I' AUTOMOIIIH ilfCTRlCAL ft REFRIGERATION 5 HOUStS FOR SALI tat APARTMENT! 34 til ELM IRA STAR-GAZETTE MUh, November 161 WANTED RIAl 1ST ATI 18 BUYERS WAITING for all types of REFRIGERATORS, Freezers. Wash- ers. Dryers nil makes repaired I Repair Service RB 9-2655. MADISON AVE Half double, also, apartments Inquire 414 William. properties, act now.
t-dieon Realty Upper Lake Rd. RE 3-981S. SOUTHSIDE A dandy 2-3 bedroom home. Newly decorated Beautiful floors, gaa heat, low taxes, nice back yard Only $8,900. R.
A. Bennett Realtor RE 3-3849. AUTOMOIItlt MOVING AND STORAGE It MAPLE AVE 563 3-room unfurnished, upper. $60. RE 4-6393.
CASH BUYERS All types of property. Moore Realty. RE 2-1966. Unscramble these four Jumble, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. Over 220,000 Want Ads Appearing During the Year Show Their Importance Selling, Renting, Hiring.
SOUTHPORT 3 bedroom home in A C. Rice Storage Corn nrnnf fnri NO DOWN PAYMENT S7 PLTMOUTH $S95 'M PLYMOUTH WAGON $550. '51 FORD $450 ford $250 'S3 FORD $195 47 DODGE PICKUP $S95 I FARM Large tillable arreage. mod excellent rendition, freshly painted barn and house hlargtop roal. ntu i xt 'in uar ern MAPLE AVE Cozy 2 room studio apartment, furnished.
Utilities. RE 2-6461 RE 3-9383. BUICK I960 LaSabre Convertible. Black finish, red leather interior. Radio, Allied Van Line worldwide movers.
soeciahzing in storage, local and long1' distance moving. Phone RE 3-9183. i kI.u 'r Storked or bare Address E-m, ARTICLES FOR SAU AUCTIONS SI GOOD THINOS TO EAT FEMALE HELP WANTED bargain at $10,800. McCarty Co. ELMIRA STAR-GAZETTI Friday, November 1.
1M1 19 RE 3-4674. 2 or 3 bedroom house in STORIi-lUSINiSi P3QPI3TY 3f OFFICES Heated, air conditioned, plenty parking. Overhead Door 1251 College Ave. SWEET CIDER, gourds, pumpkins. ATTRACTIVE executive type wom AVE.
Three and bath, upper front. $60. Heat and water furnished. RE 4-6393 after 5. BARBARA'S TRUCKING agent It United Van Lines, long distance and local movinar P.E4.7S81 CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch pine, 6.000.
Mt. Zoar Hill. RE 3-7227. AUCTIONS AUCTIONEERS 46 Southport. C.
Pollen, RE heater, dynaflow, power Desirable SOUTHSIDE Indian Corn at Hudsona Cider Mill. RE 4-8723. 3-i697. Realtor Close to St. Mary and Parley Co-1 AUCTION Don't miss the big auc 559 steering, power brakes.CEXTRAL AUTO SALES: GR.EGORY-Moving.
storage. dehT- CRIB Very good condition. Lyon St. MALE HELP WANTED 47 MAPLE AVE. Upper 4 rooms, unfurnished.
Private. Garage. RE2-7SS8 WANTED MERCHANDISi burn Srhools. Family size 4 bed-jLOl'RDES Area 4 bedroom. Buyer room home.
Double living room, waiting: McCorkle. RE 4-6183. eries. Elmira agent. Wheaton Van! an witn late rnoaei car.
full time, for branch manager position ln Elmira with large cosmetic company. Training given. Write. Barbara Morriseey, 75 Valley View Hamburg. N.
Y. State telephone, qualifliratlons, past experience. water tion ai t-ersonius Auction Barn, Beaver Dams, Friday night, Nov. 3, at 7:30. Large quantity of good furniture, appliances and antiques.
Corning XF 6-8862. oimng room. Kitchen, not room, kitchen, hot SINGLE MAN on dairy farm, loeat- Summit, Pa, Address William Wales Tioga RD 3 Lines. A lower transit insurance rate is proof of Wheaton's careful record. "iTO Madison Ave.
RE 2-flS45 heating system, good cellar, double ALL KINDS scrap Iron, metal, paper, rags, best price at yard. Kaplan 104 E. Woodlawn. RE 3-6531. UPPER LAKE RD RE 3 3691 Ca'l and we 11 bring1 any ear to your home: EAVETROUGHS Aluminum and galvanized round and square.
The best selection and price in town. G.L.F. Elmira. RE 2-5565: Horseheads, RE 9-5619. .1 MAIN.
S. Modern 3-room furnished, parking. RE 2-S862 ZOAR ST. Furnished upper, 5 rooms, bath. $75.
RE 2-3518. Ii STOCK and counter man. full time. fin i as r. un.Uilpu WHOUgn out and well maintained.
Blanchard RE 9-5651. Keal sharp. Like new. $-393 at Stout Motors. Lake St.
at Madison Ave. Dial RE 3-6521. Open every evening. BUSH AUCTION postponed until BABY SITTER wanted ln my home EN SON Moving. Part loads and re turn loads.
"Our rates are lower." Collect. Waverlv LN 5-4511 -nnsunas. ror appointment, call RE 2-1131, HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid lor scrap iron, rags, paper, metals. I. Shulman Son 197-199 Washington Ave.
RE 3-7111. aays. Live in or out. Call Miller-ton, LB 7-4255 after 5. SOUTHSIDE Home and Income! 2 WANTED Good 3 bedroom home, near Edison.
High School. Camp-bell, ML Realtor, RE 4-9465. WANTED TO PURCHASE 6 to 8 acres land for industrial purposes, preferably adjoining railroad, Advise location and other information. Address R-227. Star-Gazette.
WANT FARM-in Horseheads8chool area on good road. House must be ORCHARD, 308 Upper. 5 rooms, bath, redecorated. RE 2-4542. WWm oai.
inov. at 1 v. Due to Mr. Bush's death on the sale for Frl. night, Oct.
27th waa cancelled. Beard's Auction Service. apartments, new gaa furnace, 2-car garage. $9.000. McCorkle.
RE 4-6183. WHAT THE BABY SITTER wanted to live In FACTORY FINISHED Weldwood Paneling, Birch, Cherry, Oak, Walnut. Electric Skilsaw with purchase of 4 Weldwood Panelys, only $21.95. Linn S. Chapel Co.
RB 4-6191. NEW OFFICE BUILDING FOR RENT $0x24. 3 large rooms, Including ahower, hot and cold water, new oil furnace. Juat ouslde Elmira. Beautiful new restaurant next door.
Lota of parking. Also excellent for beauty ahop and barber shop combined. Must see to appreciate. ADDRESS F-240. STAR-GAZETTE HUNTE5? country home, light housework.
RE 2-0229. PENNA. 766 Modern 4 rooma and bath, stove and refrigerator, automatic washer, parking. Adults. $150 PER WEEK LYMAN D.
GRIDLEY Inc. FALL SALE TIME IS HERE Real SUBURBAN 15 minutes from Horse-heads. 3 bedroom Cape Cod. large OLD GOLD and allver. Jewelry, diamonds, musical instruments, luggage, guns, tools, fishing equipment Zeman's, 205 E.
Water. RE 3-6972. p--j LJ 1 LJ KAMEC7 HIS BABYSITTER wanted. 3-11 p. m.
1 child. RE 4-8229 between 9-3. PENNA, 1249 Upper unfur structurally sound. Out buildings GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT XOW IS the to Buy FENCES-A11 types sold, installed, Skilbilt Fence free estimates, RE 3-9713, nights RE 3-3087. ize more tne ku*msey-way by letting us handle the sale of your property, either on commission or by outright purchase.
Phone Whitesville 47. or Westfield EM 7-2926 Rumsey Sales. nished 4 rooms. enclosed porcn. Adults.
RE 3-7645. SCHAYEXKE'S PORTABLE typewriter wanted, any condition. Red Goodwin, 908 Penna. desired ror stock. Cash buyer.
Treat Realty Service, RE 9-3834 RE 9-4368. that winterized and FOR RALE Step-ladder, wheelbar lot. For information, call RE 9-2388. Hoffman St. home has many advantages for a growing family.
Double lot, nicely shrubbed and shaded 2-car garage, Quick possession. For details McCarty Co RE 3-4674. Ave. RE 2-7156. 354 S.
MAIN ST. BEAUTY DEMONSTRATORS Earn up to $5 per hour demonstrating famous Studio Girl cosmetics. Full or part time. Phone RE 2-6122. write P.
O. Box 1041. Elmira. REXT-A-TRUCFv BY THE HOUR DAY WEEK SOSHERTZ STANDARD OPERATING SERVICE PHONE: ELMIRA RE3-56M Corning 2-1036 Blnghamton RA 3-8391 USED GUN AND PISTOL 45 Luger Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FARM SALE Ainsworth Farm.
row, floor scales, counter scales and small tools for coppersmiths and hobbyists. 645 Penna. Elmira, N. T. TT-Nj LJ I i I automatic, 40-20 or 12 gauge gun.
reconditioned ear. CHECK OUR PRICES-CHECK OUR DEALS! HOUSES FOR RENT 33 automatic or pump. misa. Obi wal nut, Elmira. GARAGE overhead steel door, 7x8, OARAGES PARKING 40 A CHARMING Home.
814 W. Water UNIVERSAL Village Good inexpensive 2 bedroom home (one unfinished). Low taxes. Convenient to Rand. Blauvelt.
RE 9-3677. Print Ibi SURPRISE ANSWER hart WANTED Baby grand piano, boy's cheap. KE 4-8001. St. Now vacant.
Newly decorated s. Ass j. CHALLENGING WORK for persons wtth college training in chemistry, physics or biological sciences. Excellent working conditions, generoua benefits. Apply Personnel Office.
110 Day Hall, Cornell Unverslty. Ithaca. New York. small bike with trainer wheels, bird throughout, perfect uondition. 5 GENERATORS, MITE-E-LITE The BUSINESS GARAGE, heated, $35 month.
263 W. Chemung. RB 2-8205. cage with etand. Will pay good price.
RE 2-2956 rooms down. 5 rooms up. vapor heat, 2 woodburning fireplaces, cer WANT! TO RENT 41 most powerful 60 lb. portable electric plant ever sold at any price. Sensational ceramic permanent magnet design, eliminates trouble TRUCKING I6A 1957 Jeep S.
4x4 Wagon SI 595 1956 Jeep fi, 4x4 Wagon $1495 1953 Jeep 4 4x4 Wagon $1095 1947 Jeep. 4x4 snnwplow $995 1953 Jeep fi. 4x4 Pickup $995 1956 Ford 8. 250 Pickup $745 1957 Plymouth Savoy $695 1957 Plymouth $645 1956 Rambler Station Wagon IMS Army Jeep steel top $645 SCHWEXKE'S EXCLUSIVE WILLYS JEEP DEALER OPPOSITE REMINGTON RAND DIAL RE 3-5641 (Answer tomorrow) i riterdav assert: ENSUE GHOUL EACADI DElUGt-A DUAL DUEl WANTED Cheap farm tractor, also wood heater. RE 3-1023 or LO amic tile bath, sunroom.
nice lot. 2-car garage. Can he arranged for WEST ELMIRA At very reasonable price of $16,500 you can own this excellent 3 bedroom home with new wiring, heating, roofing. Not. a thing to do.
All large rooms, including dining room. See it now. RE 2-3157 RE 3-5211. Brownlow-Hamm. It, S3 kW.ef n-n tsAflMA: 5C WATTE 3F ABOUT VNTED TO LEASE to April 1, 1962.
Adulta only. Furnished 2-8478. some brushes, armatures, ellp-rings ASHES, rubbish, garbage Kennedy RE 4-8452-RE 4-S588. apartments, KB 4-5135. Gaming Realty.
MJJ-UON TONS A MINUTE house or furnished, apartment, 3 Phone COMPANION, light housework, live In, widow alone. RE 3-3384. EXPERIENCED Legal Secretary-Permanent employment with established Elmira law firm. Address N-247. Star-Gazette.
WANTED Fuel oil tank. Millerton LE 7-4354. hed rooma or more, prepared to pay ALLEN 237 Half double, 4 Whites Corners. N. Y.
Due to other business interests, I will sell my complete dairy and some farm machinery located at "Stone House" at Whites Corners, 4 miles east of Whitesville, N. 8 miles west of Westfield. 8 miles west of Harrison Valley, Pa on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1961, 12 noon sharp. 73 top Holstein dairy (selling under tent) 41 mature cows, some just fresh, many handling and due sale time and 30 days later; 12 two year old springers, 13 yearlings, 6 started calves, 2 Angus feeder steers.
