Grant outwitted thousands of other aspirants for the position of Police Commissioner and no doubt he’s a savvy law enforcement administrator with a degree of patience when dealing with politicians.

But being quoted as saying donating the organs of his dying son was a “no brainer” shows he has a trust in the medical system that isn’t deserved.

Human organs used for transplants are viable when taken from a body with a beating heart. A dead corpse doesn’t produce good kidneys, liver, heart and lungs. Sure, skin and bones might be okay if death was recent, but vital organs need to be functioning minutes before excision.

Grant Stevens’s son was probably dying when the decision was made to remove his vital organs. He probably had catastrophic brain damage with a recovery rate of nearly 0%. He was probably on life-support machines keeping his body alive when the decision was made to remove his organs.

The process of removal – and I admit my knowledge may be outdated – requires thinning the blood, chilling the body and injecting a susbstance that paralyses his muscles to prevent the body jumping in fear on the harvest table.

Medical staff might have injected pain killers, but previously this hasn’t been done because that would be admitting the organ donor is still alive, an admission no one wants to make. Certainly, the blood pressure increases when the chest cavity is opened.

Real death of the donor occurs when the knives cut the main arteries of the heart.

This horrible scenario is why security guards are alerted when organ removal surgery is commenced. Some relatives are furious that their loved ones have made the decision to donate organs without informed consent or their bodies have been commandeered by the government.

But in the balance, Grant Stevens and his wife donated their son’s living body knowing that his chances of survival was nearly nil. And an extended existence on life support is not a dignified way to live or die.

Did they make the right decision? It all comes down to a person’s philosophy of life. And what a decision to make when you’ve raised a baby to a young adult who is then knocked down by a car.

R.I.P. Charlie.

1 June 2024

From the anonymous contact pageIf I buy disappearing charity donations in Adelaide the book off of ebay.
Does the money go directly to you or to another organisation.


Editor: It was published in 1991 and long since out of print. The State Library might have a faded copy. If it is sold on ebay then whoeverownsthe copy gets the money. No problems.

1 June 2024

Australian Homeless News (14)

(above) The Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh should throw out its rotting vegetables before they reach this state. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Nervous diner

Perhaps it is best to keep one’s homeless status a secret. I was at the Lutheran Para Vista Monday evening meal when an elderly diner kept getting up and leaving his phone on the table. No problems, the diners are an honest group.

However, after I told him I lived in my car he left his phone on his table, but a few seconds later a shaking hand grabbed it and after that he kept it in his pocket.

The power of suggestion is both subtle and effective. Just think in how people, corporations, “not-for-profits” and government agencies use subliminal and overt suggestions of threat that keep us in a state of fear.

Early 31 May 2024

Trolls and geo-engineering
Brave woman stands up.
Early 31 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (15)

(above) A decent crystal methamphetamine addict in the throes of torment on Port Road at Hindmarsh. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (16)

(above) How the drug dealers operate with impunity and ruin the lives of such gullible people shows that South Australian government Ministers operate on behalf of international drug cartels and not the citizens.

Gateway Baptists
​replace Alberton coffee service

They’ve stopped their coffee service at the Uniting Church near the Alberton railway station and replaced it with the Hindmarsh free coffee and toasty trailer.

Gateway Baptist at the Western Food Hub on the corner of Anne Street and Port Road at Hindmarsh. From about 5pm every Thursday, but not during school holidays. Free barista coffee and toasted sandwiches. No I.D. required. No data collection. Phone 0481 952 066 to confirm.

Early 30 May 2024

Re: Irish at the beach

Name supplied.

Self fund open a Go fund me page mate - Hutt St just trying to make homelessness into a corporate business they’ve turned away so many ppl I know who don’t tick boxes!! The turnover of staff & social workers is very indicative of the KPI’s must must achieve

I went to the aspire Women’s program couldn’t stand the drug & mental illness of some women in the room there all past ‘rehab’ stage it’s like a huge gatekeeper event - seriously handing out free donated clothes & more PR speakers

So Irish you do a better job than some of those paid social workers - you got a conscious mate!!

Name supplied.

Second Editor: This post is in regard to that posted by Oz Nomad. At the Beach dated 18 May 2024. See below.

Early 30 May 2024

Leaders die
for resisting Covid injections

Australian Homeless News (17)

Discrimination against
​white homeless campers

Two homeless campers in the city parklands accuse the Adelaide City Council of discriminating against them because they’re white. They say Council employees backed by the police repeatedly steal their tents, bedding and clothing. These campers are part of a community of up to a dozen tents near the corner of Hutt Street and South Terrace in the Adelaide CBD.

In contrast, they say the Council provides indigenous and tribal people with a safe camping zone in Edwards Park off Anzac Highway near West Terrace and the cemetery. The indigenous campers also get toilets, gazebos and other services and live in safety. And it’s where white folk are not welcome.

The two white campers say this is discrimination against them for being white or at least non-Aboriginal.

Where are the voices of concern against racism from Baptist WestCare, SYC, the Hutt Street Centre, City Salvos and other big money homeless joints.

Of course we know the answer. The executives and managers have been purchased by the government so white homeless people are classed as living the life of relative privilege.

And the words of justice and equality are camouflaging something else that is happening.

Early 29 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (18)

(above) How did a private company at Northpark get hold of thousands of HousingSA properties after trademarking the generic description of "Community Housing"? (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

Anyone who recognises soup kitchen attendees and those at risk of homelessness as human beings, recognise the majority are males who have encountered childhood family violence and in many cases female domestic violence. If not raped in orphanages. The inquiry into domestic violnece very important in understanding ànd avoiding many descending into homelessness..

However the appointment of Natasha Scott despoya means this inquiry is doomed to fail.. naughty Natasha has a political hero. None other than disgraced Robin Millhouse, who had to flee Australian during the tiny pecker Peter Liddy affair and Mulligan inquiry. Raunchy Robin Millhouse fled to tulavu to avoid extradition. He was eventually allowed to return to die in a Sydney hospital.

Naughty nat the pedophile protecting ding bat has made it abundantly clear she has no issue with his preference for little boys. She regards him as one of her idols. She’s in charge of an inquiry into violence against children. An inquiry that means a great deal to the homeless issues.

It really is sick sh



Second Editor: Yeah, strange. Someone told me last week that Administrator Julie-Anne Burgess of the South Australian Courts Administration Authority was forced to resign for maladministration then reappears as the Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

Early 28 May 2024

Re covid posts…

From the anonymous contact page

Speak for yourself being only two type's of people. Those who believe it and those who don't. The original covid, released by the federal American government under Donald Trump was an insidious disease that worked real quick on the immune system of people with damaged immune systems. Have you ever seen someone with stage 4 lung cancer,on chemo and oxygen levels to the brain are limited? They go into psychosis. As with anyone in pychosis they are anxious and need to breathe more, cept they can't coz they're lungs are parlised and they get more anxious. Patients were having to be sedated. Covid was so insidious it also came with psychiatric symptoms on top of the lack of oxygen. All by design. It is true the more fear you have of it, the more it effected you. After awhile it weakened as it spread. Today's version is a complete different thing.Todays version from those that took mRNA, is from the damaged immune system from mRNA. ADE ( antibody dependant enhancement). mRNA was a supercharger for flu and colds. One they couldn't shake the flu and two they spread it like wild fire as a result their immune system was hacked by mRNA to produce spike proteins. This weaponised any bacteria someone breathed out. Sadly the mRNA contained chimpanzee dna. Evidently that ingredient ( sv40) was designed to fool your immune system so the real bad sh*t, self constructing lipid nano bots amd Graphene oxide could get in. Sv40 is a monkey virus designed to kill any viruses the monkey gets, unless you're a monkey, you'll get that virus. Blood clots the main symptom. Dr Jekyll stuff. When you sit in a soup kitchen you're sitting around immune compromised people who now are part monkey. Designed to be the bad part of monkey spreading diseases.

Perhaps nobody has told you max igan is a goverment asset. He left Australia because he was worked out by some. He was placed in the movement to delibratley drag people down rabbit holes, which he succeeded.. controlled opposition. There was three amigos paid and trained to do this. David oneeglio Tristan Oswald van rye and max igan.

Apparently according to max indigenous Australians are freemasons. Apparently there was European colony here before 1788. Apparantly 1788 is a big freemasons lie. Apparantly according to max. Which make indigenous version of invasion part of the freemason lie, which makes them in on the freemason lie. Males them freemasons. This is clear logic but people who listen to max don't listen logically. Stuart Lindsey's mate Riccardo bosi had a bit to do with Max and his mates being employed to push the psy op. In everything nefarious as this, you always find a federal court judge. Ben Roberts smith father a federal court judge. Max actually works for bens mates. I cam even tell you the front company set up by government to control with use of people like max.

Remember when max said the 2019 bushfires were started by goverment delibratley spraying sparkler dust to cause fires, to destory land ànd build high speed rail line to Canberra? 5 years ago and nothing, no rail line, no acquisition of land, nothing. This was one of the pys ops before covid to drag you in. As long as you reference max and his sh*t, normal people are not going to listen to you, you're helping the goverment get away with what it is doing. Listening to qanon nutters is a disease.

AnonymousSecond Editor: Thank you.
Early 28 May 2024

From the anonymous contact pageHousing site 'dust bowl' sitting vacant at Seaton. Progress is underway at the eastern end of that site.
Foundation slabs are down and utilities are being brought in progress is slow but steady.

The Woodville West project is nearing completion as final construction is moving along.

Perhaps another name for this blog could be


similar to Wikileaks.

Am sure authors / writers would be kept under scrutiny by official wrongdoers.

Early 28 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (19)

(above) Most N.D.I.S. services involve silly work the client could have done. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Family protects family

The men of the family of Fred’s Van Salisbury came together Sunday evening when a ferocious individual sat at the front table next to a 75-year-old woman wearing a neck brace after cracking two upper vertebrae in April. He was just one man, but of such a ferocious demeanour that he filled with fear those sitting nearby. He demanded to know why a woman had a growth on her face then said he’d rape her outside when she left. He threatened an older man for wearing an orange coat he didn’t like. Yeah, just one shouting man, but if psychotic and on Ice, and knowing how to hurt people, he could cause havoc before being subdued.A man with epilepsy came to the rescue. The angry man told him to go outside with him, but another man from the drug addicts’ tables pushed him backward. Outside the ferocious man shoved some women and children so seven or eight men chased him down the street. The man with epilepsy suffered a cut hand while the angry man was punched in the face as he fled.Elderly Joan had gone home earlier after ensuring the food had been prepared, but returned whereupon either she or another volunteer bandaged the hero of the evening’s hand.

We were uniting this Sunday evening, those with children, the dozen or more drug addicts, the homeless people sleeping on concrete opposite The Salisbury Council Citadel, the disabled crowd, the people who collect cigarette butts seven days a week, the Salvos store pillagers, the volunteers and everyone else.

Fred’s Van Salisbury
Salisbury Institute building, 17 Wiltshire St, Salisbury (next to PBA-FM radio station).Sundays 5:30pm. Free quality meal served inside an historic hall. High quality volunteers who ensure each person is served. Meal slightly rushed. No I.D. required. Huge government cameras in foyer and dining room.Often a pleasant dining experience. Excellent drug addicts. Tampons available in men’s toilets. Occasional screaming and yelling. Visiting tribal alcoholics.

Early 27 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (20)

(above) Homeless campers back of Snowden's Beach at Taperoo. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (21)

(above) So many laws yet people are increasing desperate and contemptuous of regulations in an increasing desperate search for housing. I waited until they were gone before posting these images. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

On the Street Sunday

The multiple police clearances and expensive insurance are preventing many organisations such as the Salvation Army from utilising volunteers. To get around this problem, such unpaid workers are now classified as “participants” in “programs”. This is all legal and testament to the over-regulation of community groups.


A soup kitchen man said 47 people arrived at his apartment building to apply for a one-bedroom flat costing $360 a week.


Peter from Black Forest and 5AA fame rented a space on the floor of his unit for ten-dollars a night. He also announced his marriage date to Omar at St Andrew’s Uniting Church at Glenelg for the 1st of December. It isn’t clear if Omar’s happy relatives will travel from the middle east to celebrate the joyous union.

Peter celebrated the announcement at Mary’s Kitchen last Tuesday by dousing another diner’s meal with fly spray.


When is this going to end...I want this to end,” muttered a soup kitchen man in the back of a vehicle.

Lifeline 131 114 (24 hours).


Beware of Dr Mike Bossley. Don’t get too friendly with this gentleman if you’re a dolphin and losing weight. The protector of dolphins killed two with a paralysing drug after they began losing weight from a kidney problem.

The good news is that fifty dolphins that live in the Port River have disappeared leaving the small fish near the Birkenhead and Jervois bridges to continue growing rather than being eaten by the aquatic mammals.


A soup kitchen volunteer worked as a doctor in Africa for twenty years. Volunteers at Mary’s kitchen at St Andrew’s church-at-the-sea come from accomplished backgrounds.

The diners at the church free lunch are also clever souls. Two did well buying painted wooden ducks from the Op Shop. One diner paid eight-dollars for a duck on a stand valued at $850 while another bought four smaller ones worth $350 each.


John Johnson from Mary’s Kitchen lost his wallet for about the fiftieth time last month. Yesterday he got new Medicare and Seniors’ cards in the post. He wanted to sing Danny Boy at Mary’s Kitchen last Tuesday, but the time wasn’t right.


Tanille Rogers at the Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh wears a Christian talisman to protect her from psychic demons. She needs this considering the numbers of zombies and Satanic followers who attend the Hub as clients.


A gem collector and a stock broker were two clients at a city free food service last week.


A free food diner moved away from me when I told him I had Covid. He’s had six injections of the Covid mRNA replacement that is supposed to protect him. You can’t reason with those on either side. We either don’t believe in the injections and don’t believe in the danger of Covid or on the other side fear getting Covid despite getting the injections.


Richard the Taxi driver who puts on a free BBQ at the beach now prints copies of the 37-page Adelaide Homeless Journal Free Food Guide that he gives to passengers who appear desperate.

Early 26 May 2024

Slackers at Osborne

The free Thursday lunch at Osborne Community Centre is an excellent service, but last Thursday they got their priorities mixed up. Instead of serving the usual lunch they gave us takeaway packs plus coffee in paper cups. This was because they had to rush off to a volunteer awards afternoon. They should have been awarded the “reduced service to attend an awards afternoon award.” They would have been surefire winners.

I hope they aren’t angry with me for writing this. Some joints push me out for criticism while others allow it. A subtle difference indicating different values.

Later that evening, the Fred’s Van organiser said they weren’t serving the main course at the Kilburn Community Centre due to “circ*mstances beyond our control”. Hmm, that’s sounds interesting. No one seemed too worried as they still served Wine Centre meat soup with pizza rolls and dessert. It was a nice quiet evening and no one had any harsh words because they provide such a good service. Like two weeks ago when the chef named Sandy cooked a separate non-meat soup when he discovered the Wine Centre was serving meat soup only. How do you beat that?

Meanwhile, Pastor Tanya cancelled this Monday’s lunch at the Blair Athol Church of Christ after a man went there to apologise to another for a fight they had two years ago. But then they had another fight.

Meanwhile, it’s business as usual at the Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh despite an attack on a homeless man last Saturday evening. People being punch up there is common as many clients are Anglicare sponsored prisoners recently released from the slammer or ex-prisoners about to go back.

Osborne Community Hall (Taperoo Stadium)
Free lunch Thursdays, 539 Victoria Rd, Osborne.12 noon. Buy Nothing quality food. They spend nothing on food and waste goes to compost. Vegetarian option. No added MSG or other contaminants. Healthy food. Good staff though one volunteer called me an ass****. No I.D. or registration required All workers unpaid. Pleasant building and staff with safe parking. Safe atmosphere. Raffle, but the prizes aren’t much good. Tablet Lady goes there, a survivor from the drug underworld.