One of the finest dairies we have seen in one barn in a long time D.H.I.A. tested This years herd average will exceed 13.000 M450F. All raised on the farm through NYABC and Curtiss stud. All bred back to Curtis stud. Large typey cows showing plenty of condition top milk quality and wonderful udder structure.
Equipment 1956 ASHES. trash, brush, heapest trucking around. anything, RE SECOND 1173 rooms, fur-nished. Adults. $12.
RE 2-4600. SOUTH AVE. 2175 rooms, (2 bed-rooms). RE 3-7872. UNION 5211 room, kitchenette, $8.
RE 2-1754 RE 2-4600 UNION PL. 2 unfurnished small apartments, all utilities supplied. $11 and $12.50. RE 2-5790. WALNUT ST.
4 rooms, bath. Newly furnished and redecorated. Hot water heat. All utilities. RE 4-7082 after 8.
WALNUT 3K) (Elm Apart-mentsi newly decorated 3 rooma and bath, laundry facilities, incin-erator. Adults. Call RE 3-0573. WATER. Attractive 4-room, heated apartment, porch RE 2-4946.
WATER, W. Large 3 rooms, furnished, private bath and entrance. RE 2-3609 RE 2-6413. WATER ST. W.
Newly decorated pleasant 5 room apartment close to town. Perfect for working couple. Rent includes heat and utilities. J. Ambrose.
RE 2-6688. for proper facilities. Grace Height FOR $Alf HOUSES FOR SALE rooms and bath. 1 child. RE 4-5774 and commutators.
Gasoline and L. P. gaa models ideal for Fallout Shelters. Contractors. Suburbanites, Fire, Police and Civil Defense units.
See our display In the Chemung Canal Time Plan Office at 204 E. Water AiSOUT B.ooa Parker. KB WEST ELMIRA Bungalow, 6 rooms and bath. Full cellar, gas heat. WANTED Hanging lamp, any con dltion.
RE 2-1447, 7-9 p. m. ALLEN 251 Half double. Auto A-l TOP SOIL, loam, delivered. Will: spread and seed if desired.
TodIGOLDEN GLOW DR. 3 hedroom NEW '61 MERCLRYS METEOR 800'' Sedan, 4- Door Hatdtop. MONTERET 4-Door Sedan. Blue Haie. MONTERET 4-Door Sedan.
Greea Frost. METEOR "800" 4-Door Sedan. Cheap taxes. Large lot. Only $10 matic gas.
hot water. RE 4-8737 BlU-JOM ranch at nnly $5700. With patio and service RE 9-2205 YOUNG MAN desires room and board, private home. Close to downtown. Addresa Y-233.
Star-Gazette. LIVESTOCK 80t) lio. ttarhed garage Hildreth Realty. Elmira. then contact us for a free demonstration.
Tate Equip Days RE 4-5135. Exenings 7 -2449 Ganune Realty BUTLER AVE 3 rooms and bath, 44a. tgmrnjrjwity. utiljties fm.nisned RE s.2495 YEARS Loam, fill, gravel. RE 9-5767 RE 4-0761 HAIRDRESSERS with experience.
If you are tired of every day pin curling and nagging customers, then you should answer this ad. We have teaching positions open ln several locations for the right person RLLLDOZINil Deyo, RE9-27( ar. willing to work hard for SloO bonus and commission and up per week, don't pass up this ad. If You are a person of average intelligence, neat appearance, own a car and won't be satisfied with less than $lo0 per week. I want to talk with you.
I don't care what your previous experience has been whether it was selling books. magazines, vacuum cleaners, appliances, pictures, coupons or working any other positions. Experience not necessary. We give you complete training. If you are able to open your mouth and talk to me, 1 will show you how easy it Is to make up to $200 per week with this company.
If you are accepted, vou will be associated with one of the fastest growing organizations in the country. You will be backed up by millions of dol. lars In advertising. You will be given qualified contacts to keep you busy constantly, sent In by people demanding that our representatives call on them. This is a position with security for the rest of your life.
Get in on the ground floor. You owe it to yourself to answer this ad. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Apply Thurs. between 11 p. m.
and 6 P. Frl. 11 a. p. ni Sat.
It a. p. Mon. 11 a. p.
m. For confidential interview ses Mr. Allen at 303 W. Church Elmira. PET STOCK 56 ment Point View.
Ithaca WEST ELMIRA Older home, beau HOUSEHOLD GOODS (just beyond Breesport Rd. inter MOV. ITS HERRICK ST. Immediate possession! No improvements needed CENTER W. Half double.
5 rooms, redecorated, modern, all conveniences. Adults. RE 2-1982. 8-2. MOVING All kinds trucking.
Free estimates. Phone RE 3-1478. HILLVIEW HEIGHTS, Big Flats-Pine St. New ranch type home, 28 ft. living room, stone fireplace, built-in bookcases, Thermopane sliding doors, leading to patio, large formal dining area, kitchen with birch cupboards, built-in oven and range, 2 complete ceramic tile baths with built-in vanity, 3 extra large sue bedrooms, loaded with closets, hardwood floors throughout, attached garage, full basem*nt.
This home has over 1600 sa. ft. ac section). Horseheads. KK 9-ZSQU.
A BIG lc FISH SALE How? Buy 1 at regular price, get one for only FURNITURE RUG DISHES 43 tifully kept. Entrance hall in pine paneling. Living room, dining room and pleasant kitchen down, 3 bedrooms up. Porches front, and rear. Give background of experience, If you drive, and marital status.
Write GREENHOUSE 21 ft, 60 com WRES MAV MOVING JOBS-Ashes, trash, junk' i Vxterior and interior bought. G. J. Chilson. RE 2-0594.
5Jnt New "of 'copper olumoTn a penny. Where? ooper a Tropi cal Fish. 2018 Lake St. When Right now. P.
O. Box 974. Syracuse. N. Y.
CORA'S Antiques and Gifts, bouglit-eold. 3002 Gr. Central Ave. between plete with boiler, dismantled ln sections. RE 3-2S37.
HAVE BURNS? GRAY W. 703-705 New redecorated 7 rooms, bath each side. $75 each per month plus utilities. RE 3-9053. TOPSOIL.
gravel All. cinders, load-; Parley Coburn, St Mary's schools. THEMSELVES OUT." 14th and Lenox. RE 3-6701. CMC, truck (automatic transmis storms and screens, garage.
Very nice lot, ideal for youngsters. All this for $12,000. Blanchard. RE 9-5651. LADY Baby sit and light housework.
Live in preferred. RE 2-7836 GUNS New, used, bait, tackle AKC BEAGLES, some running, field Fenton Trucking, re 3-1215. HW.BUU. oison, ke 4-7146. THERE IS NO 2AUSS Jerry's 601 Herrlck St.
RE 4-0510. champion sired. RE 9-2786. double. PAINTING, PAPERING tual living area.
Stone planter on TOR IMMEDIATE GRAY, S18' Half Adults. RE 2-4732. LINCOLN bedroom. car LADY to care for 2 pre-school children In my home. 7 to 4.
RE FOR SALE Fri. and 40 inch G. E. electric range. 8 ft.
Frlgid-aire refrigerator, 3 piece living room auite, 2 bedroom suites, extra HOT AIR furnace piping, 9 in. plus. Vi price. Also furnace. Tappan gas front of home, lot AKC Chihuahua puppies, toy type.
RE 2-8955. 104 West Ave. acre and 2-8S01. range cheap. Some furniture.
RE black LYNHURST AVE (Horseheads) -Lovely 3 bedroom ranch. Garage. Vacant. $100. Stiles Son.
RE 3-6575. 2-5120. NURSE for doctor's office. 4 days. chairs, dressers, stands, 1,000 lb Fairbanks platform scales.
W. A BETTER painting, paperhanging fal'Ke. This house must be seen job. Estimates glady given. RE 3-2312 to REjfflo Parell.
Rea'- RELIABLE painting, experienced. H. Taylor. RE 3-3877. i LINCOLN bedroom house and AKC DALMATIAN puppies, and white.
RE 9-4167. WATER W. Upper, unfurnished. 3 large rooms, bath. After 5.
Lee Stearns Real ly Service, RE 2-1886. WATER. 353 One 3-room efficiency apartment, TV, also warm sleeping rooms. 5 to 8 p. m.
1 day 2 to 5 p. WEST ELMIRA Under $25,000. Brick and stone faced ranch home on large beautifully shrubbed corner lot. Center hall, extra large attractive living room with fireplace. 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen with separate dining area.
2-rar garage Carpeting and drapes included. J. Ambrose, RE 2-6688 HUSTOL GAS gives you Christmas landscaped. Price $27,000. Call Callahan A Hooey.
Corning XN 2-1641. evenings XX HORSEHEADS. Grand Central Ave. Gracious older home. Living room 28 ft large dining room, nice Address B-236.
Star-Gazette. Skellenger, 1 710 miles north of Tompkins Corner on Murphy Hill AKC German shepherd, good bloodline. RE 2-7445. MAGEE 5 rooms. 3 bedrooms, vard, utilities included.
$80. RE 4-5854. money. Average check last year $40. Hustol 6 Blends.
S. Main at Robert. BOATS MARINE SUPPLIES 49A ARTICLES FOR SALE 48 CARPENTRY. MASONRY, ROOFING II1 V-Tn5r Priced Rd. PLEASANT part time telephone work available in our Elmira of AKC Registered Dachshund puppies ICE CREAM MACHINE Taylor ALL EAVES cleaned free with each 2-2740 FOR THE BEST in used furniture, WATER.
5:103 rooms, furnish fice for ladles with cheerful voice RUMMAGE SALE, Sat. only. 241 Glenwood Heights, (garage). MAIN S. 6086 rooms.
bath, gas heat, $60 month, plus utilities. RE 9-9666 I kitchen. bedrooms and bath up. good basem*nt. double garage.
Authorized Volkswagen Sales and Service '61 VW Station Wagon. Radio. Good rubber 60 VW Convertible. One owner. Low mileage.
White $1595 '60 VW Redan One owner, low mileage, black with whitewslls $1395 'i VW Sedan Green ST DESOTO Firedom Hardtop. Power assists $975 51 FORD V- Ststion Wagon. Thunderbird engine $95 H. R. Amacher and Son 317 MADISON AVE ELMIRA DIAL RE 4-159S hardening cabinet complete, 2 deep roor repair lob or new roof.
Very1 ed, shower. Adults. $18 week. $35. Earl R.
Smith, kd Troy, ra. Care of Bradford Co. Home. try Bartletts, 1443 caton Ave. open to 8.
ireezers. counters, tables, chairs. Hours 9-1, 1-5 or 6-9. Choose the period which suits you best. Salary EVINRUDE and Johnson motor storage and tuneup.
Factor trained mechanics. Reasonable. TU 5-2453 for pickup. Joe's Downtown, Sayre. Pa.
reasonable. RE 3-5300. ILORENZO reduced Ex- tseauniui double lot. Reasonable pure. Blanchard.
RE RUMMAGE SALE Nov. 4. 8 other restaurant equipment RE home. 6 PENNA. Ave 3 bedrooms, full clos ALL KINDS OF ROOFING.
slate "'''I1 Viry plus salary bonus incentive. RE BRAND PARK Lower unfurnished 4 rooms, bath. $100 including utilities, adults. E. Kretscliman, 2-2826.
3-5509 Ask for Mr. Rowe. FURNITURE, dishes, radios, antiques, rummage. 361 S. Main St.
a. lOOF Hall, corner Madison and Church. By Altrusa Club. roofa repaired, eavetrouehs' cleaned bedrooms), good condition 4-0161 after 1 p. m.
for interview ets. Attic stairway. Woodburning I flrenlfli-e Cam r5n i WEST ELMIRA -2 three-bedroom Cape Cod's. Both with wood-burning fireplace, full cellar and garage Owners transferred and anxious to move. By appointment only.
Arthur R. Boyles. Broker: Dorothy and Warren Tompkins. sion) with N. 1.
self unloading ensilage box, like new; H. C. Hopper blower, brand new; Gehl Field harvester with corn and grass heads, hay drier with A.C. power unit, large livestock bunk feeder, 500 fal. Girton bulk tank, brand new; Surge units, stainlesa steel pails and wash tanks and misc.
100 ton hay, silo of corn ensilage. Real Estate I own two farms I am selling one 164 acre, 75 tillable 38 stanchion barn with 12x30 silo. Spring water Good fencing modern 8 room country home with all conveniences. This property must be sold, regardless of price! Mr. Farmer and Dealer: This sale is exceptional A real fine dairy good equipment and a nice farm.