Fred ’s Van Kilburn
Kilburn Community Centre, 59 Gladstone Avenue, Kilburn. 7:00pm every Thursday. Sometimes excellent meals with soup from The Wine Centre. Takeaway bags no good, but the shouting and yelling is worth the visit. Occasional fights. I.D. or registration not required. Good toilets, but lights makes your eyes appear red and your teeth yellow. Quality volunteers who rarely go off the deep end. Healthy Nola went there until a tumour killed her in six weeks.

Church of Christ Prospect
379 Prospect Road, Blair Athol (near the IGA) ph 8262 6263.

Monday 10:00am free morning tea with free lunch served between 1130am – 11:45am. Billiards.

Puddle Jumpers Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub
Brick building on grass near corner of Anne St. and Port Rd., Hindmarsh. Ph (08) 7071 5270. Free fruit, vegetables, bread, exotic groceries, hot coffee, hot foods, female sanitary products. Vegetables not much good. Free clothing rack. A few drug addicts. Theoretically open Monday to Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm and 5:00pm – 8:00pm. Saturday11:00am to 8:00pm. Sunday 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Subject to volunteer availability so unreliable.All free food services have stopped except for Hindmarsh & Mondays at Bagster Road, Salsibury. Shower truck scheduled Wednesday and Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm. 5:00pm to 8:00pm, but it’s not always there. Toilet at the Hub. Water tap outside of building. No I.D. or registration required so you can remain anonymous. Staff range from excellent to inappropriate for the job. Orange Sky Laundry 6:00pm – 8:00pm Fridays.

Early 25 May 2024

Tartaria mud flood

A strange video from Max Igan about Tartaria and the great mud flood that covered much of the world until recently. Max Igan is an Australian refugee in Mexico. You might find this video total garbage.

Early 25 May 2024

Utopia: superior British version

​Television series cancelled when the deep state realised it mimicked the Covid plandemic.

Utopia (Full Series) (

Early 25 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (22)

(above) There appears to be a savage purge of those camping between the lanes of Port Road at Hindmarsh. Tents and bedding rarely lasts more than a day or two. Sometimes there are ten campers in various positions. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

From the anonymous contact pagePaid 2500 to accommodation
And because his sister works there it was personal
Who knew I'd be barred and kicked out over what someone else had done.
Which limited us on where we can go
Carrying 6 bags full of items and waking up early after a night of crying and stressing
Sitting in a paddock for 4 hours trying and trying calling a multitude of places to no avail
At this point I wanted to give up. I'm over trying and not succeeding
I'm over the pain that continues to eat me alive
We finally found somewhere gawler caravan park Evanston... 750 later. And 160 bond. That will only last a week and no money to eat no food for weeks…
Also Anglicare closed our file as our worker had departed and went elsewhere without prior warning...death is inevitable at this point. Where are all my friends? I'm shattered.Anglicare destroyed us everyone has let us down and we have gone in circles
Now we are in the middle of nowhere where caravan parks and motels prey on vulnerable and people who have money well had being the operative word.
I'm incredibly sad the roller coaster I've had to deal with
And now my name is ruined / reputation because of something I did not do.
I'm betrayed.

Homeless woman in Adelaide

Second Editor: Only fools believe rumours so your reputation with them is inconsequential whether positive or negative.
Everything changes and you will emerge from your suffering wiser than before. But doesn’t the fear hurt.
Gawler Salvation Army are good for breakfast.

Early 24 May 2024

Something doesn’t make sense: Covid

The most recent weekly death count for Covid in South Australia was 27 deaths. This is similar to 2020 and 2021 when the government sacked employees for not getting the Covid injections. So if deaths are similar to before, then why has the government become so complacent? And why has the South Australian Department of Health suppressed the graph of weekly deaths from Covid going back to 2020? And why don’t they say whether last week’s 27 deaths were of people dying from Covid or dying with it? Or how many of those fatalities had the Covid injections and how many didn’t? Or how old were they? Ten years old or 93?

This government’s deception is breathtaking and no one in the medical profession in Adelaide has the integrity or courage to call them out.

Early 24 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

Woolies Glenelg dump all there high end ‘Godiva’ chocolate from Turkey - David Jones stock it quite expensive apparently foodbank won’t take it even foodbank have started to be picky with bread too that woolies can’t dump!!! Feast or famine Bourgeoise chocolate 🍫 isn’t a seller at woolies

Housing site 'dust bowl' sitting vacant at Seaton three years after homes announced - ABC News

Early 24 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

We appreciate the author(s) editor(s) of this site, especially for letting us give our side of homeless story, as any of these accounts could be our last testimony.

Always wanted to live in Adelaide but never expected to be killed or totally disadvantaged out of it.

Early 24 May 2024

On the Street Thursday

Why doesn’t South Australian Police Commissioner Grantly Stevens take action against drug dealers at homeless joints? They prey on newly homeless people. A homeless man says the police are “owned” by the United Nations. He didn’t explain why, but it seems the government is more concerned with people speeding while driving to work rather than stopping the crystal methamphetamine dealers. Come on, Grantly, don’t do a Chris Burns and pump out PR garbage when you could be frank and open.


The joy of water taps. Few people other than those living outside know the delight of using a functioning water tap such as the one outside the Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh. You’d think a big money homeless joint like the Hutt Street Centre would have a tap. They won’t because they can’t make money from it. Better to supply donated plastic bottles of water that require checking in and going onto the data base. Much better for generating statistics useful for apply for government grants.


Do you ever think about dying?” I asked the 77-year-old who edged away when I told him I had Covid. He slowly said that considering his age the subject did come up once in a while, then he talked about football.


The preacher at the Vietnamese charity meal at the Greek unOrthodox church at Renown Park said he’d forgotten to take meat from the freezer the previous night so there would be limited amounts for lunch. Next week would return to normal where anyone could grab as much as desired.


The Adelaide Zero Project CBD homeless count rose 219 to 234 from March to April 2024. The funny part is that they claim 1106 homeless people have been housed by the Adelaide Zero Project since 2018.

They lie. The Adelaide Zero Project plays no role except require homeless people agree to put all their person data on a computer accessible by hundreds of strangers working in other homeless joints.

If anything, Adelaide Zero Project reduces housing for homeless people by absorbing funding that should have been used for building flats and apartments.

Evil disguises itself with the pretence of benevolence.


Authorities took Jesse Fransca to a psychiatric ward last week. He’d been screaming day and night in the park below Bunnings at Modbury. He’ll be back whereupon the cycle will repeat itself.


Barely half the usual crowd attended Church-at-the-Sea at Glenelg for the Tuesday evening meal two weeks ago. The rest went to the Grill’d hamburger night in Rundle Street in the city.


John Swan’s aunt phoned a soup kitchen client last week. Swanee spent years providing a karaoke night at City Salvos.


A homeless man spent the weekend in Modbury Hospital after being bitten by a white-tailed spider. They frequent in the bushes and trees so if you get up to urinate during the night, getting bitten is quite possible.


There is a delay negotiating a free laundry service with Tea Tree Gully Salvation Army as the key Orange Sky employee is on holidays until June. The aim is putting a washing van either on the Corps property or near Civic Park.


A woman said her vision went blurry after getting a Covid shot some years ago. It never got better. A man at Outer Harbour said he lost one-third of sight in one eye after an injection. Doctors deny this.


A 78-year-old man recently homeless burnt his leg sitting next to a campfire despite his trousers not burning. He was recently bullied at a Salvo free food event so a retired stockman stared down the offender who ran into the Tea Tree Gully Corps office.


Something isn’t right with those city surveys of homeless people. They’re always portraying us as drug addicts and mentally ill. Sure, a large percentage of those in the Adelaide CBD are such, but in the rest of the city and state, we are relatively normal people.

The city surveys seem designed to create results that attract more government funding for the homeless industry bureaucrats who want more counselling and rehab at the expense of housing.

Early 23 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (23)

(above) Free excellent shower room at Ingle Farm Salvation Army Corps. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (24)

(above) The unfortunate 15-minute sign isn't enforced as it is difficult for a homeless person to complete a weekly clean and groom in that time. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (25)

(above) The receptionist doesn't collect personal data for shower use. You simply make the request and she points to the showers, no problems and no humiliation. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Enter: the Stinking Mutt

Well, these weren’t Mutts who bled into the grass dining area of the Chelsea Ireland joint on Monday at 1:00pm. They were six or eight desperadoes straight from the grass in front of Woke Anglicare Corporation or the Torrens River. Bristling for a bitter outburst. At least they weren’t like the psychotic gentleman on Saturday evening. He’s usually screaming that others are getting more than him, but tonight he took on a passive homeless man.This victim carried a fibreglass bag holding his clothing and little else. He was a blue-eyed white fella. The psychotic gentleman developed a grievance against him and followed him into the darkness, punching him in the head multiple times before the latter escaped, injured. Amazing how these thugs always target those who are weaker or who will not or cannot fight back. A lowly character. A typical Stinking Mutt.

But the staff on Saturday are about the best whether it’s Tanille Rogers or another older woman or that thin tall man with glasses. They like being there and like serving us. The family on Sundays are also excellent, but the evenings are simply too dangerous or if not dangerous then anxiety ridden. That’s why the more gentle clients have stopped going there.

Puddle Jumpers Western Food Hub
Brick building on grass near corner of Anne St. and Port Rd., Hindmarsh. Ph (08) 7071 5270. Sometimes rotten fruit, vegetables, bread, exotic groceries, hot coffee, hot foods, female sanitary products. Free clothing rack. A few drug addicts. Theoretically open Monday to Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm and 5:00pm – 8:00pm. Saturday 11:00am to 8:00pm. Sunday 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Subject to volunteer availability so unreliable. Shower truck Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00 am – 2:00pm then 5:00pm to 8:00pm, but it rarely turns up. Toilet. No I.D. or registration required so you can remain anonymous. Staff range from excellent to inappropriate for the job. Most are good. Special homeless bus runs from Hurtle Square to Food Hub and back every Monday. Orange Sky Laundry 6:00pm – 8:00pm Fridays. Shower truck sometimes Glenelg St Andrew’s Church Tues 11:30am – 2:00pm, but don’t expect it to be there.

Early 22 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (26)

(above) The Sewing Lady doing free mending for homeless people at the Chelsea Ireland Hindmarsh Food Hub. Her next scheduled visit is Tuesday 21 May from 10am to 12 noon. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Frank Pangalo not respectedFrom the anonymous contact pageDo you really think he took it? He qualified for an exemption because he is an elected official. Freaky frank made many stories as a junky journo about corrupt pharmaceuticals corrupt politicians, he knew the game when he advocated for armed checkpoints making sure you had taken your mRNA gene therapy, he trumped everyone in the evil nazi scientist stakes. He never said if we should be shot if we argued at one of his proposed armed checkpoints. However you don't send people armed and trained to kill if you're not going to do it? i think more possibly he used poor quality cocaine to long. The sh*t that cut cocaine with is notorious for dementia related issues ànd prostate/ kidney issues, with prolonged use.

He does have a really good nose for corruption and out corupted nearly all. He couldn't of been that stupid to take it, unless of course he misses his favourite thai or mannilla ************. The two types of people who were most vocal for vaxx passports were either paid to say it or had a sexual addiction they couldn't get relieved...if there's a third or more types, please let me know.

Late 21 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

Great site to discover REAL SAPOL esp. regarding police brutality to innocent victims DOGS


Second Editor: Well, they gave me a lift to Barmera at midnight when I was recently hitching in the area.

Late 21 May 2024

From the anonymous contact pagestate GOV library co*ke nail
cleanskin plagued by CRIMINALS SUCKURITY
thanks for freedom of information and anti-corruption advice
couple nites after this someone(s) came a rappin and a tappin near my slumber placedid not venture forth to see who it could be (am already sentenced to death by drug gangs for not interacting with them)
completely out of character for my usual slumber sleep
could it have been "marc" er narc tryin to get in my head, perhaps put on a con job ?and all this for me grabbing up a single solitary plastic bottle for emptying and recycle purpose (10 cents refund)also, what kind of cop would go from being highly paid police prosecutor to lowly mafia-associated Wilson Security captain ?bad cop ? why come across as being super cop to a humble lowlife like me just recycling a plastic bottle ?i am as a stranger in a strange land


Late 21 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (27)

(above) The traditional black fella intermittently makes a small fire of dry leaves to fill the air with a pleasant bouquet below hom*o Hill. He is a cultural heritage. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

Frank was quite frank about who he took money from when he called for passports for the Covid jab.

Poor Frank is only a little ( fat) fish in a big pond and appar

ently now has stage 4 cancer in the **** [prostate]. Looks like he got the mrna where many got the saline shot.

We will celebrate his passing.

From the StreetSecond Editor: Frank is a victim of his own beliefs. Belief in the Covid injections and a belief in chemotherapy and radiation. They might give him a year or two to make amends with his conscience.

Early 20 May 2024

From the anonymous contact pageI admire the bravery
I can't imagine the pain you had to endure (go through)
Covid is definitely not easy....
Glad you made it through that immense hell and pain.From a friend

Early 20 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

Homeless sitting is the new homeless smoking
Homeless lying is the new homeless dying

"Living a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous to your health. The less sitting or lying down you do during the day, the better your chances for living a healthy life.
If you stand or move around during the day, you have a lower risk of early death..."
Blah blah blah blah blah blah ... Blah blah blah blah blah blah ...

Early 20 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (28)

(above) Campfire on hom*o Hill in the Adelaide CBD South Parklands. Practically no one camping in this area retains their front teeth. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

​Wolfy was born in Germany and sadly saw the bad side of the Soviets. A few years ago the Russians were bad, now but he see's things differently. We catch up at a soup kitchen.
Wolfy is old and does uni degree after uni degree on the dole, living in share houses, using soup kitchens to survive.Wolfy went to politicians with detailed arguments about mandates and mRNA gene therapy. He was ignored. Wolfy stood in front of kids hospitals with signs. Wolfy was passionate because he saw things in East Germany he was seeing here. Wolfy didn't turn up this day, a Middle aged guy was there, looked like he had a rough night and experiencing the anxiety drunks get hungover. Along comes two Indians, we fort. These two young lads start having a conversation in their own language. On the same table as us. Then they put their hands in the air and click their fingers demanding service. Normally you just wait and they get to you with cordial.Hungover guy then lecturers them about being rude. The anxiety made it sound more agro than it was but never the less, uncomfortable it was. The shorter skinnier one who turns out to be doing masters of business management in uni, been in Australia 12 months from Nepal, ran to volunteers about the lecture he received from the professor of soup kitchen etiquette. B4 food was served ànd innocent me got food before anyone in the hall, head guy causally mentioned take your arguments outside, we want peaceful place for meal. Professor of etiquette eats and left.

Its not these two lads fault for what they were doing but what they doing is very wrong. One semester in Australia is worth the same as the whole degree in Nepal. The two lads were not poor and also had jobs, cash in hand convenience store work. I had a good chinwag, rat boy doing business management loves his cricket. Father one is doing mechanical engineering. They're both going home when they pass. Both said they're here for the experience.

They didn't have to take mrna gene therapy and many in their country avoided western covid shots like the plague because they know what the west is like. The West didn't let them down.

So a struggling Aussie who is hungry and traumatised, has his day ruined so uni executives can make huge amounts of money that directly effects the homeless crisis.


Second Editor: It might not be the case here, but if a stronger aggressor is simply threatening a weaker victim, then telling the diners to take their arguments outside is management abrogating their legal duty-of-care. Management would take such a complaint seriously especially if the victim said he or she wanted the matter dealt with, but kept private and confidential, that is, the aggressor wasn’t told of the specific complaint.