Everything will be sold Be sure and attend: Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Ainsworth, owners. Young and West, Sales Mgra.
P. S. If you want to sell your cattle alid machinery or have us sell It for you contact "Horseheads" for top dollar and personal service on a true business like basis Call RE 9-3861. AKC REG. German shepherd puppies and dogs, reasonable.
RE 4-1308 AKC 2 toy French poodles. 1 male, 1 female. Phone Odessa. N. Y.
74. KITCHEN CABINETS Custom made. Big discount. 585 Cypress St. and painted.
Very reasonable. RE V1u.Bn01KoSi,lpE1'.P0MeM10n' 4njj9lj Ambrose RE 2-6688 LINOLEUM RUGS 9-12. 15.75 87 MALE HEIP WANTED RUMMAGE SALE St. Cecilia's Par age. Close to Hardy RE; CENTRAL Lady's pleasant studi- 4-S5S6 RE 3-2174.
I apartment, $12,50. RE 4-7680 after 6. Tiles, 7c each. Gublo's Floor 217 ish Hall, Fri. and 9-5.
HAVE YOUR BOAT repaired this fall. We do repairs on any kind of boats, also guaranteed Fiberglass-ing. Runovea Fiberglass Big Flats. Phone LO 2-8719. AMBITIOUS MAN with reliable car Oakwood Ave.
i-vim. HORSEHEADS VILLAGE Lovely ranch, in excellent condition. Large living room with carpeting, cheerful kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms, garage and patio. Heating cost for 1960 only $133. Situated on large corner lot, close to schools.
A buy at Blanchard. RE 9-5651. ALL remodeling and building Jobs. None too small. RE 4-6560.
salesmen RE 4-0926. LENOX AVE. school district. Comfortable home, 6 rooms, bath, gas SEAGER, TETOR LOVEJOY. 118 RALPH half double.
jCENTRAL-4 rooms, bath furnish MAlt FEMALE HELP BIRDS All types. Bird, cat and dog supplies. Reynolds, 426 Fairway. RE H-3742. days 4:30 to 9.
Sat 8 to 9. KNOTTY PINE PANELING Wey-erhaeser kiln dried. West Coast pine, at special price. 19 Vic board foot. Robinson Building Materials, 103 E.
Woodlawn. RE 3-6616. MAD MAN SPECIAL! 5 pc. dinette set. reg.
$69.95. now $43.95, Saw rooms, path, children OK. $631 gj wrr. i. nc to assist manager in outside order department.
Many opportunities leading to early promotion for the right man. High commission ALL TYPES of roofing, eaves clean- I'M garage, extra 61 MERCURY $3444 Colony Park passenger Station Wagon Full power. 60 COMBT 3- Door. Standard shift. 60 PONTIAC $2095 4- Door.
Automatic drive. "60 MERCURY $2399 4-Door. Automatic drive. 17.000 miles. '60 RAMBLER $1666 4-Door.
Automatia drive. 5 LINCOLN $3098 e-Door Hardtop. Full power. Extra clean. '49 MERCURY $159 3-Door.
Automatic. 68 CONTINENTAL Full power aasists. J9 FORD $1398 2-Door. Automatic, power steering OWENS Sea Skiff for '62 on display per month, not including utilities WEST ELMIRA 3 bedroom home in good condition. Large living room and dining room.
Kitchen arranged Lake have a special on ferma-jacks at $7.77. Free parking, free delivery. Your "Old Time" hardware store. RE 4-7664. GRAPHIC ARTIST wanted.
Write complete resume with references to P. O. Box 172. Elmira. yer, Dewey and Shumway, 1113 A.
Olson. RE 4-7146. ed and painted free with everv roof vmum. r.ui 10b. RE 9-304 8.
on RE 3-9818. at Ervay s. Grand Central Horseheads. Penna. Ave.
upen til BLACK and tan coon hound. 1 year old, male. L. Eagle. 703 E.
Water Elmira. RE 4-0204. rates paid. Apply 5-9 p. Friday HOUSE AND LOT-5 miles north: for washer and dryer, ury cellar.
LADDERS Household step ladders, CARPENTER WORK only, lid E. Church Koom 206 Kitchens MAHOGANY dining room suite RIVERSIDE AVE. Attractive single $85. Older child. RE 2-8260.
SEPTIC TANKS, oil tanks, 275-550 SITUATIONS WANTED 70 YOU ARE invited to the showing MORROW 307 Lovely 6 rooms, modern bath, kitchen. New auto Roberts Gordon gas burner, Ironer, AVAILABLE OPENINGS for men In bath remodeling, roofing, plumbing, heating. W. C. Wise.
RE 4-5991 Jon Pa. Phone 2143. FOX TERRTERS Schuster. Elkland, of Watkins on Route 14. Phonej automatic heat.
2-car garage. With Watkins 493M2. or without an extra lot Quick LOWJIAN-New ranch, bedrooms. B- v- Smith- Rg Owner. RE 3-0676.
RE 3-7361. WILL HOLD open house at 612 RE 2-4543. and 1,000 gallons. We are carload buyers. "Our low overhead, your low cost." Schuyler.
RE 4-6644. CLEAN, warm, centrally located 3 room unfurnished apartment. Private batli and parking area. RB 2-6781 or RE 3-0769. CLOSE-IN -3 rooms, ntrely furnish-ed.
Adults. RE 3-1940. EASTSIDE Furnished. unfurnishedT Josephson. 851 E.
Water. RE 3-5556. FOUR ROOM upper (2 bedroomsT, furnished or unfurnished. RE 2-7695. 4 5 6 $4.95: 16 ft push up expansion ladders, 18 $13.95: 20 ft.
only, $16.95. Schuyler's, Wellaburg. RE 4-6644. terested In learning heating and In matic gas furnace. Beautiful vard and surroundings.
Excellent buy, WASHINGTON $40. Upper. Bos ton. 4 rooms and bath. Water furnished, garage if needed, RE 2-5809 sulation business Apply Mr.
weis- MAHOGANY telephone bench, nearly new. $25. Gas circulating heater HAMSTERS Fine pets for children 453 South Ave. RE 2-1957. and on the water demonstration of the new for 1962 Trojan Cruisers, 24 and 27 Saturday and Nov.
4 and 5, from 1-6 p. m. on Seneca Lake. Our boat basin. 1 Franklin Watkins Glen.
Jerry's Boatarama. CARE of children, my home days, nights. Reliable. RE 3-41780. DESIRE typing done In my home, experienced RE 4-7297.
DRAFTSMEN would like redraw. SNOW AND SILO Fence, good con- T.OVRI.V rvmvTPv wrm. aturaayana miiay. kopr, 420 S. Main St.
(rear), be tween a. m. with blower and thermostat, excel WTNSOR CIRCLE. 81 (West Elmira) CARPENTER Work New additions, apartments, cupboards, porches and repairing. RE 3-7645 RE 2-8286.
carpenter work, remodeling Reasonable. Dial RE 3-5438. 10 a. m. to 5 p.
m. Four bedroom ae.yuu. rte z-wzs. alters KE2-124. PENNA.
AVE, fill" Newly decorat-ed, remodeled. 11 rooms. Suitable for home or home and office. RE 3-7468 lent condition. $40.
RE2-4S45 RE lovely bungalow. 3 bedrooms, liv IRISH SETTER puppies. 6 weeks old. 180 Clerl St RE 2-5605. LINOLEUM RUGS 9x12, $5.75.
Free delivery in this area. Sherwin-Williams paint. Drake Rice. 212 S. Main EXPERIENCED MANAGER for well ply on hand.
reg. $9.40. Trailer load special, $8.95. G.L.F., Elmira RE 2-5565: Horseheads RE 9-5619. SPECIAL AUCTION at Van Loon out.
7 rooms and hath, woodburning fireplace, oak floors and trim, storm sash, awnings, large garage 2-1335. home in fine condition. Suitable for doctors office. A. Wm Yungstrnm, Broker Vern (Jack! L'tter, Sales- ing room, modern kitchen, bath large yard, automatic heat.
S110 detail or some layout work on a part time basis. RE 9-2943 or LO 2-8620 after 6. workshop. beautifully shrubbed WEARING APPAREL 50 'EARLY NEW 3 piece modern bed 1x12x10, also SNOW -THROWERS Ariens, Bob- monthly. RE 2-1223.
after 5 RE 2-6124 man LUMBER BOARDS 2x4's. RE 4-5841. KEESHONDEN puppies, champion sire and dam. Van Storm Kennels, Millport. RE 9-4712.
EXPERT Carpentry New work. Cab-! inet. Repairs. Reasonable. RBJ-S908, established household goods carrier and warehouse, located in South Central, N.
Y. Salary and profit sharing program, excellent opportunity for qualified man. Address VAX BRUNT MOTORS' The Autumn Leaves Are lawn plus garden spot. RE 2-203 after 6 m. tur room auite, complete 512.1.
Refrigerator in excellent condition, $40 RE 4-S012 after 4. GRAY KID SKIN, size 16-18, coat, $20. RE 4-1065. EXPERIENCED woman will do part WOODLAWN AVE double. 4 rooms down.
3 bedrooms and bath up. RE 3-3296. $350: (FALLOUT Shelters CD approved. Completely Installed. Free esti-! mates.
L. H. Davis. RE 2-7532 X-232. Star-Gazette.
MAPLE AVENUE SECTION Auction House. Fri. night, Nov. 3, at 7 o'clock sharp, selling the complete household of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Larkin. Hot Point automatic electric range, excellent: automatic washer, refrigerators, G. E. Vacuum cleaner, breakfast set sectional bookcases, dining table and chairs, 3-piece living room auite. studio couch.
Motorola 21" TV, roll-awav bed. day bed. maple twin MILLPORT2-family house, down. RE 2-3003 after 5. TRY NEW Kasco Cat Food.
Get yours at Banfleld Baker Corp. State at Gray St. Cat, Gravely and Snow Bird, all self-propelled with reverse. See us. if you want a machine to really do the job.
We service what we sell Tate Equipment Ithaca Road just beyond Breesport Road intersection, Horseheads. RE 9-2800. FHILCO 19" TV and stand HUDSON SEAL COAT, very reason-able. 524 W. Church, rear apt.
FURNISHED and unfurnished utility apartments; one 3 bedroom duplex. All in vicinity of Broadway School and Shopping Center. RE 3-A35S. FURNISHED E. Second, upper.
WOd era, private. RE 9-9880. FURNISHED 4 rooms. bathT! mod! ern. clean, near Hoffman St Plaza, adults only.
RE 3-7853 or RE 4-6464. time housework, bake or cook, clerk in variety store, also can furnish piano, play old time, request music in restaurant. RE 3-3000. GOOD maintenance man food pro A-l WEST ELMIRA Cape Cod, $115 $120. 3 rooms of furniture, $50 and MAD MAN'S SPECIAL 2-piece modern living room suite, nylon cover, foam rubber cushions, reg.
$459, sale $192.71. Hoover canister cleaner with attachments, reg. $69.95, sale $44.95. Sawyer, Dewey St Shumway, 1113 Penna. open 'til 9.
FLOORS SANDED Reflnished. Old cessing. Address u-241. Star-CSazette, LUat KK iJ-4t30. tane over payments.
E. rerrieer and Fox SPIRELLA Spencer Corsetlere. Mrs. WIRE-HAIRED Terriera Terriers. RE 2-6S54 noors made like new.
RE2-SI02. RACE 41.WExcellent large older home on big lot. Living room, dining room. dinette kitchen, screened porch first floor 3 bedrooms, hath, sleeping porch second floor. 3-car garage.
Blauvelt. RE 9-367r RIDGE R75AbH(sldieali ful new brick ranch home, situated on a large seeded and shrubbed lot Large living room with brick fireplace, spacious kitchen with large dining area 3 nleasant MONTOUR FALLS 8 room. 4 bedrooms, gas heat, laundry, 1U baths screened porch, garage. acre. $7,100.
Phone Montour Falls 5711. ator. $30. Gas range, $20. RE 9-4093.
Klerce. 401 Grove. 2-0409. HOUSEWORK Live MAN interested In permanent sales Falling and So Are the Prices On Our QUALITY USED CARS in, $15 week. 2-3140 SNOW TIRES, used, 750, 800 and Grace Mosher.
ATTRACTIVE 5 rooms and bath, newly redecorated. Call RE 4-6530 after 12 noon. BOCK MAPLE Breakfast Set with 17 MASON work, plastering, brick work. I Homes Leveled. RE 3-7645, RE 2-8286 HORSES.