19 May 2024

Library patron stops co*ke ad

From the anonymous contact page

just got nailed for lifting an orphan solitary bottle of consumed co*kE from state library walk-in walk-out area. half drunk co*kE was propped getting free state GOV sponsored advertising for all traffic come and go.

SAGOV security contractor named "marc" or "mark" came up to me later and said my "crime" had been captured on security vision, i was guilty of theft and (unwittingly) i gave my details even though i should have only given these to police
readily gave "marc" or "mark" the co*kE since it just seemed to be a minor mistake and he stated he's a former police prosecutor.

Will SAPOL visit my campsite er homeless abode and place me in solitary ?
cleanskin plagued by CRIMINALS SUCKURITY.


Second Editor: Most likely nothing will come of it. Might be wise to see the Chief Librarian and complain about overreaction of staff. You might also ask to see any file notes made by the employee and if declined make a “Freedom of Information” Request for file notes and the video. Putting them to work tells them you’re not happy with the situation. You might even end the guard’s contract.

19 May 2024

El Salvador crime rate plummets

Governments use crackdowns against crime to restrict a myriad of civil liberties. The arrest of 75,000 actual and suspected criminals who are then denied trials and lawyers has gained approval from a large swathe of the El Salvador population. This is despite the new laws allowing nearly anyone to be taken away and put into a huge and inhumane prison.

19 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (29)

(above) Indigenous campers' tent on hom*o Hill in the Adelaide CBD parklands. Biting ants along with Council employees stealing tents and blankets are the problems. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Oz Nomad at the beach

​Another evening as winter comes on down at the beachside car park's, small children in car's, cold and hungry. I bought Chips, Butterfish and Soda's, the guy at the fish shop offered me a discount after my last post, I said "no thanks" just give me more. Once you could find "friends", corporate "friends" to go and give real and sensible help to those doing it HARD, now you need a degree in "Social Work" and an simply put a bite of good food in a person's mouth. 90% of fund's collected by "Hutt Street" goes to staff wages, vehicles and......."ongoing training" as well as group tours as well as "conventions", often overseas. I am thinking about how I can access funding to aid those "In Crisis" tonight. Any ideas regarding funding would be greatly appreciated.

So in the meantime I source aid,.... socks, thermal underwear and rain jacket's from caring individuals who own and run retail outlets, they give and it's from their bottom line, no ability to claim tax relief. I do the little that I do to see the smile's on tackers face's. The truth of homelessness is hidden, as we all know. Companies like "Webb Safety" and "Rossi's" are the true blue AUSSIE'S.

God Bless, Irish.
18 May 2024

Hindmarsh homeless blues

Phew,” a client exclaimed as he turned toward the fruit and vegetables inside the Chelsea Ireland free store at Hindmarsh. He waved his hands in front of his face as if staving off flies or a bad odour from the rotting food.

A miniature social work student partially blocked my access to the nearly empty free grocery shelves. The limit was two items for humans and one for animals. Why did she bother? There was the usual jars of aged Master Foods horseradish cream, dried peas, face masks and little else.

Outside, I drank coffee served by one of the no-longer smiling Asian social work students and men-hunters. The only time they smile and laugh is when they’re leaving and they no longer say goodbye to the Mutts hanging around.

A black African social worker arrived with a strained smile. Then a man wearing a suit and a woman with dyed hair, a leopard skin shirt and famine-proof thighs. The coordinator who had faced me with dull eyes ten minutes earlier greeted them with a glee she hides from the clients.

The two room building is small and crowded so they sat in the outdoor client area after she tipped food scraps off a table. She began a cheerful monologue to which the man in the suit curled his legs together as if they were snakes caught in raging flood water alongside a raised highway. The African social worker’s smile morphed into a sinister sneer as his right hand made lunging motions towards his phone each time pulling back from performing such a faux pas.

Meanwhile, I wrapped arms around my body in a Covid loneliness then across my face as blood gushed from my nose. I’d thought the Covid was the flu and took a blister card of cheap aspirin thinking the more the better resulting in ultra-thin blood. Covid makes you do strange things like hiding in a pubic toilet cubicle earlier that day and shouting, “Shut-up,” to everyone who walked in.

The coordinator and her guests drifted into the carpark while the social work students closed shop and laughingly walked past me. I went to my car and filled a water container from the outdoor tap while a crystal meth addict across the street raged and scratched his face.

Puddle Jumpers Western Food Hub
Brick building on grass near corner of Anne St. and Port Rd., Hindmarsh. Ph (08) 7071 5270. Sometimes rotten fruit, vegetables, bread, exotic groceries, hot coffee, hot foods, female sanitary products. Free clothing rack. A few drug addicts. Theoretically open Monday to Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm and 5:00pm – 8:00pm. Saturday 11:00am to 8:00pm. Sunday 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Subject to volunteer availability so unreliable. Shower truck Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00 am – 2:00pm then 5:00pm to 8:00pm, but it rarely turns up. Toilet. No I.D. or registration required so you can remain anonymous. Staff range from excellent to inappropriate for the job. Most are good. Special homeless bus runs from Hurtle Square to Food Hub and back every Monday. Orange Sky Laundry 6:00pm – 8:00pm Fridays. Shower truck sometimes Glenelg St Andrew’s Church Tues 11:30am – 2:00pm, but don’t expect it to be there.

18 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (30)

(above) When you live under trees and know something about technology, it's hard not to think these devices are being used for other purposes. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Oz nomad returns home

I recently met and spoke with Dave, "Good Heaven's Evans" and it was uplifting, it's been a decade or more since I could clearly understand David and what he said. I really appreciate the friends at Fred's in the City, almost a year since I last attended and William, Steve and Jessie saw me and gave Me a hug, many had thought that I had passed. Our Homeless Family.


Early 17 May 2024

Cries and whispers from the street

​“I refuse to degrade myself for imbeciles..
I'd rather stay humble and honest.
I will always have my morals
Even though I'm an absolute failure in life...
I will always stick to my values.
Hopefully my identity hasn't been figured out. 😅
You are the most trustworthy person around.”

The Whisperer

Early 17 May 2024

Must be accused of crime

The information given here re Orange Sky at The Arches doesn’t mention that the services are for residents only. Can it please be corrected.”The hard copy docs “free food Adelaide 2024” is correct and carries the note that the services are fir residents only.

Alan at Orange Sky

Second Editor: Done. Thank you for letting me know.
The Angliprison has built-in areas on each floor to allow installation of washers and driers. Why don’t they supply them and release resources for homeless people. And we’re looking forward to a van stationed at Modbury in the near future.

Early 17 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (31)

(above) Cruel is the new kind. Western Food Hub closed again without notice on Thursday. It's a miraculous service, but gut wrenching in its unreliable opening hours. There are now four homeless encampments within two-hundred metres of the Hub and Anglicare headquarters at Hindmarsh. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Meanwhile, in the south parklands

"Elderly man assaulted in Southern ParklandsPolice have identified a suspect after an assault that left an elderly man in hospital.Just after 9.30am Sunday 12 May, emergency services responded to reports of a fire at the South Terrace Parklands, Adelaide.Upon arrival fire crews located an injured man who had allegedly been assaulted. A suspect was seen running towards Hutt Street.Police patrols and dog operations arrived a short time later and commenced a search in the area. A patrol located photographic identification nearby fitting the description of the suspect.Investigations are now being made to locate the man.The victim, a 68-year-old man, was conveyed to hospital and is in a serious but stable condition."

Via The Rundle Spy

16 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

I returned to st. Andrews after having a break from the food joints!! > > Long & behold no lineup outside! > > Sat down to a decent soup & Shepards pie only to be told a harrowing story of the Greek mother & daughter who regular attended St. Andrews we’re going to the ATM one day & we’re held up by someone wielding a knife!! I’d hate to think ppl are watching & following ppl out of the church food joints….. Pretty dismal. Hopefully st. Judes at Brighton is more accomodating 2mrw haven’t been back since last November!! Got asked too many questions [at St Jude’s] from the local ‘welcoming party’ seriously - it’s like one fella asked was I in trouble with the police hence why I go to soup kitchens. Well mate jobseeker don’t feed me properly anyway.


16 May 2024

Russian Hall free food Norwood

We lined up in front of the Russian Hall across from the Clayton Uniting Church. Someone had vomited on the front step. A church worker opened the door early and said the Oz Harvest truck was late and would anyone like a chair brought outside. Stupid me kept quiet despite gasping for breath from flu and aged related illnesses. (More self-pity.)I was hoping the hall would be more Russian. There was a mural on the wall of three medieval warriors on horses. The church people weren’t Russian. They’re from City Light church, another one of those new churches that use halls and gyms rather than empty traditional Christian churches. Certain clients were a little pushy when they let us in. On offer were frozen sausages and chicken, tampons, fruit, vegetables, decent bread, soft drinks and tiny pouches of nice cheese. They didn’t ask for names, I.D. or anything indicating they were simply giving it away. They probably have to pay the Russians to use the hall and even pay Oz Harvest or Hands and Feet for delivery, the latter being the organisers of such deliveries to about ten distribution points in Adelaide.

One preacher said Hands and Feet charge churches three-dollars for each client. So far, I’ve discovered only Gateway Baptist at Albert Park pass on this charge to clients. The others absorb the costs from donations. But Gateway has an excellent free lunch every Friday.

City Light East Norwood
In the Russian Hall, corner of Portrush Road and The Parade, Norwood. Ph 0401 691 321. 2:00pm Mondays. Free vegetables, fruit, bread. No I.D. required. Arrive early for best stuff.

16 May 2024

City Reach Marion free food

The church is based on the grounds of a private school. Despite being an old hand at social debasem*nt, I still felt the intense humiliation of lining up for old charity food while the children of wealthy Asian, Indian and European descended parents walked into the school. However, neither group looked at each other. Having the flu didn’t help. It was the first bout in three years after it had being replaced by three lots of Covid. Flu is more painful and do men suffer more than women. And where do homeless people go when they are sick? They can’t stay home. Anyway, enough of self-pity.There were less than twenty lined up as the doors open. A welcoming church man encouraged us to register our first names for their records and somewhat naively suggested we might like to make a donation. There wasn’t an easily visible donation tin. The vegetables were the usual supermarket throwaways with a life expectancy between twelve hours and five days. They also offered flowers, frozen meat, chocolate and some groceries, but you only got one grocery item. If you took something of everything you might get more than a bulging shopping bag or maybe two. Half the clients were Indians and Asians of a poorer class than the parents of the students at the school. The rest could be identified by their dull clothing and normal coloured hair or the odd woman having splurged on 1970’s colourful clothing and accessories. Everyone was friendly and decent. And they don’t require I.D. or your correct name. It’s all anonymous, which means they’re not predators throwing a few scraps on tables in order to collect data.

City Reach Church Marion
Corner Sturt and Marion Roads, entrance off Sturt Road, Marion. 0410 579 585. Connect to Sunrise School. Fridays 8:30am. Free. They ask for a donation, but no one takes that radical idea seriously. Bread, vegetables, fruit and a few groceries. No I.D. required, but they ask that you enter your first name on a list.

16 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (32)

(above) The problem Bill Shorten faces is that the N.D.I.S. is an immigration Ponzi scheme designed to facilitate and attract immigrants. To be this, it was designed to be rorted at every level. No amount of fine tuning will fix it. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (33)

(above) The disabled were sacrificed to facilitate increased immigration from people who demanded jobs upon landing in Australia. The many levels of bureaucracy provided these jobs, but reduced actual services provided to disabled people. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

Is pas forgione really that bad?
He said he's going to contact us tomorrow and we get a voucher for talking to him.Anonymous

Second Editor: He's okay, but he's a political operative so nothing he says is quite how he is or acts.

15 May 2024

The Colonel
​and the suspect school teacher

Surveys performed by the Homeless Industry usual refer to those living in the Adelaide CBD as drug addicts, mentally ill and Aboriginal.

Apart from the offended black fellas wondering why they’re equated with the former two risk factors, the surveys are relatively accurate in that the addicts are the main clients at the city homeless joints.

As to being mentally ill, nearly every human condition is classed by medical and corporate authorities as a mental illness treatable by drugs. Being homeless usually involves a feeling of desperation and shock. That’s not a mental illness. That’s a natural reaction.

But the Homeless Industry needs these criteria of treatable “illnesses” to fuel the budgets of salaried and waged employees. This drains money from the housing construction budget, which isn’t a concern to the homeless industry as too much housing may reduce the number of those living outside and the homeless industry’s reason for existing.

Just picture in your mind all those office buildings and fleets of cars to service homeless people. Who benefits and what would happen if there was adequate housing for everyone?

That’s where the diagnosis of mental illness in the underclass provides a reliable cash flow. It aids the transfer of money from house construction as it produces a strong flow of desperate homeless people to be interview, analysed and monitored.

The homeless industry is dysfunctional and parasitical, but none of the so-called leaders in it has the guts to speak out. Certainly not that dodgy ex-school teacher, Rohan Feegrade, from Towards Home. He went on an international study tour as did Ian Cox. What for? No good reason although we have to admit Rohan is a snappy dresser. Maybe he needed some new shirts.

Or Colonel Burns from the Hutt Street Centre. He’s spent his life following orders and isn’t going to change now. But he’s good at walking up and down Hutt Street while carrying blankets for the camera.

Adelaide’s homeless industry is fueled by the suffering of others and to maintain industry salaries, it requires a constant influx of new homeless people. This is done by putting people into short-term housing so they become homeless again. Or by homeless people moving from city to city, town to town and thus making it appear they’re brand new homeless people.

Early 13 May 2024

SACOSS attemptsrelevancy

Good old Pas Forgione is up to his old tricks. His latest gig with the South Australian Council of Social Services (SACOSS) involves conducting a survey of people having trouble paying for food and other bills. SACOSS recently sought participants for a seminar on the difficulties some have meeting the increased cost of living. SACOSS paid for travel expenses and time via supermarket gift cards.But they didn’t want one homeless man who responded to a flyer posted at a free lunch joint. The man said he hadn’t any problems meeting everyday expenses because he gets the Aged Pension and lives in his car. Pas politely wished him the best and said goodbye. A loose cannon at the seminar would have distorted the intended result that people are not meeting their everyday expenses and need more welfare money – or simply more money.

But suppressing uncomfortable adaptations to poverty is what chases most underclass people away from political groups. Most homeless people are unsophisticated and despise advocacy groups and are unable to adopt imposed beliefs.

However, all is not lost. Pas and SACOSS could gain relevancy by using recordings of such seminars for the treatment of insomnia.

Early 12 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (34)

(above) An old cheap caravan is an option for some homeless people. You park it anywhere and move if challenged by authorities. This location near the Girl Guides Squadron at Taperoo is particularly fraught due to a girl being murdered in the toilets twenty years ago and perverted doggers occupying the carpark at night. This camper is normal. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Four new free food joints

Charles Campbell Gym Paradise

​3 Campbell Road, Paradise. Ph 0432 185 190. Sundays. Fortnightly.Trinity church uses the gym until 11:00am then they serve free vegetables, fruit, bread and non-perishables at 11:15am. No I.D. or registration required.

City Reach Church Marion
Corner Sturt and Marion Roads, entrance off Sturt Road, Marion. 0410 579 585. Connect to Sunrise School. Fridays 8:30am. Free. They ask for a donation, but no one takes that radical idea serious. Bread, vegetables, fruit and a few groceries. No I.D. required, but they ask that you enter your first name on a list.

City Light East Norwood
In the Russian Hall, corner of Portrush Road and The Parade, Norwood. Ph 0401 691 321. 2:00pm Mondays. Free vegetables, fruit, bread. No I.D. required. Arrive early for first service.