CATTLE WINTER COAT Size 18; blue gown size 16. RE 9-1907. 850x14. 1000 Penna. Ave.
RE 3-0303. 8 or 4 bedroom home. Good siie rooms. 1', baths, strictly modern kitchen with birch cabinets and dishwasher. Complete basem*nt, garage, Asking $11,500.
E. Wood. RE 3-9191. position. Experience helprul but not necessary.
Salary $94 a week. Call RE 3-4774. beds, excellent, beautiful mahog $1444 Automatic, full MOST OUTSTANDING and beautiful LADY wants housekeeping job for 4 maple chairs. $35. Chemung Furniture.
158 Lake St. Open until 9 59 FORD 4-Door. power. PLASTERING, chimneys, cinder SNOW TIRES All sizes. Guaran person alone.
55' St. MEN'S SUIT Like new, 40 short ladies dresses and coats, all sizes: shoes, dishes, drapes, etc. RB 4-9534. 533 Water St. WINTER COATS Size 18H.
like any 4-piece bedroom suite, double bed, complete, several good chest of drawers. 2 steel wardrobes, good BOSTON, 4 room lower, unfurnished. $12 wk. 1455 Gr. Central Ave.
BEAUTIFUL polled Hereford herd sire. 4 years old, weight 1800 lbs. LO 2-8722. tonight. teed very good.
95S Lake St. oiocks. waimoard. steps, re 9-4686. MAN living In or willing to move new.
KE 3-2829. MARRIED man desires service sta HEIGHTS Upper 3 room furnished, bath, utilities, laundry, RE 3-3578. HEIGHTS Upper, unfurnished. 4 rooms, bath, utilities. RE 3-3578.
brick ranch home. Entrance hall, large living room, wood-burning fireplace, dining room, ultra modern tile kitchen, built-in counter top range, oven, barbecue, dishwasher. STEEL I BEAMS, channels, angles. piano, lawn furniture, quantity of SOLID mahogany secretary desk, excellent condition. 957 Scio.
RE 2-0374 SIDEWALKS, chimneys, repaired built. Patios. Insured. RE 3-1977. COAl-OIL-WOOD 51 COW PALACE CATTLE Main BUNGALOW 4 and bath, redecorated, private, will furnish.
RE 2-5497. tion attendant. 2 years experience. Address M-24H. Star-Gazette.
MOTOR SCOOTER Cushman, 1959. plates and reinforcing bars, new to Watkins Glen, N. for local route type work. Car and neat appearance necessary. $90 to start.
Phone RK 9-1727. $100. RE 3-5364 after 5. and used. Chemung Supply FRE-BURN Anthracite, stove and LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING If HEIGHTS Upper, utilities furnish good dishes, cooking utensils, sieas, garden tools, a chest full of carpenter tools, stands, lamps, rugs and hundreds of other items.
Also in bedrooms, ceramic tiled bath with vanity plus extra 4 bath. Basem*nt gartitioned and has ceiling to floor rick fireplace. Attached garage gas heat. Olson. RE 4-7146.
THREE-PIECE living room suite, beige, newly upholstered. $90. RE Before you buy any Used; Car stop in and look at; these premium cars ALL COMPLETELY WINTERIZED Old Corning Rd. one mile north of i COTTAGE Lower Marningside 3A; furnisher! 4 rnnm hath arinlta PTC dining area. 4 unusually lovely bedrooms, master bedroom, verv lareel LOTS ACRF.AGI Whitesville, N.
Y. Buying, Ing, trading high grade dairy animals in any amount or any area. Phone 47 Whitesville. D. H.
Rumsey. NEW AND USED tools, household ed, adults. kbl'-0P2 after 5. chestnut, only $20.45 ton, try a ton. Pitcher Fuel.
RE 2-0849. MAN on dairy farm. Phone Waverly Ecnpse. Dial KE 4-6700. items, toys, clothing.
RE 3-7345. 4-6517. DRAPES, straight and ruffled curtains, nicely finished. RE 3-5961. COME OVER OUR WAT-WELL DEAL TOUR WAT! LN 5-9448.
BREESFORT Chermine Road fi this sale farm produce, live poul with adjacent tiled bath with shower. One other tiled bath, with show PAINTER PAPER HANGER, professional, rlenn worker: own tools. $2.25 hr, or Job, references. Frled-rich's, RE 9-2035 RE 3-6212. WILL CARE for children, my homer central.
Details. RE 3-6476. HEATED 5 rooms, lower, utilitiea furnished. $62 mo. RE 9-5264 STORM SASH, wood, any size.
NEW DUPONT LUCITE Paint the HARD FOUR Holstein heifers, 2 springing AND SOFT COAL Also Hill, RE 3-5884. TWO marble top tables, invalid walker. Helen Rogers, N. Chemung MARRIED MAN. with car.
who Is acres, ideal for trailer lot. Blanch-' DECORATED 5 rooms. No plumbing ard. RE 9-5651. I Watkins Road.
$25. RE 4-8415. try, feeder pigs, new utility trailer, oil furnace, heating stoves and er. Large recreation room in base loam. RIVERSIDE-Good 4 bedroom, large kitchen, disposal, dishwasher.
Treated. E. M. Pfaff and Son, 204 E. Franklin, Horseheads.
RE 9-2221. STRAIGHT CURTAINS, 75c ruffles. $1.00 pr. Will pick up. RE 4-SS28 HEIGHTS 4 not making $100 per week to pick room upper, ment, laundry room with washer 1 Angus heifer and yearling ouu J.
M. Lewis, Pine City. N. T. clean, easy, quick way to paint Don Wright Hanover Square Horseheads.
Rd RE 3-4990. warm, days. Dial HARD body wood for sale. clean. Utilitiea mciorKie.
KHi 4-B1S3. RE 2-2997 HALF DOUBLE 4 rooms and bath many other items. Our building will be comfortably heated. Van up fuller catalogs after supper and STORM WINDOWS Nine 28x61H, HE 3-6905-RE 3-6938. Hours on Wat.
References requir PONIES All ages. $75 up. Charles WASHINGS and ironings, work. No delivery. RE 4- vail KE 3-44bL'.
4 P. m. tO 6 111. bHKELEY ST. Cozy white hunca- WINDOW washing, painting, attics and cellars cleaned.
RE 2-8217. Loon Auction Service, Odessa 119 HORSEHEADS Comfortable, unfurnished 4 room upper. 9-5261. Mangle 340. 30 three 31VixG5, six screens, 28x 51H.
$35 complete. RE 9-1505. BUY YOUR LOT now in "Country Estates" only AA zoned area in the Town of Horsheaeds. for beauty, protection and suburban living at its best. Call Modern Land Dev.
Lane, Lowman Road. ONE power hack saw. one Delta cutoff machine, 3 punch presses. For LINCOLN Chestnut Hard Coal, $20.45 ed. Good profits per hour.
Resident of Troy. Canton vicinity preferred. HALF DOUBLE 4 rooms, bath, ga SEWING-TAUORINO iuw. Aluminum storms. garage, blacktop.
A real beautv, low taxes A Bennett Realtor, RE 3-3849 leaves raked. quick sale, reasonable. RE 3-6579 ton. Linn S. Chapel RE 4-5191.
TOP BRAND household furnishings YARDS CLEANED. RE 4-0204. REGISTERED Holstein bull, ready for service. RE 9-2167 after 8:30 p. rage, stove, rerngerator.
gas heat 469 Franklin St. RE 2-9083. write Laurence smith. 1344 Tenna Wllllamsport, Pa. arid dryer, patio, very efficient hot water heat 2-car garage Living room.
2 bedrooms, beautifully carpeted wall-to-wall. with matching drapes. This unusually attractive home is situated on one of West Elmira's finest residential streets, ona large lot approximately 105x136 In a setting of beautiful trees, shrubs and surrounded by spacious and appliances sold 10Te over cost HORSEHEADS. Ridge Road area -Furnished 3 room upper, garage Lease required. Blanchard.
RE 9-5651. SPECIAL PRICES on all new and ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILING -Skilbilt. RE 3-9713. nights RE 3-3087 ALTERATIONS professionally done. Lamp shades made or recovered.
RE 2-3697. 71 Ohio Ave. MEAT SALESMAN Commission HEIGHTS Boston, upper 4 rooms and bath. Garage. RE 2-0298.
SOUTH HOFFMAN ST2 bedrooms, gas heat, storm windows, screens, garage. RE 3-1988 after 6 p. m. plus freight. Terms.
Open until Sawyer, Dewey Shumway. 1113 Penna. Ave. Open until 9. Bldg.
Corp. RE 9-4S91-RE 9-3855 JUST 6 Lots left in BeautifurBen-nett Knoll overlooking Mark Twain Golf course. Call Hampton Roads Realty Corp todav. 3-1075. INSTRUCTIONS 48 MERCURY $1lSj 4-Door.
Automatic drive. OLDSMOBILE 4-Door. Full power '67 BUICK $108 Special 4-Door Hardtop Dynaflow basis. Apply 322 Carroll St. OVERHEAD DOORS.
Sales Service, used tractora and equipment. Harold Havens, Odessa, Mecklenburg Rd. Phone Trumansburg 387-3233. Overhead Door 1251 College Ave. 1 mm HEIGHTS 2 bedroom modern house.
Children OK. RE 4-9569 FUR coats, capes, stoles, jackets, collars remodeled from old. Alterations, latest styles. RE 2-0703 RE 2-1763 TOP SOIL, loam and gravel deliver WEST AVE. Horseheads-Good location, lovely home.
Large living writ). a 1 1 PAINT Inside and out. all colors. lawns witii a large swimming pool SEEDS PLANTS 52 HORSEHEADS. unfurnished 4 room.
1 bedroom lower. Nov. 1. RE 9-2844 LOWER-4 rooms, unfurnished or upper, 2 room furnished studio RK 3-9603. INSTRUCTION CLASSES 71 ed.
Grading and lawns seedea. kh 9-2205. Horse- In case lots, $1 and $1.50 per gal. HEIGHTS 3 room house for rent. Dial RE 3-4557.
NATIONAL COMPANY offers sales opportunity for married man, over 22. References and car necessary. Liberal expense allowance, retirement program. Address Y-187. Star-Gazette, which Is so conducive to happy and'L0TS West.
Elmira an carefree living. For one who desire! heads. RE 4-8512. RE 9-51 Arnold's Furniture CHARLEY SAYS KEEP SMILING AND YOU WILL WITH THE BUYS LISTED BELOW. Samples 17 In.
Portable TV, Waa $229, now 3-plece Maple Sofa Bed and Chair Set 99 Arnold's Furniture SEWING, alterations. Evening and! and chefl "KS 5166. Al Grove MANY KINDS OF Evergreen Trees ACCORDION Instruction. Private KK 3-0334. TRASH, treasures, frames, dishes, and Shrubs for planting.
Hedges lessons Joseph Cesare. RE 4-0403. I drfl's- area. 2 bedrooms down plus 1 bed-! Anytime. 68 Cleveland Ave.
RE 2-8486. room arid child's room up Base- PHEASANT HUNTERS Don't go reaWtwn'Ihi. ft-. $2,000. 01 leanstic pi ice this home is for voti.
rr 4.7145. HEIGHTS 6 room single, available Nov. 15. $90. RE2-4001.
screens, windbreaks and shade at furniture. Garage, 350 Franklin Elmira. LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEWS Mr. Farmer Do you know that our cattle and calves are selling from $2.00 to $4.00 more per hundred right here at the Valley Stock Yards. Athens, and Knoxville Sale, Knoxville, each Monday and Tuesday, and our commissions are less? Al? ways sell the early part of the week and sell them live weight.
home empty handed. Buy a pheas LEARN Flower Arranging Thurs LOWER 6 rooms and bath, unfurnished. 428' 2 W. Fourth St. Mhown by appointment Grace 1 nuArivuiij iur men nr women.
Al-j a.ftc, iai- wm lanascflppn ant at Lattabrook Preserve, cor. SOUTHPORT 400 ft rrnniae-. wis i NEAR BREESPORT Main highway Might Parker. RE 3-4616. day evening class now forming.
Call Jay Parker Floral Studio, RE 3-6741. TWO GRAVES St. Peters and Pauls lerationa or repairs. I'rimo. Second; owner transferred so priced Lattabrook Road and Watercure very low prices.
All northern grown In my own nurseries. Phone Corning XN 2-0773. or HUlview Nurseries Christmas Tree Farm. Mlddle-bu-y Center, 50-R-15. Located on to sell.