City Reach West at Hindmarsh
62 Orsmond St., Hindmarsh. Thursdays 11:00am. Free hampers. No I.D. required.Reviews coming soon.11 May 2024

Anglicare Corporation

From the anonymous contact page

“Shame to Anglicare closing my file.. homeless connect said they shouldn't have closed it because you've been keeping in contact. Yet Anglicare said they would keep in touch..and after numerous attempts to message him all wiped away.
As soon as i stated suffering and needing something to eat
His attitude surely had changed.
2 months of trying to contact him he would not respond to any form of communication cheers Anglicare cheers.”


Second Editor: Anglicare will rent housing providing you present letters from doctors and psychiatrists saying you are defective. And that you want psychiatric and medical treatment that will make you fat and dull. And you want to join the N.D.I.S.

By keeping your self-respect, you’ve put yourself at a disadvantage to those seeking rental housing who will degrade themselves.

The most sinister aspect of Anglicare is what they want done to you once you’ve degraded yourselves.

P.S. They have ten vacancies for housing each week.

11 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

" So I turned up at for the Omega Fire Ministries 3:30pm opening time upon which the two occupants turned off the lights, pulled down the roller door and drove off in a car. Not a single client arrived over the next half hour."yep, dats ****** fer ya. juz be glad ya weren't greeted by gang with gang mentality (more dangerous than Bon****).

11 May 2024

And then you go
​and say something like…

Once again the roving Fred’s Van crowd appears to be colonising another free food venue, in this case, the Vietnamese service at Renown Park on Saturdays. Do they know what sort of mongrels they’ve unleashed?

Elderly Greeks barbecue sausages and other meat at the back of the Greek unorthodox Evangelical church. One of them says he owns the building. Inside Indians and Vietnamese prepare an excellent fresh salad, but nearly everything else includes animal products including chicken stock in the rice. They serve warm co*ke and Pepsi, but rarely coffee perhaps not realising we’re a coffee culture. They don’t collect personal data, but the event is spoiled by a sign that says they make take video images of diners to put on Facebook and Instagram. You can tell them if you don’t want hour image used. Oh, sure. And why do they do that?The preacher gives a small religious talk while a teenage girl sings a Jesus song to the glee of a throng of overweight older men who don’t appear very religious. Others play indoor badminton and table tennis. The billiard table doesn’t include a full set of balls and the cues are mashed at the ends. Some players slap the balls back and forth with the thick ends of the cues. The men’s toilets are excellent, but women aren’t impressed with those reserved for them. I used them, but couldn’t close the door properly. And I got some strange looks.Two new diners last week pledged to be involved with the free service, but never turned up on the day. While the event runs from 10:00am to 12:00 noon, the meal begins at 11:30am followed by an uncivilised grab for free takeaway vegetables and bread. Despite this, the mood of the room is calm and friendly for the whole two hours.

Renown Park Saturday lunch and takeaway vegetables
The Adelaide Mizo/Hope Grace Greek church at 59 Tait Street, Renown Park. Free meal Saturday 11:00am. Coffee from 10am to 12:00 noon. Free vegetables and bread takeaway. Indoor badminton ping pong table without a net. Billiards. Operated by Vietnamese with a Burma pastor using a Greek non-orthodox church. Everyone welcome especially homeless. White fellas welcome. They don’t collect personal information for the Eternal Shame File. Entry and parking back of church.

9 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

I think quiet people who chew slowly are quite respectable people...
They have manners. :)
And would rather enjoy their food instead of rushing it.

9 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

thanks for

do not resuscitate DNR permissions WARNING

forewarned is forearmed

see Soylent Green

9 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (35)

(above) The Playford Corps of the Salvation Army at Elizabeth East have sealed their donation bin due to dumping and scavenging. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (36)

(above) What made the donation business become so vicious? Is it junk dumpers from a junk addicted society or amoral scavengers? (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (37)

(above) How does the Playford Council have authority to issue fines to people leaving donations or junk on Salvation Army property? A homeless couple was fined over $200 earlier this year for throwing donations over the fence. They thought they were doing something decent. They paid the fine. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (38)

(above) The State of Niger brings Christianity to Adelaide. And they offer free food to the needy. That's nice of them. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (39)

(above) Omega Fie Ministries operate from a unit in an industrial estate at 2H/18 Beaufield Road, Para Hills. The business on the left doesn't even have doors. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (40)

(above) So I turned up at for the Omega Fire Ministries 3:30pm opening time upon which the two occupants turned off the lights, pulled down the roller door and drove off in a car. Not a single client arrived over the next half hour. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Cries and whispers

They opened the doors at 5:30pm allowing guests to drink coffee and relax before the meal was served at 6:00pm. Becky was missing after falling and damaging her back. Her friend Peter has also stayed away during her recovery. The meal included soup and a heavy ravioli dish with a vegetarian option plus a fresh salad that did not include rotting vegetables. Salt and pepper shakers were on most tables, but not all. But at least they were full unlike Fred’s Van Kilburn where they put empty shakers on the tables. An older couple offered me a place to park in their huge backyard if the fear factor of being homeless became too much. I thanked them, but am in for the long haul.The toilets are a problem at the Institute building. They exist, but are difficult to reach as the main foyer is blocked off during our presence to discourage drug addicts from slopping food on the floor and injecting drugs. This doesn’t include most of the addicts who are quite normal. Some people handle drugs well and slowly die with dignity. One diner said he’s giving up drugs and returning to his old life, “I’m going to become an alcoholic,” he said. Some people retain their dignity in challenging circ*mstances. Most diners this evening were physically ill from diabetes, the effects of prescribed medications, car crashes and beatinghs, congenital problems and the stresses of living outside. Old Val said she didn’t want to return home because she had no one to return home to. She wanders the streets alone in the evenings despite Salisbury being arguably the most dangerous suburb in Greater Adelaide. A young homeless couple said they didn’t want to return to their campsite.No one stayed around after the meal for more than a few minutes. After we left, two homeless people returned and laid their blankets under a tree back of a commercial building.The volunteers left in two groups. They work hard for a few hours not just preparing the food, but dealing with the intense psychological states of three dozen desperadoes. You never know when someone will explode.Later that evening on John Street, a man lying in a swag said a surgeon wants to remove one-third of his liver. He’s had part of his intestine removed and is pre-cancerous in other parts of his body. He listed his illness including being “institutionalised”. He said he hates living in houses and wants to return to prison. He said he only stayed alive to bring up his children.

Fred’s Van Salisbury
Salisbury Institute building, 17 Wiltshire St, Salisbury (next to PBA-FM radio station).
Sundays 5:30pm. Free quality meal served inside an historic hall. High quality volunteers who ensure each person is served. Meal slightly rushed. No I.D. required. Huge government cameras in foyer and dining room.Often a pleasant dining experience. Excellent drug addicts. Tampons available in men’s toilets. Occasional screaming and yelling. Visiting tribal alcoholics.

Early 7 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

"I read your journal and find it the best collected resource for all things homeless. I live in the Adelaide parklands atm."

Name and email supplied.Second Editor: Thank you. That is praise indeed from someone in the parklands. Early 7 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (41)

(above) Locked tap to prevent homeless people using the water outside Girl Guides hall at Snowdon's Beach, Taperoo. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

Beware of ‘do not resuscitate” forms

Beware of welfare workers brandishing ‘do not resuscitate” forms. They’re also known as DNR permissions. This means the hospital may withdraw medical support if you lose consciousness.

But according to England’s once-famous doctor, Dr Vernon Coleman, they’re a back door permission allowing medical authorities to euthanase old and disabled people in a controlled procedure allowing them to harvest their organs.

Welfare workers may trick distressed and ill patients and residents of nursing homes into signing DNR withdrawal of treatment documents. Barkuma Peter, the man who went to various homeless soup kitchens in Elizabeth and Salisbury was asked to agree to a DNR status despite being nearly deaf and at an advanced stage of dementia. He wasn’t in a position to give informed consent.

According to Dr Coleman, once feted by the British Broadcasting Corporation for his medical opinions, the “do not resuscitate” agreements are part of the euthanasia campaign to reduce the population, especially of old people.

So if you’re homeless, think very carefully before giving permission. And don’t tell any welfare worker, nurse or doctor that you feel sad and hopeless due to homelessness. They may lure you into the Guardianship Board where an appointed Guardian is able to sign a “do not resuscitate” document on your behalf.

You may laugh at this, but not when they march up to your bedside.
Early 6 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (42)

(above) No one should dump toxic liquids on public land especially that used by homeless people at Gilles Plains. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, May 2024.)

On the Street

Aver Plan Managers told the homeless N.D.I.S. man that his purchases of lithium batteries, generators and designer camping equipment was outrageous as was his behaviour. So he told them he needs more money spent on someone who can help improve his behaviour.

He says he needs five extra powerful generators and five $900 lithium batteries. These will be reserve power to prevent his medications warming up in his fridge in the event of a mains electricity blackout.

The good news as this N.D.I.S. homeless man has found accommodation. He’s signed up for Medical Electricity. This means the company can’t turn off his electricity under any circ*mstances, even if he refuses to pay the bills. He uses so much power that his new suppliers gave him a $120 Woolworths card for becoming their customer. Little did they know that he never pays electricity bills. His outstanding bill from his previous electricity supplier is $80,000. Bad luck Bank of China.


A woman at a free food joint told me that a man who speaks quietly and eats slowly is no good. She added that, I’ve had a couple of men like that. You eat a meal and they take another half hour while you’re sitting there. My mother said if a man doesn’t have a hearty appetite, “f*** him off.”

While I was eating slowly she added, “You speak quietly.”

Second Editor


A long term homeless man noticed old white men going in and out of a student accommodation apartment building. They cheerfully told him they failed their four-hours-a-week university entry courses many times.


The government pays for their education via H.E.C.S. and they get rental apartments in special buildings reserved for students. The homeless man later discovered there are over a hundred empty apartments each in three of these buildings at Modbury, Rundle Mall and Flinders University.


Shannon and Fast Talking Johnny caused a stir at Fred’s Van in Gawler Place. They put their hands down each others pants and then…Fred’s Vans staff and others couldn’t believe what they were seeing.


An ex-policeman told Shannon and Horse Trader Steve to stop arguing at the Pilgrim Church on Sunday.


Gestapo tactics that’s so inhumane So they police all the toiletries being given out to homeless but hutt st [Hutt Street Centre] turnover is millions???!!! For whom I ask the CEO Then I was told they won’t let homeless ppl heat up their meals in the microwaves in the kitchen at hutt st [centre]?”

From the anonymous contact page


Golfer Greg Norman donated boxes of food to Puddle Jumpers last month.


The Western Food Hub was scheduled to remain closed on Anzac day last week. Tanille Rogers decided otherwise. She said homeless people still have to eat on public holidays so she cooked an extra large pot of stew and opened the joint at 10:00am. She is arguably the best quality worker at the Hub.

Early 5 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (43)

(above) Two years after the fire, this apartment in the Gloucester HousingSA Apartments on Yorketown Road at Elizabeth remains unrepaired and vacant while others live on the other side of he wall.

The Sewing Lady

From the anonymous contact page

"Sewing Lady was at the Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh this morning to mend clothing of homeless people. She mended a ripped pocket and shortened another pair of trousers for me. She charges nothing"Angel Lady"there are those among us by day
who are really the Angels of the night..."

Early 4 May 2024

Heart and Soul WingfieldFrom the anonymous contact pageOngoing discussion about the quality of food they deliver.
Many say it's beyond usable.If these comments are made of a H&S page I guarantee the comments are deleted.They simply want to hide the truth.
Poor people deserve to know what they are spending their $15 delivery fee on.

Early 4 May 2024

Western Food Hub Hindmarsh

From the anonymous contact page

Puddle Jumpers Western food hub is a great service.
I do not use it now because of the rough clients that hang out there.
They are unpredictable and not being young anymore they quite frankly scare me.
Early 4 May 2024

Good idea

From the anonymous contact page

That mental health team will think twice about trespassing and leaving note's on backdoors, if people stuck up for each other ànd all rang the number pretending the note was left on there door, give an address to the local dump or sex shop. This way the worker or worker's will be held accountable, because we stuck together ànd male a fuss about these power trippers.”

Early 4 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page"No overt drug junkies amongst the clientele"
wat about COVERT drug munkies ?
munky junky, munky junky, munky junky ...
junky munky, junky munky, junky munky ...
(sing song)

Early 4 May 2024

Anglicare Corporation

From the anonymous contact page

"evicting a 70-year-old disabled man with a heart condition into homelessness"

shame Anglickins shame
blame Anglickins blame
i avoid Kathedrals especially Anglickins Kathedrals
no Kattakism bologni Mafioso macaroni
fashus... fashus... communus!


Editor: He’s 72 now and has an aorta valve heart condition. Still living outside. He could have been a drug addict and gone to the Hutt Street Centre: nearly instant housing and psychic bar coding.

All is fair in love and war, eh?

Early 4 May 2024

From the anonymous contact page

SAGOV Flinders Street HSA SAHA front waiting room lack of phone


sure enough, theres a brand spankin new phone valued at OVER $700 plopped on the Flinders Street HSA SAHA customer service counter and just waitin to be pinched by the typical narcotics tenant thanks to speedy (nobrainer) GOV response.


no wonder theres less and less resources to help the homeless when extravagant amounts of resources are purchased to ensure that homeless victims are not helped while Terminator Technology companies reap plenty Gold.

Early 4 May 2024

Strange forest fires and innocent people attacked and killed three times
Early 4 May 2024

A difficult video from Amazing Polly about Covid dissidents
Early 4 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (44)

(above) House on Tregenza Avenue, Elizabeth South still empty 16 months after old man evicted into homelessness. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (45)

(above) HousingSA spared no expense renovating the house for the next tenant, but then left it empty. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (46)

(above) The previous tenant had been homeless for nine years when HousingSA rented him this house with a nice backyard. Then after ten years of tenancy, they evicted him back into homelessness. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (47)

(above) The taps hadn't been working for years so the low-intellect tenant stopped washing. The renovations include a new hot water heater, but the old tenant won't be returning. He found a new girlfriend and they are living happily together in her house. His eviction was a blessing in disguise. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (48)

(above) When HousingSA renovated houses remain empty, copper thieves sneak in and steal the pipes. No worries, HousingSA replaces them. It's just government money. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Baptists miss date with Jesus?

Well, this is a bit of an exaggeration. What Gateway Baptist church missed was their only client from their previous appearance with the free coffee trailer at the Uniting Church at Alberton. That was me three weeks ago. And just one client despite a Baptist preacher walking up and down the street asking people to join them for a toasted sandwich and free coffee. Not one taker. Three weeks ago, they said they’d be absent for two weeks then return this past Thursday at 5:30pm. They didn’t return. And when I was at the Gateway Church at Albert Park on Friday, the junior preacher remonstrated with me about what he saw as a negative review of their service when they did turn up. At least he didn’t say, “Beggars can’t be choosers.” However, I don’t want to become too strident unless I end up like that small muscular man marched out of the church earlier today. He was the enthusiastic fellow that did the sausages on the BBQ outside. Anyway, that was short-lived and he was followed out the front door by the Sydney Swans ex-player preacher and the junior preacher. What it was about, I don’t know. Meanwhile, back to the subject of the coffee trailer, it is cruel telling homeless people to arrive at a certain time for a certain service – in this case, coffee – then not turn up. It’s a negative service that detracts from their usually good and selfless service.

That’s what makes Fred’s Van in the city the best in Adelaide for loyalty to clients. They’re open 364 days a year without fail.

Alberton free coffee and toasty trailer
Gateway Baptist free coffee trailer in the Uniting Church carpark
Cnr. Station Place and Torrens Road, Alberton. Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm, but not during school holidays. Free barista coffee and toasted sandwiches. No I.D. required. No data collection. Ph Gateway Baptist on 0481 952 066 to confirm.

Late 3 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (49)

(above) Looking for the places only they would know. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

N.D.I.S. Friends with benefits: uh, oh.

A National Disability Insurance Scheme client said his Carer suggested he’d be lonely in the two bedroom unit he’d recently moved into. She suggested he join a group designed to sexually link N.D.I.S. clients together so they can vacant one rental property and both live in the other one.

The program starts with a disability disco evening. First, they go to Fasta Pasta with their Carers – no free meal – then move onto the Grenville Hub next to the Elizabeth Civic Centre for the disco. Entry is seven-dollars with food and drinks extra. This is where Craig from Hillcrest took Tegan to dances. He did it for years and appeared on Peter Goers radio program until one evening Peter announced that Tegan was a wooden statue and implied that Craig was deluded. Craig rarely appeared on the program after that.

Meanwhile, the winners of this program are the N.D.I.S. contractors. They’re paid $166 an hour on Saturday evenings and this includes partial hours, even ten minutes being charged as an hour. The Carers get less than half this amount.

And so the unsustainable insanity continues.

Late 1 May 2024

Australian Homeless News (50)

(above) They require a Centrelink card or a good story. Interesting small amounts of groceries both good and stale. No overt drug junkies amongst the clientele. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Antarctic surgeon trapped in nursing home

The story is that lawyer and qualified nurse Lorelei Edwardes and her three brothers went to court to replace the Public Trustee as Guardian for their father. He’s retired Antarctic surgeon David Edwardes of Waterfall Gully in Adelaide. His children wanted Duncan McKenzie to replace the Trustee. Duncan is an Antarctic colleague of David.

Lorelei wanted to bring David home from the expensive Burnside Regis Aged Care centre where his estate was being absorbed by fees and charges. David also wanted to return home.

David’s children beat the Public Trustee in court, but it cost $66,000 in lawyer’s fees. Then their chosen Guardian, Duncan, proved not as keen to return David home as they’d thought.

The story is that both Duncan and David served in Antarctica and upon returning to Australia, Duncan made up for lost time by seeking out every woman he could get his hands on. After that he married a rich and devout Catholic woman.

But Duncan discovered that David wasn’t senile and hadn’t forgotten his flamboyant days. He feared David would blurt out this past history and he might find himself divorced both from his wife and his lavish lifestyle.

It seems an unlikely story, but Duncan wanted to isolate David at Regis Burnside Aged Care Home so he and the three sons grabbed his phone and any other means by which David could communicate with the outside world. David’s three sons were keen on keeping him trapped in the nursing home so they told Regis staff not to let anyone else visit their father.

Two sons have been successful in life while the third did jail time. Their greed so disgusted David that he wrote them out of his Will. But the sons are hoping the new Will hasn’t been executed properly so they can still get hold of his money once he’s gone. In the meantime, they want to sell David’s house at Waterfall Gully.

Another friend of David says he’s defecating in his bed for fear of the overhead crane again collapsing and again injuring him. The friend added that while David defecates in his pants, he is mentally coherent and capable of directing his own affairs.

David’s daughter Lorelei is so distraught she’s telling anyone and everyone the story. She’s put displays in his home saying, “Welcome home.” The battle continues and the story rebounds across multiple free soup kitchens for the homeless.

30 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (51)

(above) While doing their usual sad story routine about rents being too high for pensioners, Anglicare doesn't mention they knocked down 16 good retirement units then left the land empty at Atlanta Street, Elizabeth East. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (52)

(above) Anglicare removed the Anglicare signs from the land left vacant in Elizabeth East after they knocked down 16 units left in trust to them for elderly people. They didn't remove the signs for shame, no, it was to avoid bad publicity for what they've done including evicting a 70-year-old disabled man with a heart condition into homelessness. No shame in that. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

What’s your story, eh?

Aren’t welfare employees behaving ignorantly when they walk up to a homeless person and say, “What’s your story.”

They’ll do it amongst a crowded waiting or dining room. And most homeless people will trot out a sad tale that the welfare employee will hear for about sixty seconds then mid-sentence of you speaking will drift off to another person.

They consciously don’t know what they’re doing, but they become hostile if you hint that a housing shortage exists partly because construction money is being extracted for their salaries and for them to buy their own houses.

Another way of countering this is by giving a superficial answer then asking them, “What’s your story?” and slowly sneer at them as they speak. But don’t do it to decent welfare workers.

29 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (53)

(above) Government mental health workers from Salisbury left this message on the front and back doors of the house of a recent patient in a psychiatric unit. When the patient phoned the number, the receptionist said, "We haven't got time for this," and hung up the phone. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

There’s a fraction too much friction

The yelling outside the Institute hall was loud enough to be heard back of the Salisbury police station. A patrol car raced from the locked compound towards the hall, but went somewhere else. The scene was set for an interesting Fred’s Van meal this evening.

Outside the hall, a young woman drinking liquor stood close to me talking about her linage including a white grandfather and another ancestor from Fiji. Her homelands were near Laverton, north of Kalgoorlie. We smiled nicely at each other until I told her I visited the area frequently. She said white men stepping foot on Aboriginal land without permission were to be killed. She stopped smiling. Her arms kept jerking as if she was going to punch me in the face, but changed her mind at the last moment.

The angry tribal mob screamed abuse at a few white folk waiting for the Institute doors to open. One person described as a man-woman screamed in the most fearful manner as she rushed some white women from Ceduna.

She punched the mother of Corine in the heart. The old girl faltered as she couldn’t breathe. An ambulance arrived and tested her for half an hour then released her so she could light up a smoke. She said she took the punch meant for her daughter.

Inside the hall, an old Fred’s Van volunteer yelled at everyone that the meal was cancelled and we should leave. No one left.

A police officer arrived and told the drinkers to leave. They were served the meal outside then quickly moved to another area of the town centre.

Inside the hall, the man whose legs were run over by a car said he couldn’t breathe properly either so he was going home to his back yard shed from where he would call an ambulance. He said if you went to the hospital on your own, they wouldn’t treat you. He said he doesn’t use the medical service much, but when he does he abuses it. He’d only called the ambulance four times this year. He wasn’t insured, but said that didn’t matter as he wasn’t going to pay anyway.

Meanwhile, Becky is in hospital with problems with her upper spine after falling to the ground. Only her family are allowed to visit her. She’s about 75 and in precarious health. People come to the homeless scene to die. And another woman’s Vietnamese doctor yelled at her for drinking too much fluid. Her legs are bloated and show signs of gangrene. She’s the one who sends money to online boyfriends she’s never met, but abuse her anyway.

It was a horrible evening. When you live outside, you don’t need excitement, this life is already too exciting.

Fred’s Van Salisbury
Salisbury Institute building, 17 Wiltshire St, Salisbury (next to PBA-FM radio station).
Sundays 5:30pm. Free quality meal served inside an historic hall. High quality volunteers who ensure each person is served. Meal slightly rushed. No I.D. required. Huge government cameras in foyer and dining room.Often a pleasant dining experience. Excellent drug addicts. Tampons available in men’s toilets. Occasional screaming and yelling. Visiting tribal alcoholics.
Late 28 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (54)

(above) There has been an influx of substance addicted people moving into Glenelg. They have to live somewhere after being pushed out of the Adelaide CBD to meet the Adelaide Zero Project objectives. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Free gift cards, groceries, blankets, money, and prescriptions

Have a detailed story backed by receipts showing that your income has been allocated for that fortnight. Good stories are better than the truth, but self-corrupting. Try to be honest. Most joints are funded by government so you’re not robbing generous donors, but don’t be greedy.

Most places allow two or three visits a year. Most don’t share information with each other, but some do and remember that nearly everything you say will eventually end up on the Eternal Shame File. Go along with their concept of “emergency assistance”. Each place is different so expect to make many phone calls.

They may require I.D., a Centrelink statement and receipts for that fortnight. Best you take a Centrelink printout and don’t give them access to your electronic file. Cross out sections on their application that gives them the right to collect and share information about you. If they insist, qualify it by writing a limitation on the form. Feel free to explain that you’re asking for help, but not giving them access to your private life and that while they’re decent people, not everyone else may be.

Workers in some joints become angry when asked about privacy because behind their smiles they know they’re betraying you. If they offer you nothing, thank them for their time and leave slowly. Don’t get upset like an amateur or baby-adult.

Care Works (Church of Christ)

114 Henley Beach Road, Torrensville, Adelaide, Emergency Relief (08) 8234 5828

Lutheran Welfare

309-311 Prospect Rd, Blair Athol
Shop 7/8, 109-111 Murray Street (enter via MacDonnell Street), Tanunda

Anglicare Corporation

Adelaide, 82 Gilbert St, Adelaide. Phone 1800 571 097
Elizabeth shopping centre, The Clock Tower, Playford Blvd,
Ph 1800 061 551

Christies Beach, 111 Beach Rd, Christies Beach. Ph 1800 748 149
Woodville, Ph 1800 571 097
Wallaroo, Corner Hughes Street and Church Street, Wallaroo, Ph 0417 158 392
Whyalla. Phone 0417 788 915

Salvation Army
Hotline (08) 8130 6188
This is the coldest hotline in welfare history. Very hard to get through. You apply by phone then pick up whatever they’re offering from the Corps of your choice.

St Vincent de Paul Society (Catholic)
Phone 1300 729 202. Very nice, but they can get a little snarly at times.

Uniting Care (Uniting Church)
Uniting Care are operated by professionals, amateurs, kindly people and psychopaths, the latter quite approachable once you realise they’re crazy and should be spoken to very carefully. Never tell them you realise they’re totally insane. Pretend everything is alright.

Enfield:08 7120 7837
UnitingCare Gawler:08 8522 4522
UnitingCare Glenelg:088295 1771
UnitingCare Kapunda08 8566 2125
UnitingCare Modbury:08 8117 2219
UnitingCare Mount Barker: (Dunn Memorial Uniting Church)08 8391 2513
UnitingCare Mount Gambier:088725 5377
UnitingCare Noarlunga:08 8384 3868
UnitingCare North Adelaide (Brougham Place Uniting Church):8267 2657
Uniting in Care Salisbury:08 8258 2675
UnitingCare Taperoo (Lefevre Uniting Church):08 7120 6558
UnitingCare Woodville Gardens (The Grove Uniting Church):0412 107 105
Country homeless service Ph 1300 067 777

Baptist Care
WestCare, 212 Wright Street, Adelaide. Ph 8118 5200.
Southern Pathways, Cnr Beach Rd and Fowey St., Christies Beach. (08) 7200 2501.
SWAP Op Shop; 29 Wallace Street Balaklava. (Phone: 08-88621876)

Kings Baptist Church, 93 Wynn Vale Drive, Wynn Vale. Ph (08) 8289 1866
Plus other Baptist Churches and welfare centres.

Other Joints

NECAP, 489 Northeast Road, Hillcrest. ph 8266 2780. They have many criminal clients so if they treat you like a criminal, it isn't personal.

Uniting Communities (Adelaide)

Ph 1800 615 617. This is one strange corporation where business people took over the Adelaide Central Mission, sold off its rehabilitation properties and build a $100 million glass tower after demolishing the Maughan Church. Once again, they’re probably stark raving mad and dangerous so treat them carefully.

Adelaide Day Centre
28 Moore Street, Adelaide, Ph (08) 8232 0048. Not sure what they give.

​27 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (55)

(above) Orange Sky should extend their exceptionally popular free laundry service well beyond the two allocated hours to at least three on Tuesday evenings at St Andrew's Church in Glenelg. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (56)

(above) Washing clothing on Tuesday evenings is a social occasional at St Andrews Church-at-the-Sea in Glenelg. Exactly how it was intended by the Founders of Orange Sky. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

On the Street Friday

Some men living outside discussed the homeless protest on the steps of Parliament in early May. One hoped to get the Minister of Housing, Nick Champion, to turn up.

They don’t realise Champion is the problem. He’s orchestrated the further demise of HousingSA then pretended the government is increasing it.


Drug addicts attend the Queen Elizabeth Hospital emergency department to have cannulae inserted into their arms for the delivery of therapeutic drugs. They make up some illness that requires this. But once the cannulae are inserted, the addicts disappear and use the tubes to inject heroin and whatever many times via a single puncture wound.


A diner at the Puddle Jumpers Bagster Road free food event on Monday said volunteers refused to serve donated pizzas then took them home for themselves.


Clients at the Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh arrived on Saturday for the evening session to find a notice on the door that read: “Closing at 4:30pm.” Waiting clients included a drug courier quite disappointed his regular clients were absent.


Homelessness in the Adelaide CBD dropped from 149 to 147 from February to March this year. These are calculated by who attends certain homeless joints, but misses those who attend others or avoid all of them. In other words, fake statistics that don’t represent the truth, but transfer resources from building houses to collecting and publishing fake data.


Drunks outside St Andrew’s Church at Glenelg told a homeless man carrying a sleeping bag: “If you expect to eat here tonight, you’ve got another thing coming.”
He left, but should have stayed because when the regular clients arrived, the drunks disappeared.


A woman client at Fred’s Van offered me a blanket after she saw me filling a water container from the outdoor tap.


A fat African N.D.I.S. Carer waited patiently on $66 an hour at Fred’s Van for a soup kitchen client to finish so she could take him to the Crazy Horse strip club in Hindley Street.


A soup kitchen client said Andrew and Margot Casey are alive and well though Andrew might be in a nursing home.


Soup kitchen clients at a certain Fred’s Van have a routine that includes raiding the donation area at a Salvo Store for stuff they sell to Cash Converters to buy drugs.


Remember Margaret who said she was being followed by “Europeans” a few years ago. Well, she’s no longer worried now. A key European died while Margaret’s paranoid mind has transformed itself into a second childhood mind.

Early 26 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page

​Many homeless Galloping to Gallipoli on Ansack Day ?

Lets give human war the sack... the Ansack Day sack.

25 April 2024

The perfect animal companion

Do you need protection while from ‘stinkin’ mutts’ and social workers while homeless?

This might be the perfect animal companion for you.

25 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (57)

(above) There was an undignified rush on Tuesday at the Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh to grab bags donated by the Greek Orthodox Church at Port Adelaide. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (58)

(above) The amount of food available from charities has reduced over the decades requiring multiple visits to many small charities to get the equivalent of yesteryear. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

First of all, unless you are there at the time making up story shouldn't be on here, I was there when the police turn up at the western food hub and thank god they took action on it the guy who is affected via drugs and alcohol and got violent to the volunteers I think people forget that the place is run off volunteer and there charity is all about the CHILDREN.”

Name supplied.

Editor: Thanks for your comment. You’re right, Puddle Jumpers is a children’s charity, but the Western Food Hub is largely for everyone and in this case, mostly adults.
Could you expand on the police taking action on a drug addict?

Late 24 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page

"Continuous problem with overflowing rubbish"

yum yum
still alive & kickin after 35 years dumpster divin with no bad FX
yum yum


Late 24 April 2024

Krishnas change tune

The Krishna Consciousness movement has changed its free food days from Monday and Friday in the city to Monday and Wednesday.

Krishna Consciousness
Hurtle Square, Adelaide. Outdoor food van.Near bus shelter on Pulteney Street.6:00 to 6:30pm Mondays and Wednesdays. Sentient. They’ve stopped hitting diners with iron bars like the old days at Frome Road. Quality vegetarian food served on plates.Eat standing up in the park or you can take it with you. No strings attached: they don’t require I.D. or registration or payment.

Late 24 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (59)

(above) Continuous problem with overflowing rubbish at the Puddle Jumpers Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Homeless News

No C.H.A.T.S. this Friday due to Thursdays ANZAC day celebrations in the Masonic Hall. Back to normal next week.

Encounter Church at Evanston has changed their free food day from Thursdays to Wednesdays. And it’s from 10:00am to 2:00pm rather than the mad rush at 3pm.

Orange Sky has ceased operation at Para Vista Lutheran Church on Monday evenings. No one turned up to use it after so many non-appearances of the van. If it wasn’t heat or cold that gave Orange Sky an excuse not to turn up then it was wind and lightning.