Blanchard. RE 9-5651. Floor. 310 E. Water St.
rt. deep. Business zoned. All util- SiSS pen room nouse. kkh-I'HW MILLPORT 5 rooms down.
4 rooma up. RE 2-3003 after 5. $888 full Hill Road. RE 2-4870. RE 3-7642.
Hies. ta.UOO TRAINING COURSES 73 lso W3CIIUNIOHI SHVICI Cemetery. China clock, fur coat Size 10-12, brown, sheared tip raccoon: occasional chairs, rummage, 94 York Ave. RE 2-6510. 21 uuwmb, 81 (Off Decker HOUSE West Elmirs.
you. I 555 ln Horseheads. RE 3-3865. AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 4th 10 A.
M. SHARP Estate of Hannah O'Dea 466 W. Hudson Elmira Complete contents including: Living room, dining and bedroom furniture, rare bookcase desk, antique items, good rugs, drapes, linens, lamps, clocks, radios, dishes, kitchen utensils GE refrigerator, Magic Chef gas range. Maytag washer, garden tools and many other useful Items. Don't misa this sale.
Terms: CASH By order of Chemung Canal Trust Exceutor Auctioneer, Herb Fox. RE 9-9605 25 Years of Successful Selling Homes, Estates. Businesses Ival's Lunch Service at thia sale POWER SAW. jig saw, grindstone, TRAILER LOT Ready for cimira. oun- ICS High school electronic courses.
electric sender, many other tools Rt. 84. between Tioga and Wells- MODERN 2 and 3 room unfurnished, heated, also 2 room furnished. 3 blocks from Main Water RE 8-9134. NORTH CHEMUNG Only 7 miles from city.
Modern ranch home with large lot. Large living room, 3 bedrooms, efficient kitchen, basem*nt, automatic oil heat, aluminum storms and screens. Elmira school naiow. ned rooms mint 4 v.9i nne Valley. 2-rar Isundry, SINGLE HOUSE-, rooms, gas heat.
CALL VASCO Exterminating Co. I about ants, roaches, bedbugs, moths. 958 Lake St. RE 3-5213 for right party. 621 Budd St RE coro.
Tioga County, Penna. room, patio. $3700. Canada. Broker OPENING for ambitious Salesmen.
Construction experience preferable To represent Bennett ready-rut homes (not Straight commission and bonus. Replv with qualifications in detail to Bennett Homes. Br. Sales office, 7176 Tran-sitRoad. Wllllamsville.
N. Y. PHARMACIST "opportunity, new store. Salary plus manv extras. Apply mannger Rand "Drug Store.
Grand Central Shopping Plaza. Horseheads. Southside Bf. i.qo-,q TWO heavy duty trailer axles with 3-9325. 131-133 W.
Wat pr Elmira Full price $12,500. Down pavment (or terms) Assume payments 4 morteace Monthlv KE 3-2732. SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees reroutes, etc. jcimira RE 4-9674. wheels, one with electric oranes, 4 SorTHgmp- i- dnnhi.
COLLEGE Lower, heated hth ri? hH2-o" oirS, snd' room and bath apartment, stove hath. Gas heat. $o0. RE 3-08o3 i and refrigerator It. Pt R.C.A.
WASHER, automatic. 21 in RE 3-5524 FINANCIAL pruned. Will haul to main road Dealers order now. RE 9-4592. new 10-ply tires.
Will sell separately or together. 36 Pioneer Trailer Ct. $81. includinr taxes interest 'nril. 58 POUITRY-BEES G.
E. TV. console model, good con $1099 full oua at floor, church and store: IlPirAv. Pnc 311-500. BlanchardJ INCOME BUSINESS PROPERTY 34 pal.
Excellent buy. RE 2-1223. After dition. KK 4-0681. oOUTHSIDE Half double.
4 rooms, ntcei.v EXPERT UPHOLSTERING Beautiful fabrics reduced 50 save money and reupholster vour favorite chair before the holidays. Phone Miss Evelyn. Interior Decorator 6.000 SPRUCE. Balsam Scotch Pine 1961 OLDSMOBILE Se-dsn. Metallic grsen, hy-dramatic.
power brakes, power steering, 6-way electric seat. Immaculate. 1961 OLDSMOBILE r-s Sa-dan. Blue, standard transmission. I960 FORD Galaxle Convertible.
Whits with black top Black and whlta Interior. 1965 CADILLAC Coups Da-Vllle. Ross with whlta top. AH the usual power assists. 1960 OLDSMOBILE 98' Se-dsn.
Metallic bronz. Hydramatlc. Power brakes, steeling and 6-way electric seat Like new. 1959 CADILLACS 3 coupes and ona sedan to choosa from. All In new car condition.
1959 CHEVROLET Brook-wood 4-Door Station Wagon. Blue and white. Standard shift, radio and heater. with TWO SNOW TIRES, 67 PLYMOUTH 2-Door. Automatic.
S7 MERCURY 2-Door, automatic, power. CADILLAC 4-Door, automatie. power. 5 CHEVROLET 4-Door. Automatic.
S5 MERCURY 4-Door. Automatic. '65 RAMBLER 3-Door. Automatic. i.
Klfi 2-bK4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 7S RESTAURANT Supplies and equip rteaaeM1. Im RE HOME APPLIANCES A FIXTURES 43 rim. Dial KE 3-4893. BABY CHICKS Every week. Started and ready-to-lay pulleta for Immediate and future delivery.
Stile? Hatchery. Phone 583, Penn Yan. N. CLINTON W. 377.
2 or 3 apartments. Good location for rental property. Asking $9600. Chemung ment. pans, glassware, sliver 7 OfiQ- pilaus fnwaiiceg, ail uill- ATLANTIC Service Station available, TYPEWRITERS, Portable, Standard Louis Upholstery Shop for a free ware.
Complete equipment at cash $6 8 ADMIRAL upright freezers. 12 cu Pruned, nice shape Christmas trees. Not less than 100 at wholesale price. Much better price ln 600 or 1.000 lots. We invite you to look these trees over before you bny elsewhere.
Phone Corning XN 2-0773 estimate. RE 3-4535, ities. $16 wk. Ideal for business people or couple. St.
Joseph's Hospital area. RE 2-8065. and carry prices. Save at Wilson ana 1 trust u. as administrator.
RE 4-1581. ext. 238. ft. $174.95: 16 $214.95: 19 $259.95.
New and used. Services. Rentals. L. W.
Hastings, 211 State. RE 2-3944, APARTMENTi 34 A Better Concept to buy or sell See colored slides and take picture-information form of propertiea that interest you. Best service 2 projectors and duplicate slides. Blauvelt. RE 9-3677 RE 9-9511.
Arthur NORTHEAST Home for large family or Income. 9 rooms and bath in good condition. Easily converted, some hardwood. Cellar, automatic heal, new roof and outside paint. 2-car garage, reasonable.
E. Smith. RE 4-7573. 610 S. Main RE 3-2844.
YEAR OLD HENS, laying. Halstead. RE 3-6382. Terms. Sawyer, Dewey A Shumway 1113 Penna.
Ave. Open until 9. PHOTOSTATIC COPIES Prompt low cost service on military dts- S. one DAVIS 563 -Three apartment furnished. USED 12 gauge pump shot nd 3 unTuTI for lease Dec, 1.
Established volume location, outstanding potential. Paid training and financial assistance available for qualified Individual. For information call R. Wilsey, Corning, days LO 2-8411, evenings XN 2-6964. RE 3-5374.
or Hillview Nurseries and Christ PRACTICAL ENGINEER Structural timber design, drafting, estimating, layout. Established firm. Unadllla Silo Unad Ilia, N. Y. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Experienced.
Willing to work full time. Prospects furnished. Stiles A Son, RE 3-6575. $199 ROOF COATING 5 gal. pail $2.69.
Free spreading brush with 2 pails nouse. good income. Reasonable. WANTED-UVESTOCK, PETS 59 equipped with rear sight and recou msned, 3 room upper, private bath. ANYTIME STOP IN RCA, Whirlpool Blauvelt.
RE 9-3677. pad. Excellent condition, easy mas Tree Farm, Mlddlebury Center, 50R15, located on Rt. 84. between A REAL buy on a 4 hed loom hnmp BIRCHWOOD 2 rooms, private: entrances, porch, refrigerator, stove or more, peck 102 state St.
ELMIRA College section 8 apart terms. Goodyear Service Store, Col lege W. Gray St. RE 4-5103. ROOFING now at G.L.F.
65 lb and Norge Washers, Dryers. Refrigerators. Glass lined water heaters 10-year. Rhoades. 17E.
Big Flats. DEAD ANIMALS removed promptly. We buy live horses. Phone collect, Wellsboro. '24-7201 or 724-8123 Good location, large living room NORTHEAST SECTION Older and diniiiR room, hoi water liesl home, fi I'OOniS hath Baa i Tioga and Wellsboro.
Tioga County Penna. cnarges. marriages and birth certificates. Also all kinds of legal and business papeis, Expert work done by Elmira Star-Gazette Photostat Department Open daily 8 to 4 Mon daythru Friday. PRINTING "OFALl7KlbS-Clilie $288 ments snowing excellent return.
roofing, cash and carry, only $2.95 BOWUNG ALLEYS Downtown lo hath, furnished, gentleman. RE3-60 included. RE 3-2536. BROADWAY Heated, upper, 4 NORTHWEST SECTION Large up" rooms, private hath. RE 3-3187.
per. modern, cable. 2 bedroom BROADWAY 417-3 nieeK- fnmi.h. JL an'1 furnished. RE 4-0765 KE 12 GAUGE Browning automatic, rals quick possession, reasonable.
E. V. wood throughout, 'enclosed 'porch. McCorkle cation. W.O0Q, KE 3-9134.
AUTOMATIC WASHERS 1961 ten rous or more. u.u., mimira, RE 2-5565: Horseheads RE 9-5619. "g- inn casem*nt rotner LnrintutA, ed rib and polychoke, $110. lis ROUTE MAN-60 stops a day, 5H days a week. $100 weeklv to qualified men.
Phone RE 9-1727 closeouts. Reg. $359.95 Now $199. B5 1 MuAtiitA ncjinnia ousiness BUSINESS PROPERTY Restau Brookllne Ave. after 5 p.
m. DEAD ANIMALS removed. 7 days of prompt service per week. Highest prices for live animals. Call collect 4986, Montour Falls Render- ansiimk G.I.
MORTGAGE on 2- BULB SPECIALS Matr offer aCS WM Prtment and '54 PONTIAC ed rooms, private, utilitiea furnish RUMMAGE and Bake Sale Garage Gas dryers, Reg. $269.95 Now $299 rrinung. Our 23rd Year" at 429 year-oid. hedroom home in Wind 25 DISCOUNT on all television qoVo nuj-i rooming nouse. zai wiring, hot wa 1214 S.
Main Thursday-Satur $159.95. Made bv makers of Kel ed. SI 6 per week. SALESMEN wsnted Apply Mr, Mc- BTie HI Dial RE 4-8486 ter heat. Apartment and room fur vinator.
Easy terms. Sawyer. Dewey day, 1 p. p. m.
ng Works. rant, taxi office and 5-room apartment overhead. Owner will flnanca with very reasonable! down payment. A good Investment! Olson. RE 4-7146.
tubes. Tubes checked free. Guaran teed 8 mos. Sawyer. Dewey, Shum CALDWELL AVE 306U Kit.
PRICES REDUCED ON sor Gardens. Horseheads. Small down payment, $85 a month. No closing costs, quick occupancy. John NO RTH WEST Good location, from ann.
41 a. Main between a m. tr Shumway. 1113 Penna Ave. open OFF MAPLE 4 room, unfurnished, heated, upper, utilities.
RE 2-9014. ROOM "upper flat, $30 amontru RE 2-0736. SMALL furnished apartments, close todowntown, $10 and up. RE 4-8594. nished.
2-car garage. All rents paid weekly. Olson, RE 4-7146. REUPHOLSTERING Sears Roebuck and Co. ln Elmira offers a bath.
2 bedroom, upper, everything glass- way. 1113 Penna. Ave. Open 'til 9. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE RUMMAGE Antique dishes, ware.
jugs. 528 Hatfield St. 'til 9. owner, 4 room rancn, bath, attach ed. garage.
RE 8-2753. rurnisnea. sir week, re 2-3284 it. mayor, kk 9-0631. Tulips WESTSIDE Near downtown.
Nice 50 DISCOUNT on several colors BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE 4-Door. Standard Shift. '83 PLYMOUTH $238 2-Door. Standard shift NO DOWN PAYMENT ON ANY CAR UNDER $800 FLORIDA LAND Cape Canaveral RI MMAGE, Bake and Commission 60 INSTRUMENTS Dunont Interior Paints. Ston in rnmpiere reupnoisterlng service.