But they extended their session at the Western Food Hub last Friday evening to meet excessive demand. With luck, Orange Sky will extend the two hours scheduled service at Hindmarsh on Fridays and Glenelg on Tuesdays.

The Adelaide City Council continues their campaign against the homeless campers in the South Parklands near the Hutt Street Centre extending down to hom*o Hill. Some Stinkin’ Mutts lit a huge fire from dry bark pulled from trees while the tribal Aboriginal alcoholics light small fires producing plenty of smoke then let them die down as part of a cultural practice. Those black fellas are a cultural treasure to Australia, so unique compared to the average phone-addicted apartment dweller.

Oh, and management at the Hutt Street Centre won’t whisper a word of criticism of the Adelaide City Council. Chris Burns and his crew are beholden to the Council getting rid of the small unpaid homeless service providers that will force clients to use the Hutt Street Centre. Come on, Chris, get over your 'yes, boss' programming.

The Sewing Lady was at the Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh this morning to mend clothing of homeless people. She mended a ripped pocket and shortened another pair of trousers for me. She charges nothing and will return from 10:00am to 2:00pm on Tuesday, 21st of May. A good resource for us.

Late 23 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (60)

(above) The Chelsea Ireland Western Food Hub coordinator at Hindmarsh called the police this afternoon due to "threatening behaviour". However, a diner suggested she and other staff need training in understanding the exhaustion and despair homeless people experience that might affect their behaviour. And they need training in diffusing the anger and frustration of those living on the streets. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (61)

(above) However, some diners fear and reject the alcoholics and Ice addicts frequently going ballistic and threatening others. They're happy to see them chased off by Food Hub staff and police. This brings us to the dilemma that such food services are largely for such desperadoes. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Their plan to enslave us

American Whitney Webb links together those planning to enslave us at every level.

Late 22 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page

Attention : "Elderly" yet enthusiastic EvicteeRatio / Rationale of
72 = 26297
72 x 365 = 26280
26280 + 17 = 26297Proof:
72 laps around sun with 365 revolutions per lap is 26297 revolutions.
Add in 17 days for leap years (one every 4 years minus the one skipped at the 2000 A.D. mark)
Wa Lah : 26297A truly revolutionary life by the solar time scale.

Late 22 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (62)

(above) Port Adelaide Masonic Hall on the corner of Dale Street and Commercial Road where C.H.A.T.S. operate a free breakfast every Friday from 9:00am to 10:30am. Crowded, noisy and good quality. They don't collect personal data for the Hutt Street Centre's Eternal Shame File. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April, 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (63)

(above) C.H.A.T.S. secret free stuff room on Commercial Road at Port Adelaide. Genuine homeless people - and not those who pretend to be homeless - can order specific items. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

On the Street Sunday

A notorious Port Adelaide homeless man broke into a house with his girlfriend to sleep the night. In the morning, they discovered blood on the curtains. The house is a crime scene. And someone still living in the house called the police. The man escaped, but the girl is facing severe questioning.


A man recently released from a psychiatric ward returned home. A few days later he found handwritten notes on his front and back doors urging him to call the local suburban mental health service.

He phoned them and told the receptionist about the notes. The receptionist said, “We haven’t time for this,” and hung up.


Women client are aggrieved with the Hutt Street Centre limiting showers to six-minutes. After that period, the water stops running. This is similar to the showers for men, reduced to six-minutes due to huge demand.

But there are so few women clients that the three showers are usually unused so there is no need to limited their time under hot water.

The limit for men could also be removed if management let clients use the showers until 4:30pm when the joint closes. Clients had unlimited shower times before paid employees flooded the building and demanded space and client-free afternoons.


Mick of Mick and Eleanor (formerly Mick and Denise) triggered anger with a younger man when he took the walking stick of Jenny (of Bill and Jenny) thinking it was the one Eleanor’s. Now we have a tense atmosphere wherever the two parties meet.


A homeless man said A******** ***** in Rundle Mall offered him a bag of pills so he could “end it all”. A******** allegedly said the homeless man had been looking “down” so he would help him out.

A third man who almost lives in Rundle Mall phoned the police who phoned the homeless man (somehow) and said he better go to a police station to prove he wasn’t suicidal. He did this.


A patient recently in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Covid and then Crammond ward for psychiatry said he’d been approached three times for permission for his organs to be extracted upon his “death”.

On one occasion, three employees entered his Covid isolation room and asked him questions whether he wanted to be resuscitated if necessary. And whether he wanted to be an organ donor. He said they had a voice recorder attached to a clipboard, but didn’t require him to sign anything.

He was later asked the same question in the psychiatric ward and again with a psychiatrist.


Poor Lani of Greenacres was overjoyed when a woman in a house gave here two packets of cigarettes. She offered to take a neighbour to the house so he could get some smokes as well. He declined.

But poor Lani was heard in her backyard shouting, “What are you waiting for, South Australia. Hurry up and **** me.”

Lifeline 131 114 (24 hours).


A client at Rudd’s Semaphore Supported Residential Hostel said he’s asking management to check their spy camera recordings to verify if another client bullied The Librarian into shouting support for Essendon Bombers instead of Port Power while they were watching television.

The Librarian’s mental health has since deteriorated to the point he is barely recognisable.


A homeless man said he’s been waking up each morning not knowing where he was. He said he wasn’t happy upon discovering he was homeless and sleeping on the ground. He thought he was happily living with his family in a nice house.


When a homeless man suggested to a homeless woman that she lie about fake illnesses and domestic violence to get rental house, she replied that she wasn’t going to start lying just to get housing.


ONE Life church at Parafield Gardens gave away free plastic bags of chopped, fresh catering vegetables to clients last week.


Elizabeth Grove Baptists host White Tiger who give away free elderly food to homeless and other people. The use of their church is conditional about everything going well. They’re hoping for the near impossible as drug dealers and house breakers use such venues as staging posts.

Elizabeth Grove Baptist Church, 19-21 Haydown Road, Elizabeth Grove. 2:00pm to 5:00pm Tuesday and Fridays. Free bread and vegetables, other stuff for sale. No I.D. or registration required unless you want to join their phone list. Location


Remember Neil Sieben, 66, who was beaten senseless by Thomas Stapleton-WestCott, 32, with a baseball bat early last year. He’s still blind in one eye, but has returned to driving his car. For someone who suffered such a beating, he’s in good spirits.

Early 21 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (64)

(above) Notice that a client agrees the issue has been discussed with each check box rather than agreeing to it. The agreement at the bottom is a sleezy method of obtaining compliance. However, the rare courageous client crosses out the "B" section of the Consent Box. Anglicare destroys privacy of vulnerable people seeking food parcels under the guise of church guided benevolence. Yes, a force of evil. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Healthy eating at Osborne

The man who broke the nose of a volunteer at the Clink Cafe was there. He’s banned for life from the Clink and the court case is ongoing. The woman recently returned from Japan charmed our table. She said she was cold between the legs after spilling some water. A man with epilepsy who wakes up in hospital not knowing where he is struggled with conversation from a gentleman of demanding vocal strength.

The splendid food included half-cooked beans, broccoli and well-cooked cauliflower with a tomato topping and other vegetables. The only meat product was chicken. The food left us feeling mildly hungry, which is a sign of healthy food unlike other food that leaves you with insulin shock and the need to lie down. I couldn’t fault it. Dessert was a non-stodgy cake with tangy icing. A few of the sugar and carbohydrate addicts didn’t fully appreciate it, those unfortunate plebeians.

Other guests included the activist vegetarian who slides in and out of public gatherings with little notice. One elderly man annoyed another grumpy old man by giving noisy whistles to two children. The whistle man says he’s got plenty left and will target Fred’s Van at Kilburn. It’s possible he is mildly insane.

The woman volunteer who called me an ass**** on my last visit didn’t appear to be present.

Osborne Community Hall (Taperoo Stadium)
Free lunch Thursdays, 539 Victoria Rd, Osborne.12 noon. Buy Nothing quality food. They spend nothing on food and waste goes to compost. Vegetarian option. No added MSG or other contaminants.
Healthy food. Good staff though one volunteer called me an ass****.

No I.D. or registration required All workers unpaid. Pleasant building and staff with safe parking. Safe atmosphere. Raffle, but the prizes aren’t much good. Tablet Lady goes there, a survivor from the drug underworld.

Early 20 April 2024

Trouble averted at Modbury, so far.

The toothless man from Melbourne organised two other homeless people to rob stores at the Tea Tree Gully shopping centre. Well, that’s the story.

Management brought in a roving team of eight store detectives who followed homeless people throughout the centre telling some they were not welcome.

The toothless man was seen selling an electric razor in the park across the road. Half-price, he said.

But his involvement was short-lived as he left for Melbourne after the police were called to investigate the crowd hanging around the Tea Tree Gully Salvation Army Corps. And another of his team was locked up in a psychiatric ward. The third alleged shoplifter is recovering from a few weeks on Ice.

They are vaguely connected with those who inserted their caravan during the dark hours into the parking area of the Corps. They allegedly came from a local drug house that has inserted an agent into the client base of the Corps.

The drug house residents follow a traditional crystal methamphetamine lifestyle where they spend their nights stealing stuff from backyards then changing their minds and dumping it onto the street. Perhaps to deter the caravan owners from returning, they obtained a huge “no parking” sign from a business or institution then screwed it onto their back gate. You got to laugh at that.

Meanwhile, back at the Corps, another drug user brought in a thug to deal with a non-drug user who talks too much while in the Corps building. But either the thug or the drug user had second thoughts and said they wouldn’t use violence on church property, that being the Salvation Army.

The situation either degenerated or evolved into a farce when yet another homeless person called the police because two other homeless people were swearing. The police arrived and investigated the matter then left laughing.

The moral of the story is that many homeless people are hypersensitive and frightened and jump at mild disruptions to their mental equilibrium. We should be non-reactive and accepting of this phenomenon just as we should forgive our own failings – while still dealing with them.

The story is much juicier and sensational than stated above, but with so much suffering and cries for help it’s better that this raw episode fades from memory.

Early 19 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (65)

(above) The propaganda issued by the homeless industry that most people are only two pay cheques from homelessness is clearly false. But we never know where life will send us. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

Down and Out

Might be worth noting that main SAGOV HSA/SAHA service centre on Flinders Street Adelaide CBD has markedly reduced its customer service and interface in the past few months.1. Large plywood barrier has been installed at client conversation meet-up counter at one side, perhaps to prevent monkeys from jumping over and assaulting staff, ransacking GOV offices, etc OR TO DELIBERATELY REDUCE SERVICES SINCE HSA/SAHA IS UNABLE TO COMPETENTLY PROVIDE SAME TO TENANTS AND PROSPECTIVE TENANTS.2. Free-to-use phone on other side of centre near customer afforded printer has been removed. SAHA/HSA staff were even saying that the phone was "broken" and would be fixed. No such luck. Perhaps another sign that HSA/SAHA IS UNABLE TO COMPETENTLY PROVIDE FOR TENANTS AND PROSPECTIVE TENANTS even the most basic essential amenity to include those desperate to have shelter and a roof over their head (important in winter to avoid pneumonia, flu deaths).I have mistaken perceptions about what is going on at times, so am unable to accurately say why the HSA/SAHA Flinders Street office has been crippled.Also, I am unable to get SAGOV staff behind counter to honestly say or relate what is happening. My infrequent yet regular visits to the place have not come across riots or major disturbances at this office, and the occasional private security personnel present are not talking to me either.OH WELL
less help

Early 18 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (66)

(above) Uniting Communities is the Adelaide Central Mission gone corporate. Are old people as stupid as portrayed by actors in their window advertising? (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (67)

(above) Playing cards, displaying your horrible false teeth, doing jigsaw puzzles, what a horrible way to spend one's last years. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (68)

(above) Wearing a desperate smile and pretending death isn't imminent is symptomatic of our society's fear of death. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (69)

(above) This old girl might be the only non-screwy image on the building on Regency Road near the corner of Churchill Road, Kilburn. Though even she appears as if pulled from a grave and dusted off for the camera. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

From the anonymous contact page

Don’t do”

The Bondi butcher was apparently itinerant and on edge of mental health services. Apparantly he been in Sydney a month, moved from Queensland. Everyone now has an opinion on mental health lol. Turns out he was a predator. Predating on the underclass.

Seems he had a really good supplier of meth, he would move around the underclass circles selling to supplement his income and habit. He was a businessman. He frequented brothels strip clubs with his proceeds. He actually worked as hooker himself.

Generally these predators we see around, get their product from a corrupt cop or health worker, generally shrink. If it is true in this case, he was working for government keeping the ice flowing where ( gov) its needed. An expendable commodity that cut his own throat this time. He got the daughter of one of the chief covid conspirators. Something spiritual in that.

Early 17 April 2024

Meat, meat and meat

Are they your mates,” an elderly diner asked after glancing at two Fred’s Vans clients sitting at our table. They’d loaded up their plates with barbecued beef and chicken with the equivalent of three meals then went back for more. They’re both overweight with one not being able to carry ten kilos of water due to carrying fifty kilograms of body fat. “Yes,” I told the questioner. The meal was meat, meat and meat apart from a green fresh salad. Even the rice contained chicken stock.I asked the preacher’s wife if she was of Turkestan ancestry. She said she didn’t know then began a conversation with another person that excluded me. She’s from the northeast of India near the Chinese disputed border. I played table tennis with a church member then sat exhausted waiting for my leaking heart to recover. The preacher and his daughter sang a religious song that brought tears to the eyes of guest diners. He then said everyone was invited to a BBQ in Victor Harbour the following week, this Saturday, and that only the free food giveaway would be happening at the church that Saturday, but all would be back to normal the following week.

They didn’t serve coffee like the previous week when they had Turkish coffee.

Renown Park Saturday lunch and takeaway vegetables
The Adelaide Mizo/Hope Grace Greek church at 59 Tait Street, Renown Park. Free meal Saturday 11:00am. Coffee from 10am to 12:00 noon. Free vegetables and bread takeaway. Indoor badminton ping pong table without a net. Billiards. Operated by Vietnamese with a Burma pastor using a Greek non-orthodox church. Everyone welcome especially homeless. White fellas welcome. They don’t collect personal information for the Eternal Shame File. Entry and parking back of church.

Early 17 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (70)

(above) Coffee from 10:00am then the meal at 11:00am every Saturday. Entrance from back. Very friendly people. No data collection or I.D. required. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

On the Street Tuesday

I felt a little disturbed talking to a retired Salvation Army officer in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide. He said he felt “lost”.

A serving Salvo officer said he had no idea how to solve the homelessness problem. No idea. He could only chip away at little improvements and offer what his Corps could offer.


Some “pay it forward” cafes have hundreds of free meals and coffee awaiting claim. There is one in Clare that has a jar of free coffee tokens no one is claiming.


Two semi-detached HousingSA welfare houses at 499 – 501 Prospect Road, Kilburn sat empty for two years according to a man searching for accommodation. He said they’d been renovated twice then were twice ransacked by thieves ripping out copper pipes and water heaters.

Recently, a large indigenous family moved in after HousingSA knocked a doorway between the two units creating one large house with a huge backyard. That’s good.,138.5914367,3a,75y,93.25h,78.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4NiGhnxEBQpcT818IOIwLg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


A client was grateful to the Anglicare welfare centre in Gilbert Street, Adelaide where the staff gave her three socks. The third sock was of particularly high quality though didn’t match the other two.


Another grateful client said Anglicare provided free petrol vouchers that didn’t work for most of the stations listed on the card. The client discovered this after filling up.


Two foreign welfare workers tracked down Old Bob when he left the nursing home and didn’t tell them where he was going.