Call or write for our in-the-home Decorator Service. Charge It or pav by the month. RE 3-6681. 401 N. Malr.
Elmira. N. Y. Sale Central Christian Church. CHEMUNG 250 First floor, newly remodeled, furnished.
Private bath and entrance. Apply Apt. No. 1 White and colors. Schuyler, wells Dial RE 4-6644.
area, $10 month. Olson. Realtor. RE 4-7146. three apartment, house.
Big lot, good income, tip top condition. R. A. Bennett. Realtor.
RE 3-3849. Linn S. Chapel Cof 1040 Caton ACCORDION All hading brands. Main and Partridge, sponsored by Elmira. Now .79 Now .99 $199 Reg.
.98 Reg. $1.30 doi. Reg. $2.60 doz. c.r.s..saturday, 8-3.
15 FOR SALE Rental business. ASSUME 4'4 GI mortgage on this" 4 year old ranch house. Direct from owner, this 3 hedroom home boasts storm windows, extra storage cupboards in kitchen, full cellar with partially finished recreation room, well shrubbed lot with rear yard fenced In Payments are rnrrentlv OFF OAKWOOD AVE. Well constructed older home, in excellent condition. 4 rooms and bath, gas heat, aluminum storm windows and screens, extra large lot.
Ideal for newlyweds. retired couple or small family. Asking $6,500, no reasonable offer refused. E. Kretsrhman, CHURCH rooms, lower unfurnished.
$60. RE 4-6393. All sizes. Gibsons, Lea Paul guitars, Clavollne. We trade, terms.
Open evenlnga. Knapp's, 104 College Ave. agents. After 4. RE 2-7216.
Rl) MMAGE Dishes, clothing. an SOUTHPORT. 707-Upper rooms. sunporch, adults. Garage.
RE 2-2836. SOUTHSIDE Redecorated 4 rooms, private entrance and bath. Adults. 2-0742. SOUTHSiDB-Upper, 5 rooms, mod-ern.
garage. $ro. RE 3-2018. SCOTCH PINES, 6-8 pruned. RE 9-2707, after WATER WELLS and pumping systems since.
1935. Dial RE 3-479 1-RE 3-6901. C. W. Crandall, Pine City BLACKSTONE washers, quality built in since 1874.
Gregory's, 700 Madison. jfcLOSE-OUT 25 off on all 1961 Ben 1 Hur Freezers. 5 combos, 4 uprights. Gregory's, 700 Madison. tique bed, 9-9, Rt 17E, GOOD Established sales lot for CHURCH W.
306 Upper 3. bath, furnished, heat, water. RE 2-3601. Kiver No. 173.
lease. 2040 Lake Elmira RE 2-3981. YALE ST. (Southport) Cape Cod with Income. 1st class condition inside and out.
4 rooms down, large modern kitchen with dinette, modern bath. 3 room income up. rented $70. 2-car garage, blacktop, garden, well shrubbed. Taxes only $150.
Stiles Son. RE 3-6575. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES A few openings exist for alert, aggressive men willing to work and advance according to results. Only those with neat huslness-llke appearance will he Interviewed. $85 a week salary for those who qualify Call Mr Mac-Gregor.
RE 4-8721. between 9 and 2. RUMMAGE Everything goea, 8c AT DAVE'S Music Store "King" band Instruments, new and used. Musical supplies, protesslonaal guidance, repairs. 432 Penna.
Ave $93 a month including taxes and III- 6 p. m. 11 CLINTON W. 303 Coiy 3 room furnished. $12 week.
Lady. RE 2-0357. RE WATER WELLS at a price you can Pav. Terms. All work guaranteed Don Butcher, Ithaca Rd Horse- hMfla to 26C 1ZS-13S E.
Hudson. SPACE HEATER Dial GAS PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 4th 9:30 a. m. Household Goods Garage Tools GARVIN JEWELL 964 Penna.
Elmira, Y. 2 pc. living room suite. 9 pc. dining room suite, 9x12 rug, throw rugs, wall mirror, 2 pc.
cherry settee, marble top stand, pine cheBt, brass beds, sewing machine, TV trays, rockers, aweeper, electric appliances, kneenole desk, metal cupboard, dishes, poti and pans. Engine lath with 14 in, chuck face plate, thread cutting gear, other at-ments and 5 h.p. motor; track jack, air compressor, bench saw, pulleys, socket sets, wrenches. Hammers, malls, emery wheels, wood stoves, motors, tool box. trailer hitch, steel rods, and 1 in.
pipe, shovels, bars, rakes, ladders, small tools. Sales Manager Cecil Smith Auctioneer Merrill Brodrick Lunch Ivan White-Phone RE 4-0971 LYMAN D.GKIDLEY Inc. KCh9.ai.n.T? m'Vp Ave- oPiNciTTR6Ai355 r-J" Desirable bedroom ranch home. COLLEGE, 1175 Unfurnished 3. low NARCISSUS AND DAFFODILS 20 OFF While They Last BANFIELD BAKER CORP.
State at Gray St. RUMMAGE Sat, to 8, 129 W. 12th St Garage. Clothing MAIN S. Due to Illness this restaurant, equipment and building with an apartment for owner is being sacrificed for only $16,000 RB 3-5211.
Ernest Hamm. Realtor. BAND INSTRUMENTS New and used. Guitars, violins, drums and Mercury. Lincoln Continental.
Comet vvr.i.bs- we give you more er, nntn. stove, reingerator. garage, utilities. $70. Employed adults.
rushes, miscellaneous including furnaces and blower. FARMS POR SALI 33 harmonicas. Music and supplies Repairs. Ham 1 1 n's, 1 42 E. Water.
Dial RK 4-H148 ior tne same money. Uuarantesd Drilling and Pump Supply Co. RE 2-S7RSRK q.2641 COLLEGE Ave. 262. Heights 3 rooms 2-7325 after 8 p.
m. hm Electric Range, Firestone auto-matlo washer, spin dryer, Philco refrigerator, Duncan Phyfe dining room table, chest of drawers. 9x12 rug and pad, 1 oval braided 9-12. Birdseye dresser with mirror, twin beds, complete, mahogany. RE 9-5138.
SOUTHSIDE 3 rooms, furnished, $55 plus utilities RB8-5211-Rrf 2-3157 Brownlow-Hamm. SblTTHSfDE6 room upper apatl-mcnt, all conveniences. Near Parley St- Mary's. RE 3-7069. THREE furnished rooms, utilities.
11 Orchard St. RE 3-6342. THREE rooms, bath, utilities. 140. lurnisnea.
m-2131 after 4. B'ARM Outside of Horseheads. with acreage. RE 9-4167. "i i' nenroom ranch 2 situated on a lot 150x250 ft 3 lovely ceramic tile baths.
Brick bedrooms, spacious kitchen, living Built In oven and stove, room 26 ft long with wall-to-wall laige living room fireplace Doublei carpet 1', baths garage with garage. Automatic heat. Concrete workshop, basem*nt rumpus room full basem*nt Glider Circle Harris! This home Is beautifully decorated. gHMgjWr, Phone RE 2-2254. Immaculate.
Olson. RE 4-7146. BEFORE BUYJNG let us show youloUTSIDE CITY near route VTStSSt RUMMAGE Neighborhood sale Good clothing, dishes, many Items Everything must go. 653 Penna BAND, orchestra Instruments, sup-piles. New, used; for professional, COLUMBIA ST.
403', Unfurnished 203 So. Walnut St. OPEN FRl EVENINGS 'TIL I FREE Rural real estate folders amateur. All drum goods, Thursday-Saturday. upper, 5 rooms, bath, newly redecorated RE 2-3785.
accordions. Iirge stock. Repairs with photos. United Farm Agency C. D.
Winch. Box 7. Horseheads. GOOD THINGS TO EAT RUMMAGE 109 E. Mill Horse.
Frank ITauver. 354 Walnut. Elmira our listing or homes, income and heads Clothing, dishes, gas motor nome, large living room, dining CIBSON refrigerators. Smart shoppers buy at Gregory's, 700 Madison. COLUMBIA.
6152 room, housekeep- RE 2-1747-RE 3-456R ing. Adults. $15. RE 2-0191. bsgsr 61 PIANOS, ORGAN) PINE CITY Area 180 seres on mail! flr.nA 4 Lams ice skates.
Thursday-Saturday. PROSPEROUS STORE Soda fountain, school supplies, light lunches, adjoining building contains hesuty parlor with apartment upstairs. Grossed $74,000 last year. Tupper, RE 3-7041 for appointment. RED BRICK INfT" on Route Tt.
Ideal sjiot for restaurant. Living quarters overhead. Owner will finance, with reasonable down payment. Olson. RE 47146.
SOUTHPORT CORNERS Vacant, large former grocery store, loned for business. Lot 64x128 Only oiuimess properties. loore Realty RE 2-1965. APPLES! APPLES! -Roger says: Come now for Spies, Cortlarids Macs. Greenings.
Sweets. $1 per bu 1 HKLE room upper, stove, refriger- Mi'jiii. miciien. nenrooms, i'i oaths, full basem*nt, large lot. immediate IAL PHOTO ENGRAVING For newspapers, ear books, club publications snd all types of oh printing.
All work promptly done st reasonable rates by Elmira Star-Gtiette Engraving Department Open dsily 8 to 4 Mor dsv through Friday. Dial RE 4-5151. ities included. Available baths, could be 2 famllv. Barn with COLLINS MS 8 rooms and bath ator, util metal stanchions, milk house, at-1 unfurnished.
Utilities fur-; Nov. RUMMAGE SALE Adults', children's clothing, etc. 113 O'Hanlon ruxm-mitiii. terms arranged, f.dison up. Open dally 9-9.
Hurd's M4MM TIUCKI-TRAIIIRS-RUSIS 1959 pickup. Pollen. RE 3-0697 BROADWAY SCHOOL AREA Lovely 5 room anil bath ranch home OaW Kenny, at, A FINE old Boston mahogany up. right piano, plain panels, nice keyboard, reconditioned. $145.
Terms Buckpltt. 154 Lake. GIBSON used refrigerator, excellent condition. Reasonable. RB 4-8200.
tiARDWICK ranges for bottled or natural gas. Gregory's, 700 Madison. "re! cellent water supply school bus at St. off Lake sat National Homes SALVAGE STORE NEW STORE HOURS; Open Fri. 9:30 a.
m. to 4:30 p. m. Sat. 8:00 a.
m. to 4:30 m. Closed Mon, Aluminum inatlon Storm-Screen Doors 80" $25.00 Aluminum Siding 4x8 sheets $4.00 Electric Wall Oven (1) $100.00 Combination Bathroom celling light and fan (3) ea. $25.00 Wood Folding Closet Doors from $6.00 Kitchen Cabinets from $5.00 (2) 100 ft. Rolls of Match-stick Ramboo, 94 wide per roll $176.00 stead Orchard, nil 1, Alillenou, ra.
FORD I 9-486 TWO rooms, furnished 1 floors, gas heat nlastered walls at-' PINK CITY 3 herirnnm ranch rooms, RUMMAGE SALE Adult's clothing unfurnished. Heated. RE 4-0404. tarhed garage, blacktop drive lot; living room, woodburning A PLAYER PIANO In Mission oak woman's Ice skates, man's roller MOTORCYCLES APPLES! APPLES! Store fine Spies for winter. Sweet cider, fresh dally from hand picked apples no 10 uaya nr.
evenings, rir. rerreation room in base skates. 610 Decker Ave. Saturday HEATING PLANTSOneida, Royal oil and gas fired. Schuyler, Wells-burg.
RE 4-6644. nient. Large enclosed oatio hreere- RE3-2449. Oanung Realty door. Blanchard RE 9-5651 POULTRY FARM near EhnlraEx-cellent building.
"000 capacity, eg-psnsinn possibilities, established local market, 5 acres. A lucrative business! McCorkle. RE 4-S1S? nice tone, plays fine, rolls and bench Included. $395. Terms.
Buckpltt, 154 I horse Cuahman Road Klnc acoot Nov. 4, noon on. Monday, Nov. 6 DAVIS 808 Unfurnished 3 rooms, private hath, porch. ELM 310 Upper, unfurnished" rooms, bath, all utilities, RB 3-6386 FIFTH.
206 Newlv decorated. 2 bedroom upper. All utilities, garage. Adults. RE 3-7618.
way, gsrsge Situsted on 1', acre i "sit price. After 4. RE 2-7316 Rl LKHBAD Like new 2 bedroom Lake. all day. Preservative.