He later went to a free soup kitchen and told a 12-year-old girl that she should be on the birth control pill. The girl cried loudly like a baby. And the man who delayed joining the Mormons so he could beat up his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend was equally incensed with Old Bob.


Another soup kitchen man was fearful because the landlord said his rent was increasing from $200 to $350 a week.


A man happily announced to his church Minister he was engaged to get married. After naming the bride, the preacher looked him in the eyes and said, “Run a hundred miles.”


An African Carer picked up his elderly invalid male client from Fred’s Van. The old man is waiting for knee and hip replacement surgery from a public hospital. He can barely walk and relies on a walking frame.

The Carer took the man to the Crazy Horse strip club in Hindley Street, Adelaide where the man spends $25,000 every three months in a private room. He goes there nearly every night.

This is the man who drilled a hole in his fence so he could watch the woman who brought home used car salesmen from Main North Road, Nailsworth.


An Aboriginal drinking wine with three others at the Western Food Hub yelled at me for wearing white clothing. He appeared ready to attack when Mick of Mick and Eleanor arrived. Mick had been homeless for years in the city and knew one of the drinkers who told the Aboriginal man I was okay despite wearing white clothing.


Adelaide Mobile Food Service throws out thousands of sandwiches and hot pies each evening. They offered Hands of Hope Foundation all of them every night for distribution to homeless people in the city.

The Adelaide City Council refused to give them a licence to distribute this food. The Council said only the major stakeholders are licensed to give free food to homeless people, meaning the Hutt Street Centre who are not interested in doing this as it won’t earn them money for salaries. This is the true nature of Adelaide’s Homeless Industry.

16 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (71)

(above) Few of us have any inkling where our lives will take us. Perhaps we should take the advice of American philosopher Taylor Swift and calm down even when we find ourselves in the cauldron of homelessness. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Chelsea Ireland outfit
​at the top of their game

Despite appearing mildly short staffed, the Western Food Hub at Hindmarsh provided top service last Saturday.

Morning kitchen staff consisted of a young man and woman and their ten-year-old daughter. They provided ham and cheese rolls and coffee plus the usual biscuits. There appeared just one volunteer in the free food room, an elderly man who worked from 1:00pm to 8:00pm.

The young family were replaced later by a woman who brought a pot of homemade rice and chicken. The Russian homeless client and her sign-language boyfriend with good hearing said it was superb.

The food room got a late delivery of fresh pastries and slightly better than usual vegetables, but little else. The older volunteer was pushing the Master Foods horseradish sauce, but there were few takers. But they had plenty of tampons and Dettol hand sanitiser, the latter they have trouble getting rid of as believers are few and far between, that is, until Disease X is promoted.

The alcoholics were on the front lawn. One greeted arriving clients while the man who yelled at me for wearing white clothing last week said, “How are you this evening, Sir?”

Oh, and they replaced the dull anti-drug injector light globe in the toilets with a normal brightness LED light.

Puddle Jumpers Western Food Hub
Brick building on grass near corner of Anne St. and Port Rd., Hindmarsh. Ph (08) 7071 5270. Free fruit, vegetables, bread, exotic groceries, hot coffee, hot foods, female sanitary products. Free clothing rack. A few drug addicts. Theoretically open Monday to Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm and 5:00pm – 8:00pm. Saturday 11:00am to 8:00pm. Sunday 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Subject to volunteer availability so unreliable.All suburban and city free food services have stopped. Shower truck scheduled Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00 am – 2:00pm then 5:00pm to 8:00pm, but it rarely turns up. Single toilet available. No towels or soap. No I.D. or registration required so you can remain anonymous. Staff range from excellent to inappropriate for the job. Orange Sky Laundry 6:00pm – 8:00pm Fridays. Incredible clients you won’t meet anywhere else except in a lunatic asylum or jail.

Early 15 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page

Re: bag a snag, bag a swag via 75K donation fundtypical Khazartizer bologni
similar to McMeal macaroni
full of the Golden Starches

Early 15 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page"American philosopher Taylor Swift"if amerkin wat tribe
idaho winnabaygo illionois deleware inca toltec maya
wat tribe ? wat tribez ?

Early 15 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (72)

(above) Living outside in a city transforms a person to primal psychological survival mode. It crushes some while strengthening others. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

On the Street

What a massive start to 2024 it has been! I'm thrilled to share some exciting updates with you.” David Pearson of the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness talking shop, but saying nothing of relevance to homeless people in Adelaide.*Someone walked from the Hutt Street Centre mid-day during a week late last year. The person performed a bowel movement in the middle of the St Andrew’s Medical Centre carpark while the doors were open and traffic moved in and out. The person then went back to the Hutt Street Centre.According to this source, never before cited, the Hutt Street Centre won’t release their video files of the person leaving and returning during that period and especially not the person’s name. This source says it was a calculated plan to discredit Cos We Care and have them expelled from using the medical centre carpark on Sundays. Cos We Care was eroding the Hutt Street Centre’s revenue stream by providing a service for free for which the Hutt Street Centre received government funding. *According to this same source, the Hutt Street Centre can’t provide enough homeless statistics from new registrations to guarantee its funding. They therefore place homeless people into short-term accommodation or inappropriate housing thus guaranteeing they will become homeless again and become repeat customers thus churning out more data. *The man who was camping back of Bunnings at Modbury swore at staff then urinated on the floor at the nearby Salvation Army Corps. Electronic items were later stolen from a homeless camp nearby. During the night, a homeless man from the camp went to the Modbury hospital. Another homeless man also went there after having a seizure. In the morning, a third homeless man went to the hospital for treatment for prostate cancer. *A genial homeless man addicted to crystal methamphetamine was hallucinating at a homeless camp in Modbury. He kept seeing the face of the man who stole his camping equipment in the faces of others and threatened to “flog them”. A friend joked that he’d just seen the thief behind the hallucinating man and this set him off even more. *The Adelaide City Council has begun locking the toilets in its Rundle Street carpark at 11:00pm to discourage an 88-year-old woman from camping there.*The Chief Executive Officer of the Adelaide City Council waited outside the toilets in the Rundle Street carpark to confront a homeless man. He told the man camping further up the street to “cease and desist” his activities in the Council’s toilets. He said the man was affecting the Council’s revenue stream in a negative way.Someone lit the adult nappy plastic bin inside the toilet room and the man had been going there every morning with wet wipes he purchased from Coles supermarket in Rundle Street. Little by little he’d been cleaning the soot left by the burnt plastic container.The Chief Executive was incensed. He told the homeless man the toilets were subject to an insurance auditor’s inspection and if the man cleaned up the mess, the Council couldn’t claim insurance damages. He said that’s how the Council earned some of its revenue. And that is why the contractors from Zippy’s Cleaning and Maintenance sat in their Council vehicle fiddling with their phones rather than doing their job. *Does anyone remember the $75,000 grant The Advertiser Foundation gave Catherine House and the Hutt Street Centre last year? It was to purchase backpack swags for homeless people. Hutt Street Centre Chief Executive was in a newspaper article holding a swag. A month after the grant was announced, three homeless men went to the Hutt Street Centre asking for one of these swags. Staff claimed they knew nothing about them and the men did not get any. Never.

One of the homeless men – who isn’t a drug addict or alcoholic – said the money was siphoned off into Hutt Street Centre administration.


Last of the American Hobos (1967)

Early 14 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (73)

(above) The Salvation Army rent the Uniting Church on Friday evenings at 6:30pm at 607 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown for a free meal for anyone who arrives. Entrance from back street. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Alberton coffee van

A young woman made robusta coffee from a barista machine in their clean trailer towed behind a car. An old woman who spoke clearly as if she was younger made toasted ham and cheese sandwiches. Two church men stood outside the trailer next to a table while the Baptist preacher walked up and down the street trying to drag in a few customers. No takers. I was the only client for the one hour period. The Uniting Church preacher was there with his wife and two daughters. There was no limit as to what you could eat so gluttons in the homeless scene would find this an enjoyable venue. I went easy on my claims to be dying of heart disease and worms drilling holes in my brain as that trick at Revival City earlier in the day had the church officials looking at me warily. They appeared ready to call the “men in white” with their little syringes. We live in a society that fears death and anyone who talks about it without fear is seen as a little insane. And if anyone makes such a complaint the police will come searching to see if you’re insane. This is a powerful legal tool to turn people against each other in the name of compassion. Back at the coffee trailer, when I talked about how the Ice dealers control the homeless scene and beat up critics, the preacher and another parishioner tuned out. I think this coffee trailer is a good addition to services for homeless people. But the location is not in a homeless area so will attract a different crowd. But it won’t be there for the next two Thursdays due to the school holidays.

Gateway Baptist free coffee trailer
Uniting Church carpark
Cnr. Station Place and Torrens Road, Alberton
Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm, but not during school holidays
Free barista coffee and toasted sandwiches
No I.D. required. No data collection. Ph Gateway Baptist on 0481 952 066 to confirm

Early 13 April 2024

Vietnamese free early lunch
​at Renown Park

It’s quite confronting hearing foreign languages spoken in the kitchen of a free food joint. Aren’t new immigrants supposed to need help rather than helping the local people? Luckily, Franklin from South India was there to welcome me. The preacher’s wife was also friendly. She’s from northeast India and appears almost Turkish while her husband is from Burma. The Greek Mizo unorthodox church lets the Vietamese Christian church use their building. Thus there was a table of Greek clients, a table of Indian clients and a few Italians, but no “stinking mutts”. Others were Vietnamese and Anglo-Australians, some of the latter from Gateway Baptist church who operate a free coffee van near the Uniting Church near the Alberton railway station. The Vietnamese and Indians served Turkish coffee, Halva, chopped fruit, two kinds of meat, a very nice rice, a very nice salad with salt, pepper and sauces. Italians prepared the meal. A teenage girl sang on the stage and then the preacher talked about someone dying and going to Heaven, something like that. A banner on the wall quoted a section from the Bible saying if you’re a friend of the world, you’re not a friend of God. That confused a few people.

Renown Park Saturday lunch and takeway vegetables
The Adelaide Mizo/Hope Grace Greek church at 59 Tait Street, Renown Park. Free meal Saturday 11:00am. Coffee from 10am to 12:00 noon. Free vegetables and bread takeaway. Indoor badminton ping pong table without a net. Billiards. Operated by Vietnamese with a Burma pastor using a Greek non-orthodox church. Everyone welcome especially homeless. White fellas welcome. They don’t collect personal information for the Eternal Shame File. Entry and parking back of church.

Early 13 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (74)

(above) Free fresh ingredients meal at Moose (Chat and Chew) in Port Adelaide every two weeks. See free food guide for details. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Melbourne Zero learns from Adelaide Zero Project

Melbourne Zero isn’t making the mistake made by Dame Casey of Adelaide Zero Project. Dame Casey said they’d end Adelaide CBD homelessness in two years and if it didn’t come down significantly within one year they’d return unused funds to the government. Well, Adelaide Zero Project quickly got rid of Dame Casey then extended their prediction to a few years then quietly dropped it when nothing changed. Now they’re re-interpreting the homeless statistics to make failure appear a big victory.Well, Melbourne Zero has studied that disaster and are giving themselves five years and eight months to end homelessness. By that time, most employees will have moved to bigger and better interests and the prediction will be erased from corporate memory. Until then, Melbourne Zero will have staged dozens of meetings and conferences involving their huge number of corporate and “non-profit” members. They’ll joyfully attend wasted sessions to get a few hours off work – or even a few days for interstate conferences. Isn’t life good?But if things become desperate they might copy the Adelaide Zero Project members and quietly encourage the Melbourne City Council to do what the Adelaide City Council is doing: steal the tents, bedding and personal possessions of homeless campers in the Adelaide CBD to force them into suburbia and thus reduce inner city homelessness. Beautiful, eh? Like a work of art. Meanwhile, nothing changes on the street. Homelessness continues, more money is diverted from house building to homeless industry data collecting, counselling and case management.

Early 12 April 2024

GC3 Parafield Gardens

Where were the clowns? There should have been clowns. On the opening bell, just one diner was inside the building while another sat in his car. Some had gone to the wrestling, but the low number was due to arguments over the past few weeks.

Eventually the crowd number at GC3 rose to seven souls with the food including a tasty lentil casserole, sausages, bread, onions, cake, biscuits and coffee.

The mood was lighter than usual except for one ex-homeless client reliving old trauma. He’d lived along the Torrens River and outside the West Terrace cemetery for nine years. One night he heard three men stabbing to death an 18-year-old girl over an $85 drug debt as she cried on her phone to her Dad for help. The killers were caught by police in Hungry Jacks and got 25 year sentences.

A GC3 volunteer said she’d been homeless in the city as well while earning money cleaning toilets and sleeping back of a shop. She is now married, has had children, and lives a normal life. The only harking back to the past is that she volunteers with a church group that searches the CBD at night for injured and distressed homeless people. As if she is searching for her younger self.

Global Care BBQ(GC3)
Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre (back of Aldi’s and Salvation Army) Ph (08) 8289 0556. Cnr. of Martins Rd and Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens. 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Free coffee, sausages, patties, bread, sauce and cake. Regular special foods. Soft drinks $2.00. Phone to see if they’ll be there because GC3 is not operational during school holidays, Easter, June and October long weekends. Global Care rent the building so others can use the basketball courts without charge. They talk a little religion. Surprisingly modest, but fascinating clients and volunteers.

Early 11 April 2024

The shame of the Hutt Street Centre

Remember “Connections Week” from 2019. Seems like just yesterday when the homeless industry claimed they would reduce Adelaide CBD homelessness to Zero Functional Homelessness – whatever that meant.

During that week in 2019 when they searched for homeless people in the Adelaide CBD they discovered sixty extra campers they hadn’t known about. And this was before they began photographing and interrogating new clients at the Hutt Street Centre.

So if they conducted a similar search this week, would they find more people not engaging with the big money homeless joints? Probably even more since there is an increased resistance by homeless people to having the most traumatic events of their personal lives put on a file sharing data base.

What we do know is that this expensive Adelaide Zero Project program to reduce the amount of homeless people did just one thing, which is transfer money from house building to data collecting and case management.

The only program that is currently reducing homelessness in the Adelaide CBC is the Adelaide City Council’s intense pressure on people to leave their camps by stealing their tents, bedding and personal possessions. That’s a real winner.

The Hutt Street Centre plays its role by not breathing a word of criticism of this policy. They also perhaps advocated quietly for the expulsion of Cos We Care from distributing free food and clothing to homeless people. And now the Communist Party food distribution on Sundays and the Four Amigos free BBQ on Saturday in Whitmore Square are under similar pressure. It’s all win, win, win for the executives and case managers at the Hutt Street Centre.

Early 10 April 2024

Don’t they say this every year?

Every year the Hutt Street Centre bureaucrats say demand for their services is rising, even doubling. Is this true? With such increases you’d think the joint would be standing room only, but is this the case?And if this were the case, why would the Hutt Street Centre management not advocate with the Adelaide City Council for Cos We Care remaining in the city. They provided a free food and clothing service on Sunday mornings when the Hutt Street Centre is closed. And why wouldn’t the Hutt Street Centre show their spy camera files of the man allegedly walking from the Hutt Street Centre in broad daylight, defecating in the carpark of the St Andrew’s Medical Centre and returning back. This incident is what got Cos We Care expelled from the carpark and out of the CBD. They were blamed for it. And what about the intensity of Council workers throwing tents, bedding and personal effects of homeless people into the rubbish trucks. Not a word from the Hutt Street Centre. No money in it for them. But it is good for those agencies and “non-profits” involved with the Adelaide Zero Project. They can say they are responsible for reducing homelessness in the Adelaide CBD. Still, we must be prepared for annual statements from the Hutt Street Centre propagandist similar to this one:There’s never been a more urgent need to provide nourishing meals, laundry facilities, medical care, and hot showers to help people doing it tough in our community. Since last winter, demand for critical services at Hutt St Centre has more than doubled.”So why don’t they extend their opening hours so homeless people can have longer than six-minute showers? It wouldn’t cost anything extra as salaried employees are in the building until late afternoon.