Cider apples. Orchard arms. Watkins HorseheadB. APPLES Golden Delicious, Red De MERCHANDISE HOOVER SALES AND SERVICE- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MEN Two positions wilt filled in our sales department. Experience not necessary, training furnished, neat appearance, car required.
Above average starling salary with Commission Retirement and other benefits. Apply Tilo Co. Corning Sd. 10 A. M.
Noon Sat. CADILLAC Redtns (3). Both 4 doors with the usual fin appointments. UN MERCURY Monlerey 4-Door Hardtop Redan. Rose and whits, new tires.
1957 FORD V- 3-Door He-dsn Blue finish Forl-n-mattr drhs A good dean second mr IPS? BUICK Spentl Sedan Blue. Automatic 1557 ford Button Wagon, "lack and white. This is an "as-is" special! 1347 PLYMOUTH BtaUotiW. Ron, Cream and white. Automatic, power brakes, steering, radio, heater, automatic rear window.
CHEVROLET 1 a Hon Wagon clean 6 cylinder, standard shift 19M CADILLAC Fleetwood Sedan. White IlSf CADILLAC Sedsn Blue nd white 1IM CADILLAC Coups De-Vlll. RUMMAGE Lake AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS I'KH'I'IH'IED piano tuning, repairing 500. Htlles Son. RE 3-6575 TWO-BAY gas station with iunch room for lease or sale to reliable fersons, Gas-kernsene-Dlesel fuel, deal for husband snd wife Termi can he arranged Call Trout Run.
UPPER 6 rooms and bath, $55 month" Inquire 16o Washington Stjier UPPER 8 moms, furntshedor" un-furnished. RE WANTED-Lady tcrrhnreinartmenL expense, Southslde, Rg 3.074$, WEST CENTRAL 2 bedrooms, mod'- vailable Nov. rancner Knrioser srd. beautiful shruhben. taxes $100 per voir.
Only $9.5710. A Bennett. Realtor RE 3-3849. Marvin Iteese. KE 4-lilMi KE Friday arid Saturday, 8 to 8, 48 ARTICLES FOR SALE MOTOR A.VD BRAKE Work-Uiauj RIAl ISTATI AOINTS J3 COTTAGES-RESORT PROPERTY 36 CONN ORGANS Lowery Organs RUMMAGE SALE for Civil Defense replaced Rocker panels Painting licious, Wlnesaps and Spies.
You may pick. $1.50 per bu. John Leidenfrost. Kl 6-2439. Rt.
414 Hector, N. Y. proi, r.xreuent nuv: Mccarty Co RE 3-4674. pine city (3) Lovaly gmlit lml. 3 bedroom year old ranch.
Many extras. 3 large bedrooms, also 4 bedroom ranch with l' acres These homes are all in perfect condition. For details Stiles ft Son. RE 3-41575. A.B.C.
RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT CATOTA LAKE Splendid .4 room. 3 Vomi bSth "eonSlet-rf' fuVTshed2 bedroom rnttas-o hunt Til. Tr- furnished Authorised Dealer, koss Organ 7MI Hwnrd St Elmira. RE 3-1831. inspection station.
Riadlev 59 Oeorge fit. RE 3-3414. 41K-XS71. or write Ira H. High.
New and rebuilt Hoovers. Donovan, 714 W. Third. RE 3-9388, HOT WATER Automatic gaa heaters. 20 gallon and 40 gallon, used very short time.
Chemung Canal Trust RE 4-1681, ext. 312. KENMORE Washer-dryer combination, used, in excellent condition. Low prices, big stocKs. Terms.
Hample's, 308 Carroll. RE 3-9136. Mobile Lab Held at 207 W. Che niung Place. Elmira, Tues.
from 9 a. m. till 6 p. m. 1' raise funds for equipment.
Thos floors Trout Run. Pa. HUMES, rnttsges lots, screage. spe- clsluing in Schuyler Co. For buy-ing-selllng.
Moddlck, Odessa 61. IF vof? HAVE property for sale or rnt. call Ra Rmntrman RuIImp BUT LAND CONTRACT. $500 down West Ave 3-4 bedrooms modern kitchen, Hi baths dining room garden, garage, $8,500. Cheaper than renting.
Stiles ft Son. RE3-S576. ONE USED electric chord organ at Olson, RE 4-7146, RADIATORS New. used rleenedTrel pa I red I 'a jUaragehe una 23til A BIG DEAL for you, sell your FRANKLIN 469 Heat, utilities, stove, refrigerator. $1.3 week.
Call a very low price. Fletcher Pianos, 3078 Lake. $48 Lower furnished, heated, cable. RE 8JU8-RU 3-6360. wishing to donate articles call RE 3.7874 for olekuo after 4 p.
m. this KKUKA LAKE 1. near Penn Yan. west side furnished 7 ml. merchandise also articles ior saie.
RE 9-5571 RE 9-4849. ANTED-AUTOMOTIVt jji for prompt reliable service RE 3-9356 179 ITHACA ROAD. HORSEHEADS APPLES- Old fashioned Northern Spies and many others. Cabbage for kraut. 50 lb cull potatoes 69c.
Knapp's. 1130 Broadway. BAZA7iRANtT TURKEYnBUPPER-(Also take out service). Nov. 4.
at Millerton Church. Adults $1 38, CAN RE mirrhaseri nn Unit rnninrt $59.95 at Goodstrey's, 104 Lake St. PIANO TUNING and repairing. Edna Ross Austin. Dial RE 2-6214.
ABOUT 5 TON of mulching year-old Petina. Ave. 2 baths! ROOMS AND HOUSES FOR SALI Kg) 3-4679. 35 RED! CED for quick sale-Vacant 4 bedroom ranch with attached gar-nge In Hnrsehesd Full hssem*nt gj' alj5lt, Emnilck. RE 9-1507 or RE hay.
RE 2-2003. PROTECTED TERRITORY AVAILABLE Will establish distributor repre-aentathe In this ares for new chemical products by AAA-1 manufacturer Small Inventory requirement. For Interview, reply to Box 751. Reaver Falls, SMALL Coldspot refrigerator, also 8 M'ASH for ueeil snd recked RK 3-7014, BUSINISS SMVtCi khihic and carport, i-ttverdsle Realty. RE RE 9-4198 ARTICLES FOR RINl 48A ALLEN'S PAINTS 40' off retail drawer desk and chair.
kkz-632. weoK RUMMAGE SALE Furniture, dishes, clothing, etc. 601 8, Main Horseheads. RUMmTgE "SALE--Many Items. 112 W.
McCann'a all week, 9:30 to 6. children 75c, pre-school free. Bazaar tage on I 60' lakefront lot with FULTON ST. Attractive. 3 rooms, approved septic system, for onlv I "ath.
utilities. RE 2-0344; 1 near Hammondsport, 3 gray Vt. W. I room gMrtment Keuks. lots of depth, one st 39.000.U-.
1 tt one at HlO.OOn. both west side, AJ 634 Modern 5 room 95' lakefront. drlve-to-your-door lot unfurnished. Available now. in One location.
150 denlh lota rm AW aw CTSl iR( 'HWOOD Clean laplngroojriRE 4-7003 CHURCH, 625 fioom. showed BEECH BR ST Modern Cape Cod 4 bedrooms (3 up 2 down), nice i living room, modern kitchen with 'lining L. )i, baths, family room RADIOS, HI-PI tt aT'ME SPECIALS-Used TV's. 19.8J. 312 E.
14th. Heights. ADDING MACHINES. Typewriters TAPPAN deluxe range, 40 $60. starts m.
supper at 6. upon sored by WHC8. Hales, repairs. Elmira Office Equip HE 9-9403. PLUMBING.
HEATING 14 paint prices. Net prices are wan paints, $2.95 gal. Dutch line outside, house paints $4.50 porch paints $3.95 house paints $2.98 gal. Allen's. 716 Baldwin.
'fentlemnn. Parking. P.E 4-944V ment. t.arroii, urca-cfifD. GOOD SELECTION Used TV.
$H6 (irii-ago, deep lot. Asking only $13.. 200. J. Ambrose.
RK 2-668M CUBE STEAKS, IVi lh, box. 69c lb. RETIREMENT" Bungalow -Spic and span 2 bedroom, modern kitchen, living room dinette New gas furnace new wiring. Nice garden sres Good fishing 10 minutes lo RE 9-1507 or VesTINGHOUSE Electric Range, fully automatic, white In color. A-l CANDLEWOOD PA RK- Excellent 3 hedroom ranch home.
Full cellar large lot. hot water baseboard stone replace, This house needs reder orstmg end ran be purchased st sharplv reduced price. Treat Realty Service. RE 9-3834 LO 2-8542. rev nu tii ADDING MACHINES $7.60 per Southern star canned names, Bsc up.
Elmira TV Service Center, J(U1 Grand Central Ave RE 8-3332. upper, furnished. AL LTrplS Iieatlrig, rural plumbing. Kitchen rablnels Free estimates Josepheon'a, $61 Water, RB 3-6565 YOU TANT ESTABLISH YOUR OWN BUSINESS "I UWS I MT. W-B, 6 bedroom, lake-level, 1 door collage choice hind quarters ciitup and condition.
Bargain Basem*nt Special ALUMINUM COMBINATION Storm month. student rates low as 3 mos $5. Bunis. 138-140 BUSINESS OPPOR. WANTED 7SA freezer wrapper, 59c lb, Queen Cltv ttea the inmrnlnYetd on a 120' lot.
sealed, furnished. Original price $100. Reduced this HENRY. 2S5'i-Beauttfullv furnished, 2 rooms snd bath 1st floor week onlv to J25. See this end our IVft stereo theater with 23 24 and 37 Water RE 4-5966.
BAR OR GRILL Must give full de FIRST 210 Room near Langdon Plaza Gonfjematv RK 4-7861 SECOND. W. 361 PeaulifiTTarge hcrmiejeplrur room RE 3-1683. cFntRAL WEST-Attractive ing room for gentleman, privste hath entrance snd parking. RF.
lei iu rroviion 3ZZ arroil Mt 4-6264. $14, .600. Benson KcGough, Broker, Call Penn Ten 580 or 1061 Doors only $29 .95. White fine Storm Sash and Combination Doors In stock. Stop ln.
Linn S. Chapel 1040 Caton Elmira, 2 private entrances All utilities In- Pecks, 102 State St picture screen tails and price. Address D-23S, Str- ALL TYPE SANDERS Floor, bench big stock of tested, approved and appliances at Haas-oop's. Your Frigidalre Dealer. 2091 snMlme.
An sppnlntment will save rjazette TV-RAOIi) TUBES discount CATALPA DRIVE. 1R8 Horae-heeds. Ideal for retired couple end those who desire minimum upkeep Adorsble 4 room. 2 bedroom ranch hull) 1961 Harage ifa nest and beautifully kept Olson. RE CRESTVTlrW DR rsncli Large kitchen with dining sres Full psrtllioned basem*nt llh bar Attached gsrsge nice lot RUMMAGE SALE- Men's, women's and children's clothing, roll-a-wsy bed, $8: lamps, dishes, odds and ends, IOOF Hell, corner Madison Church.
Nov. 3. 9-6. RUMTwAOTS SALE Nov, 3. 9-9.
Alpine Methodist Church, Alpine, N. Y. Benefit Furnace Fund. UMMAfl 8 ATSCbabyTlothes and many other Items. 126R 8 Mnln St.
von time and wall. Hortnn'a Paint, Broadway. RE 4-6293. "Do It yourself" tester. All lubes 'DHN .1.
CriHTELLOsfj Roe Av-e Cewer Contractor. Cnmplele sewer Mrvlce. RE 4-6312-RB 4 7477. DOMtTJiu SCARINOE. 154 W.
Fourth e'ewer-reseponl ronlrsclnr. RE 4-7415 i sewers efficientlj eieaagf eSe- 1 vmbm. Carlton Klein RK, 4 7498 I BUY HOMES land contracts. Burt- HORNER 305 Upper 4 room utlTl-lies Adults. Gsrsge.
RE 3-1383. A BETTER PRICE on gasoline, only Upper Lake Road. Dial RE 3-7141 Open evenings. CALL FORNEY ARC WELDERS area, full hssem*nt err.llent 0 26.9c per gal, tolal price, save oc per gal. at Aliens, 716 Baldwin.
made In America by Americans. Chemung Electronics Inc. 403 E. Third St, RE 3-55SI. "FISH FRY" every Frl Hot cakes and sausage everv Sat, 4-9 p.
m. Phyl-Carlo Restaurant, Ollletl, Pa. FRESH made Potato Chips aftha factory. 60c a lb. O'Rourke's, 406 Race Klmlra.
N. T. HARVEST TURKEY SUPPER flat SageK. Your cash same day. Ben olomon.
RE 2-1233 RE3-134. BANK LOANS MQgTOAOH 1 Hudson e. 127 upper, front. furnished 1 room apgrttnent With furnished rooms, utilities. "ink 9 per wk Wl lis II nm Spectil Sedan I cr.t-.n la .1 rum i uwwn tion ISJ4 iU(CR Ore en me, it losing costs, oulrk oc- ANTT-FREKZl) Rust proof, full to rent or buy arc welding, power saws and drills, air compressors, etc.
Cor. Ave, Rt. 17, Horseheads. N. Y.
RB9-9533. WERTINGHOUSE Refrigerator. 12 cu. regularly $269.95. closing out at $177.
$10 down, easy terms on balance, Westlnghouse hl-fl streo month 4 T. mortgage Krelschman RE WANTED-MUSICAl MERCHANDISI n-mw nnanna coai rr. en nir stove and Hipanc, RE t-HOS SHOWN by IT A 1 HAVE CLIENTS with mortgage. RADIO TELEVISION SERVICt jMWW. RWltei HUDSON ST.
-8 room refrigerator furnished utilities RE 3-8211 Brownlow-Hamm strength nielhanol-alcohol. ne $2.95 for 5 gal. can. Permanent Ethylene Glycol. $1.47 gal.
Containers free. Allen's. 718 Baldwin St. 147.60 pliji RE 2-3167 imrvTBv k. SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO wanted PAY ST luxurious 3 hedmnrn ranch st le IIORSEIir.Ans el FARM-GARDEN EQUIPMENT 4 Reasonable RF.2-588fi.
ALL DAY OR NIHIIT SERVICE console, originally sold for $229, now onlv tins S5 rhiwn delivers. money available for hemung County Call E. Wood. Broker, RE 3-9191, WE SERVICE EVERY MAKE WE SELL Combination Ave RE 3-9712-RE 2-3867' anywnere, an time, RF. 2-8076 balance on easy terms.
Goodyear BACKHOE TRUCK, mounted; trac ASPHALT SHINGLES Many car it hue. JOHN 6T3 Upper a rooms, batri furnished RE 4-7628 BOAHDMAN TV INC. QUICK SALE Due to fransfer PRIVATE parly would consider buy oervice store. College Ave. A west Ing room psrllslly paneled In EMPLOYMENT PIMALE HELP WANTED loads In stock.
Cary'a Arctics, new beautiful blend. Schuyler. Wellsburg Service. 601 Broadway, RB 2-3579 hogsnv Attached garage. Olson, REi' Soiithslde RE jrav isr, KE 4-ni()3; 1-5809 Never before In this area.
We will finance vou annually, We pay offlc rent, office furnishings, secretary. PLUS monthly for adver-Using We have the money and know how Ton muat have good reputation, potential sales ability, willingness to work long hours to make our Investment pay off. RESULTS ARE MIRACULOUS For Personal Interview, apply Thurs. between 11 p. tn.
and I Frl, 11 a. -S p. 8at. 11 a. p.
Mon. 11 a. 6 p. m. 4-7146 nome featuring a host of modern day comforts Including Alcoa life-time pre enameled Aluminum siding Large living room complete kitchen with built-in range snd oven, twin wssh basins in bath Dining room Isndscaplng etc onlv $12 950 Hampton Rosds Resit-.
Corp RE 3-1078 tor bargains Massey 65 Diesel, S299.1: Allls Chalmers D17, gas and Diesel; Oliver OC4 -46: Diesel crawlers with Ware a yd. loader, $4995: Oliver OC 6 with blade, i-ieassnt room for privileges, parking RE 1 (til I FI HOjTsWBBPmo rrSm. empToyed lady, all utilities. RE 3-6179. LARGE sleeping room.
n7wldecor ster). breakfsst privileges. Near Heights Industries RE2-1992. SLEEPING room for gentleman, ref-erences, 405 Gray LE EPING ROOM'S Clemen preferred 2-7089 after 1 LXita gUPPLlEB Comelett stock YOU'LL like the new 1962 Philco Chest Freezere. Home freezing at ing a land contract, H-2U, Star-Guiette, CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Corrections and cancellations ac KINYON HT 723-Upper, UBfUrnttn.
jJ4ooma and hath. All private. LAKE. 608 -Furnished extra nice, lovely rooms, hsth. RB 3-0812 ALL AROUND HELP wanted Man hattan Lunch, 319 K.
Water 8t. of seat covers, mufflers and all auto FOR SALE OR TRADE Smaller house or trailer, split-level, 3 bed Nov. 4, Breesport Masonic Temple, 6 o'clock. Adults $1 26, children 60c. pre-school free.
O.E.3. MERRILL'S Cider Mlil open 10 to 8 dally. Millport RK 9-1474 POTATOES $1.35 white, $1.15 red, bu. Apples, squash, onions, cabbage, beets. Chevron Gas Station, Rt, 414, 3 miles north of Beaver Dams.
SMORGASBORD HuppwlTaiuif Millport Methodist Church WSCS. flat Nov. 4, serving 5 to 7 p. m. Ham loaf, Swedish meat nails.
Adults $1.00, children 80c. VAX BRTJXT Mn rnRl(''BNTR1' radio store for nT- DflLAl AlUllJMft, pendable, aatlefactorv, reasonably r-r Dfjr- sertlre, una. Main. RK3-750TI nv. ELMIRA' TV SERVICE CENTER rR OVER TWENTY-HVE YEARS Radio TV service, color TV Instslla- iw nest.
Gregory's, 700 Madison DECKER AVE SplSfou'falnlT; home. 4 nice bedrooms, hardwood floors. 1', baths. Living room with flreplare dining room hot water AG 6 with blade. $2260; D2 CA.VAXDAIGUA LAKE Building f-ots THE LAST oppORTUMTT may have to purchase lake frontage lot at a reasonable price on beautiful Csnsndalgua Lake, so you and your family may enjoy all the pleasures this beautiful lake ha to offer you next yesr and the year to come To make all this possible a small down payment of $7,500.
the balance on eaav terms may be arranged LOTS ARE LIMITED IN NUMBER. DO NOT DELAY. Myron .1. Evans, Realtor Main St. South 11 MAIN STREET SOUTH Thon Canandaigua 1242 or 20 accessories will be sold at ana ne-low wholesale nrlees to settle es MB (iIRSON-2-door 14 cu.
ft. com rooms natns, recrstlnn room RE 9-9400 A STEADY JOB for houseworker with rood disposition and refer cepted until 5 m. after first day of publication. In the event of an tate. Moseson's Auto Supplies, 200 up plete frost clear refrigerator, freez LAKE.
614-3 room furnished per. RE 3-8360 RE 3-6115. with winch, $1760; OC 3 with winch and blade, $1696. Don Howard, Canandaigua, ences. West Elmira.
Small household er. Keg. $489. 85, now $244,96, Easy CASH CARRY SAVE $-SAVE $-8AVB I Fiber Glass 16" Insulation-3" thick 70 iq. ft 55 3" thlck-100 sq.
ft 96 1H" thlck-140 sq. $5.32 Fiber Glass 24" Insulation: 3" 'thick 107 sq. ft. 3" thick 153 iq. ft.
l'i" thlrk-21S sq. $8.17 Plaster Wall BoardH" 4x6 per sheet only 4x7 per sheet only 4x8-per sheet nnly 4x9 -per sheet only 4x10 per sheet only 88 4x12 per sheet only 26 4x14 per sheet only PITCHER FUEL S. Main, Frl. and Saturday, a. 8:30 p.
nv "on, nine sumps RJvenRE Mm. EXPERT TV repsirs, il etp'e" Live out. RE 3-8313. HARRIS HILL Manor-An IIRBMeu- FAIRWAY 801 Rancli bedroom ranch. Deluxe birch rooms a bedrooms, modern kitchen i cersmlr bath gsrsge Upp er Lake Road LAKE 9044 -3 rooms, bsth Ptrtly furnished.
Adults. RE 2-0822 terms. Sawyer, Dewey Shumway .1113 Penna. A. Open 'til 9.
FA MALL TRACTOR and mounted AVON COflMETH'S lla Avon call AftMLfl. kegs, ateel drums good BOARD AND ROOM rience Service $2 00, Work II equipment. 1959 Naah Rambler. snd hso, heal 220 eledrlr n'SCRtop, heautlful view, low tsues heat. 220 gusrstiteed Nstmnsl TV Siionh ed ately? If not.
there may be an for any purpose. Max Goldner, 118 LAKE 1408 Nicely furnished. 3 WANTED HOUSEHOLD OOODS 45 1959 Mercury wagon. Jack How Ho i-Mi-s ion opportunity to earn needed money CO 801 Lake RE 3-742 ml HI1 600 rtE rseheads, N', error, notinrauon snouiu maus at once, Credit for errors will be allowed only when reported before, second day of the advertisem*nt The right II reserved to edit, classify or reject any advertising. All week day advertisem*nts start in Advertiser.
Deadline: p. day before publication except for Sullivan St. KK z-xiwo. FOR letiiM 1 meals, 364 Thlid. RE 3-3000 rooms, bath, porch, parking.
land's Blacksmith A Welding Shop, TOWN OF SOUTHPORT Mt, Zosp Section 4 bedroom cape tod Built In 1956 Large living mom. many extras, low tsxes Out of slsle ownet Asking $14 800 Call Wood, RB 8-9191 for detain, servicing others wit ii Avon A BETTER CASH Deal tor your used TOMATOES 60c peck Across from Orange Hall, Big Flats. TItF.Sfll.K.n 8Ti.i!ii,t,i I'ARRIS Hft.t, MANOR Glider L0RM0RE ST Redecorated iinfiir. uttvrrto metlcs and good grooming products riankiin nt norseiieaos RE 9-9944 or RE 9-2168. "ete" rurnuure Any amount, re 3-6O04 30 years In ssine location Ctiamnteed FRANKLIN ST tNiA good else lrr'' If.
Homes open in- Ml. Led lew Am. I-IIIIIU. A li. OOSI'derS RE 3-5111 TURKEY SUPPER ratlin Metho l-ine nlfv RK 4.84., nrk.Fslr prices HK'J ItE 3 3l4i Beautiful oak floors andl ZT' Empire Homes BEAUTY Shop, complete equipment U06 Lake St BICYCLES One two 2 Lionel trains with accessories, mis cellaneous Items.
RE 4-8563. ALL CASH for used furniture and antiques, any amount. RE 2-4562. In your neighborhood. "'all RE 3-7628 or write District Manager, Mrs.
L. Rosdahl, 809 Southport Elmira, N. Y. Openings In Houthport, Hlg Flats Township, El- Monday which Is a p. on Saturday.
dist Church, Nov. 11th, serv Ing 4 thru 7 30 Adulta $150. chll dren 76c. ITV ivii 1 rmoer hiotk gsrsge' 1 r- i nm ahl SE 4738? "'A' nelt, rfealTor HEWHTi 3 mom rgnelv aa I RB R-3848. iriinnis.
RE RB 3-7881 1 aw pr 1 11 ,7,1, nnHM 4.1; "OMI-3U3INIM RRORIRTY 3 I bedrooms) unfurnished Excellent MAIN Store of new I condition. Adults only. RE 4-1387. post office. RE 2-8682, MR.
EAMIGH IMMEDIATE SERVICE and cash for furniture, appliances, dishes. Tom'a, -Classified Dept. Open SMORGASBORD and baaaar. Sat GARDEN TRACTOR Leaf mulcher, 1 Rotary mower, snow plow, like new, $100. Rl GARDEN TRACTOR with blade, rhaln end reverse gear $100 Fred Degenhardt.
Van Ellen, N. I miles north of Van Elten, Route 224, Phone 1SF1JL eia Baldwin. RE 3-4842. mira-nty, corning-ciiy, nam village and Cameron Township .103 W. Church Elmira Monday through Saturday 103 E.
11TH ELMIRA HEIGHTS CONCRETE Ready mixed, ln all quantity, also blacktop, waahd sand and gravel and run of bank gravel. Quick sendee. RE 9-3839. Elmira Transit MI Inc, Horseheada. tVE BUY anything snd everything Nov.
4 at a Pine rity auxii. larv at Pine Cltv Fire House. Adulta $1 3.1, children T5c. pre-school free. RAHYHITTBR to live my home Dial tmmm 8 A.
M. to 5 F. M. iii used furniture. Bartietta, 4-5607, RE 9-2ZK4,.