Early 9 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (75)

(above) This is a foster animal service for homeless people. But they could be a bunch of weirdos. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (76)

(above) Skimpy dress, top of breasts visible, raised right leg to lift dress between her legs. Does this seem a little weird? (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (77)

(above) The man lying on his back, protruding lower lip coloured with lip stick, mutt on his stomach. What's going on here? They're looking at the mutt as if it's their little child. Something isn't right. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (78)

(above) Dog licking her face with its bum tongue. Is she some sort of bestial*ty person? No, just an unfortunate composition. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (79)

(above) Do normal men do this with dogs. He looks like a bit of a weirdo. Stay away from my dog, pal. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Swags and money make detour

It’s a good news story of donors to the The Advertiser newspaper Foundation paying for $75k worth of backpack swags for homeless people, mostly those in Adelaide. In the image attached to the article was none other than Mr Chris Burns, Chief Executive of the Hutt Street Centre.

Well, a month after reading the article in The Advertiser, a few homeless men – led by one who has lived in the Adelaide CBD for years – went to the Hutt Street Centre to get a backpack swag for each of them.

To their – perhaps, non-surprise – the staff they spoke to had no knowledge of any swags on the premises.

Early 8 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page

Re: Dogs and cats images

Her life is exemplary. She tells us on her fb [Facebook] how she had to keep working during covid and lived in a granny flat at her parents, how working with pets could of killed her parents. She could of given them Covid. Such a wonderful human putting animals first before her parents life.Some might shes a conwomam who was gaslighting people for profit or others might say shes a classic narcicist. Narcicists don't care about anyone, family included, they only care about what they can exploit from someone or how that person makes them look better. They only care about there own image. If those who think shes a narcicist are correct, them those sexualy provocative photos of her when she was really fat, show shes already experienced narcicistic collapse, why she ended up back at home and got fat, and if so, it will happen again. Sad that she is exploiting the homeless and dv victims, if she is a narcicist.


Second Editor: Something isn’t right here. How is she exploiting the homeless and DV victims? Didn’t you say in your previous post I was being unfair to her in criticism of the images done by a successful business woman? Now you say are taking an opposite tack. Are you using A.I. to compose these messages?

I have no criticism of her and wish her the best; I just disliked her images on the leaflet. Artists always get criticised. Part of the game of someone like her having the courage to strive forth in life.

8 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (80)

(above) A day of anxiety and despair in Adelaide's homeless scene followed by sunset in a small grove of pines. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

On the Street

Baptist Westcare reportedly dismissed a number of employees due to changes in government funding. Some employees have sought psychological and psychiatric help in dealing with their new status.


No-legs Adam maintains his usual perch near the Salisbury Commonwealth Bank ATM’s during the dark hours. He bares his stumps like trophies to self-destruction while a hanging a sign over his neck saying he’s homeless.

HousingSA issued him a brand new three-bedroom house two years ago, but he covered the floors in vomit from his heroin addiction.

Whatever the game, no one in the street scene is breathing a world of this to the African and Afghan bank customers who throw him a few coins and notes that he takes straight to the cartel for more heroin.

The admirable aspect of Adam is that he doesn’t feel sorry for himself. And he’s Salisbury’s leading shoplifter.


Lani couldn’t find her cat last week at Greenacres. A neighbour said her Chinese neighbours ate it. She cried and extended her despair saying the **** [indigenous people] had been bashing her, she was sick of injections and no one would give her cigarettes. Then it was off to the psychiatric ward for a week.

Her neighbours are sick of Lani and her crazy friends. One household built and expensive wrought iron fence and installed lights to deter her Ice addicted “friends” from knocking on their door for smokes, sugar and money or simply conducting raging arguments on their lawn at midnight.

A military household across the street phones the police every time Lani makes a crazy move. Poor slow-witted Lani. She should be in a kindly institution instead of being ripped off by Ice addicted predator and N.D.I.S. grifters.


Remember the 30-year-old man who was accusing a 75-year-old of being a child molester at Elizabeth Fred’s Van. They even had a fight: an old fighter against a young drug addict. But truth is stranger than fiction.

After hearing a report that the addict had been jailed for child molesting, a soup kitchen client went to the police to confirm it. The officer looked up the addict’s file and said, “a nasty piece of work” , then said he couldn’t confirm whether the young man had been convicted of child molesting. But the officer smiled and nodded as he spoke.

The addicts drug associates say he’s in prison for breaking a police officer’s nose. But the old fighter says he didn’t have the strength to do that as he couldn’t even beat an old man almost paralysed with gout.


Neighbours of Mark Haydon, a member of the Snowtown Bodies-in-the-Barrel gang, are worried about his imminent release from prison. They don’t want him returning to his Blackham Crescent house at Smithfield Plains. He’s currently in a pre-release house.


The atmosphere reeked of insanity at multiple homeless joints over the past fortnight. Non-homeless people accused each other of being rapists, drug addicts, paedophiles or men dressed up as women. None was true. Each fed off another’s gossip. Manipulators sat back and watched the action with trepidation wondering if the false rumours would be traced back to themselves. The moral of the story is don’t spread a rumour to anyone further down the line. You have then killed the rumour, at least from springing to life from your lips.


The Adelaide Zero Project and its successors aren’t paying much attention to their homeless count statistics. The current month and previous month are both January despite different numbers. Maybe they’ll have fixed it by the time you see it.

Remember when they said they’d eradicate homelessness. Below is a link from seven or eight years ago. All the government did was create pointless employment for these data collectors who were paid with money transferred from housing projects for homeless people.


The Fred’s Van Ice dealer had some rough evenings last month when he couldn’t locate any customers. But over the last two weeks he’s done very well, having helped a number of people poison journey more quickly to an early death.


Police detectives went to the Western Food Hub three times on a day last week searching for a man whose image was pasted onto the kitchen wall.

Early 7 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (81)

(above) At least 15 people waited for the Western Food Hub to open on Easter Sunday. Despite advertising as being open seven days a week, management had staged another unscheduled closure. Why don't they give notice? (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Via the anonymous contact page

Re: Images of dogs, cat and humans

I hope you're able to take this the right way, i found your posts on safe pets safe families crossed the line.I did some research the ABN listed on their website has 6 other businesses linked to it. All to do with animals. The charity register lists the owner as a J****** ****** located in Christie's beach. You're being unfair to her. That photo of the woman with kegs open and a puss* cat between them, and showing cleavage is her.

​She's done really well for herself and made finalist for SA woman of the year. Her face book shows a photo of most of her tit* when she really really fat. She's come along way, lost weight, successful and confident in a sexually promiscuous manner. There is numerous photos of her that are more appropriate on am adult dating site than Facebook. She uses some of them , professionally to get money for Neo-feminist DV projects. Here you are being negative to a successful businesswoman who has all these different projects on the go. It does appear shes grifting for profit, i grant you that.

Other people might say she is a classic narcissist, but that's what's wonderful of the world, we all have opinions.


Second Editor: I don't think she's a grifter, but did mock the composition of her images. And maybe unfairly.

6 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page

[emailprotected]"bunch of weirdos"ha ha hawat abou uz beardos (having beards) ?r we weirdos 2 ?ha ha habest blog in town fer a laff

6 April 204

Surviving as they are

Fund and games on Jefferies Street in Elizabeth South.

An indigenous family moved in the parkland near Hogarth and Jeffries Roads. No problems, welcome to the homeless club.

But a problem arose when the children mocked elderly people going in and out of their houses. Then came stones thumping down upon cars. Big stones, direct hits.

One driver chased the kids in his car and in response a large man pulled out a Bowie knife.

Housed neighbours complained to the Playford Council who said it was a police matter, but the police won’t act unless a complaint is made by the Council.

You can imagine the raft of social workers that descended on the family, data collecting, offering bum steers, false promises, you know the routine. Plenty of employment created for that useless class of bureaucrats.

6 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (82)

(above) Impressive signage at an N.D.I.S. contractor's office in Salisbury. But most of the employees and management have an inadequate command of the Australian dialect and even less of the culture. They are government sponsored grifters part of the immigration Ponzi scheme. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, April 2024.)

Puddle Jumpers at Salisbury

The clank of coins into the clear plastic jar held by a volunteer signified they required a gold coin donation, this being a minimum of one dollar. Four clients at at time were allowed into the free food room that included seven or eight vegetable types - not rotten - plus fruit including somewhat decent peaches. A basket of toiletries including bottles of Head and Shoulders shampoo was on a table next to women’s products. The groceries included Salada crackers, coffee, Kombucha Tea and other sort of weird stuff. You took what you needed or wanted under the watchful eye of a volunteer.This is how the Western Food Hub was before the grifters and junkies moved in. After that, they serve the meal which last Monday was badly cooked shell pasta with a tomato based sauce containing chopped vegetables and pieces of chicken. By the amount of returns, diners were not impressed, but if you were hungry it was adequate. There was a small amount of grated cheese, but no salt, pepper or even cheap tomato sauce. Coffee was served politely and staff were polite throughout the session that lasted from 5pm to 8pm. This was Easter Monday when all the other joints except Fred’s Van in the city were closed and there was fighting at the Van. But it was peaceful at the Puddle Jumpers Salisbury event.There were about ten children and 15 adults there at least, but only one “stinking mutt” who was on his best behaviour. It was worth going to and we can only hope the drug addicts don’t discover it.

Puddle Jumpers atSalisbury
Bagster Community Centre,17 Bagster Rd., Salisbury. Ph (08)8487 1830. Decent quality free fruit, vegetables and a few groceries from 5:00pm. Free rudimentary meal and coffee. Entry through side door. One dollar donation. Clean toilets. Horrible lighting and acoustics. Decent staff. No data collection. Nice.

5 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (83)

(above) Orange Sky management under-utilises volunteers with two-hour shifts that take as much time to set up and pack up as allowed for washing and drying. Shifts should be longer at busy locations. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, March 2024.)

Australian government pledges $73 million for bureaucrats in homeless industry

Well, the case managers and social workers will be guaranteed their salaries for another year or so, but no new houses will be built from the $73 million pledged by the Australian government.

This shows the intractable nature of the problem where welfare employees have infiltrated a service sector then become the problem by stopping rather than helping homeless people from getting housing. Government money is siphoned off to pay salaries to conduct interviews and collect data, but not for building houses.

Early 4 April 2024

Australian Homeless News (84)

(above) The N.D.I.S. homeless man got a motel room in Hindley Street, Adelaide for a week because he got Covid. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, March 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (85)

(above) Before going to the motel he stayed in an isolation room at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. One nurse entered his room dressed in smock, gloves and a mask then another entered with no protective apparel. Some hospital staff don't believe in Covid. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, March 2024.)

Australian Homeless News (86)

(above) Staying in the motel was boring so the N.D.I.S. homeless man entertained himself by yelling at employees of the Adelaide Remand Centre. (Adelaide Homeless Journal, March 2024.)

Queensland homeless industry

From the anonymous contact page

In Queensland they bought a former hotel in the inner city, that closed during covid, for social housing. They paid 30 percent above market price, when there was no other buyers who wanted to touch it. After it closed down, gov leased it first as quaranteen and then for homeless. St Vincent de Paul hired to run it. Because of the clientele the last 4 years, nobody wants to touch it. Straight out money laundering this is. Evidently its been like on parole living there, the over reach into peoples lives, the bullying and harrasment from katholic staff, the rules curfews and exorbitant charges to clients on lowest of incomes.They treat the clients as animals and wonder why they behave like animals, a sub culture who know exactly what the katholics are. Perhaps thats why the staff sre like that. Old geezers say staff act exactly like those orphanages staff did, back in the day, when run by untouchable rock spiders.The last people who should ever be let near vunrable. When you go for a police clearance to work in human services, you should be automatically rejected the moment you list your religion as kristian. Put on a watch list if you say katholick

Turns out the owners of the former luxury hotel a guy called rydge. He inherited it, they own lots of hotels, village Roadshow, greater union... They have a 1.3 billion dollar annual turnover and 6 billion in assets. He also inherited a stockbroking firm carlton investments.

His old man made his money importing movies from the pedophile Hollywood in the 30s, known for Child sex trafficking drug running trans nationalist properganda cancer culture and transhumanism. The old man Norman Rydge got knighted. Its hard to see what for, someone made it rich in the dirtiest of industry's. Nothing special but the now dead queen liked knighting child sex traffickers.Every part of the system is in crisis and the system still looking after its mates.During Covid his cinemas changed all there signage to the letter V being in capital and the rest in lower case. Did this in some prominanant places. His little effort at subliminal messaging to take the mRNA gene therapy. Turns out there use to be a condition to getting social housing in his hotel when he leased it for the katholicks to run as social housing. You had to take the mRNA gene therapy.Perhaps thr extra 30 percent on marke price was for his role in Covid?

Early 3 April 2024

Sefton Park Salvo store

As if being a volunteer with the Salvation Army could pose much of a challenge. Well, for Deb de Corso, it meant coming close to being beaten up by three colleagues at the Sefton Park Salvo store. She’d been there for years, but as an unpaid volunteer her manner of acting like she was the manager rankled other employees, not just her three female colleagues.But it was the three women who hatched a plan to ambush and beat her to a pulp. However, an area manager got involved and reputedly sacked Deb on the spot with the proviso she’d never be allowed to perform as a paid or unpaid worker in a Salvo store ever again. Well, that’s the story.But the Salvation Army Thrift shops differ from Salvo stores. Profits from each Thrift shop goes to the local Army Corps while Salvo Stores are a head office corporate arm that rents high value shop space and set their prices accordingly. Thrift shops operate virtually rent free in the Corps buildings and charge lower prices. Anyway, Deb de Corso ended up at the Salvation Army Warehouse Thrift shop in Pooraka. She spread the word they’d hired her as a paid manager. But old resentments have long lives so one volunteer – not of the three angry women – went to the warehouse and made enquires. The answer received from two workers in two locations of the warehouse Thrift shop was that Deb is an unpaid volunteer and not a paid manager. Well, big deal, who cares one way or the other? In this case, quite a number of her former colleagues. And one of the three disgruntled women at Sefton Park Salvo store has since quit. The air conditioner in the work room ceased operating during the recent heat wave and management – in his case, the notorious Heidi – seemed reluctant to fix it.

Early 3 April 2024

From the anonymous contact page

"Sage advice for repelling junkies"

just so happens aye've got a bag of salvia (sage) to try before die.
druggards and drunkards often try to do me in.wont work. spirit never dies.

Early 3 April 2024

Paul Boden in the U.S.A. says the homeless industry got bigger while homeless housing got less: a mirror of Adelaide’s homeless services
13 December 2020

For previous ten years of Adelaide Homeless Journal see the menu at top of this page
The Hutt Street Centre and Kent Town Rotary areportraying Robyn as homeless for the purpose of collecting money.However, Robyn is not homeless. She haslived foryears in acomfortable home in an exclusive suburbacross the South Parklands andwithin walking distance of the Hutt Street Centre. Rotary may not know this, but the Hutt Street Centre does as Robyn has been going there for decades. This is a problem with homeless welfare where clients get drawn into an agency's propaganda unit. Robyn has had a tumultuous life and has adapted her tactics to meet those challenges and her endurance is a credit to the survival skills of humanity.
The story of Sherri Robinson
and Tony DeKort

Photograph ofNgongotaha (Mark Nicholas Arstall, 39) given freely to Mark Brake of the Adelaide Advertiser and published by the webmaster of the Hutt Street Centre on their webpage.

The WestCare Letters (click here)

All posts since 2007 have been archived and can be accessed via the menu bar at the top of this page. This website has also been archived by numerous American Net sweepers.

Australian Homeless News (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.