The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

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The Shreveport Journali

Shreveport, Louisiana

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1 I 1-1 1 4i i ro 'Mionemitele3MinnosslhloropebtoolltINE1111111111111WItemotiontoommullml1111P111101P41KS1110101t11 toroompoptp ilia71N EMI ET TODAY'S NEWS TODAY-WITII TODAY'S' PICTURES THE SHREVEPORT JOURNAL SHREVEPORT-BOSSIER CITY LA WEDNESDAY OCT 2 1968 I ItJ '1ZfisTA NEA Benefits On The Described At al 1 111 ILI a 161 1 1 Springhill Sets Meet to Present Survey Results Texarkana Sets Survey On Problems :9 Union Man Is Given 2-Year Term 1 Meeting Here Record Meeti Suits Filed i': 4w- g411 i 4- --R tr tg i'll''IT 4- sz': :1 --1r4 544 S''' Z''''''' ki 7 ''''i 7r't P4 4-41104-7' r4 1'' l' 1 4 0 4:4 kk '41 VP crOr 1 ittr kLINr 's N41: i I 44 in xr: iii7: 'V 1 t7'''kikis if 0 et pr i) I) :1) 0 4 111 4 Tiodo-- ''40 1 1 LI lit-7' oittl Lady Bird Carter succession Jessie Turner Cannon vs Joseph Roosevelt Cannon divorce South Central Bell Tel Co vs Clyde Franklin on Installment billing agreement William Utley vs Atlas Processing co et al workmen's comuensation Hattie Wren vs Bobby Tackatt anct Edna Cox Tackelt in suiidu Promissorv note Elizabeth An Patterson ThOmpson et al vs The Travelers Ins Co et al for personal Injuries JFIMPS Conrad Dempsey vs One Lee Dempsey separaliOn Planned Credit of Caddo Inc vs Mrs Robert Washburn Installment note Planned Credit of Caddo Inc vs Nathaniel Lee Washington installment note Planned Credit of Caddo Inv vs Phillip Richmond et al installment note Government National Mortgage Assn vs Cam Lowe et al promissory note Action Finance Corp vs Willie Christor et us promissory note Adrienne Wityliet Whittington vs John Paul Whittington to rescind Partition of community property Mildred Byrd Pugh vs Willie James Pugh separation Nathaniel Coleman promissory note The Manhattan Savings Bank vs John Coddington et al promissory note Federal National Morgage Assn vs Ralph A Gaulin et al promissory note Holiday Wings inc vs Holiday Wings of Shreveport Inc et Cl on contract and agreement Leetie Davis Watts succession Linda Horton in re the minor to Settle claim of minor Travelers Ins Co vs James Arkansas promissory note Tri-State Finance Corp vs Ruben Hamilton promissory note Patsy Tyner Ehrhardt vs Kurt Ehrhardt II separation Dale Jewelers Home Furnishing Inc vs Clarence Mitchell ooen account Benefits derived from membership in the National Education Assn were described Tuesday night by Felton Brown of Baton Bouge field secretary of the Louisiana Teachers Assn at a 4th District Workshop Of the Association of Classroom Teachers The workshop held at Airline High School also featured a talk by Mrs Virginia Melton of Ferriday president of the Acr Brown told teachers that NEA's "struggles to protect the teaching profession affect all of us" Revamping of national copy right law6 by Congress will affect all educators he said adding that "all of us rely on the NEA to fight our battles all of us would be indignant if the NEA lost the battle on the copyright issue" NEA membership he said gives teachers benefits in the areas of insurance policies tax sheltered annuity programs and research Commenting on LTA-supported legislation Brown 6aid all but one part of LTA's program was passed "but all our efforts went down the drain McEeithen vetoed every LTA measure" Mrs Melton in her talk urged teachers to become more politically active Shreveport Curry Miller Pitkin Linda Martin Natchitoches Joe Bevacqua Massapequa NY President Kilpatrick Daphana Smith Robe line Ted Hall Pineville Diana Lehr Baton Rouge and Gary Digilarmo Special to The Journal TEXARKANA A survey will begin in Texarkana today to determine some of the twin cities social and economic prcblems The survey be conducted by the Department of Community Development in Texarkana Ark and Texarkana Tex Local people will make the house-to-house survey THE QUESTIONS will seek' to uncover problems in the six areas being attacked by the Model Cities project health housing social services manpower education and physical facilities The survey will continue until Nov 3 The information yin be used in the planning of the development of Texarkana SOME OF TUE interviewers are teachers in Texarkana schools On the Arkansas side the interviews will be conducted by Grace Lail Arlene Kyle Robert Edmonds Jr Travestine Walker Vance Thornton Ronald McDonal George Stuckey Arthur Hendricks Jr Martin Filogamo Dave Pope Glen McDonald and Wilbur lloward be Mrs Judy McKinney Mrs On the Texas side they will Bertha Kirkland Mrs Juanita Harris Mrs Eva McGee Tom Dunlap Mrs Renee Smith Mrs Omie Day Mrs Shirley White NIrs Hector Crabtree and Miss Marsha CERTIFICATE Northwestern State College's cheerleaders present President Arnold Kilpatrick a certificate they won for outstanding performance in the Spirit and Sportsmanship Workshop at Hattiesburg Miss The NSC cheerleaders are (from left to right) Linda Matthews Special to The Journal EL DUI1ADO Ark A 38-year-old Smackover (Union County) man was sentenced to a term of two years in the Arkansas Department of Corrections here Monday after being found guilty on a reduced charge of escape from custody Simon Lewis heard the verdict from First Division Circuit Court Judge Harry Crump ler after he had been found innocent on a charge of robbery LEWIS WAS -charged with robbery and escape in connection with an incident on May 5 in Smackover when a gun was taken from the night marshal there Lewis was arrested here the same night by members of the El Dorado Police Department Smackover Night Marshal Charlie McKenzie told the court that he was attempting to arrest Lewis on a charge of Public drunkenness when the incident took place McKenzie testified that the defendant obtained possession of his gun during a scullte and fled the scene after several shots were fired The officer testified that he fired into the air with a shotgun and that Lewis returned his fire with Sour pistol shots EIGHT OTHER witnesses including the owner of the tavern where Lewis was arrested testified in the non-jury case The defendant was given 15 (lays in which to file a motion for a new trial Special to Teh Journal SPRINGHILL A public meeting in Springhill for a date yet to be set in November will be held to present the results of the Northwestern State College reading survey completed last spring in Webster Parish schools This meeting will be arranged by the Springhill School Community Council and was voted upon by the group at their meeting last Thursday when requested to do so by the Springhill Civic Club The reading survey financed by the International Paper Company Foundation Fund and conducted by a five-member team from Northwestern was given at the council meeting by Baucum Webster Parish school supervisor Baucum explained that the survey was not a standard one but was designed by the Northwestern team upon request to determine the effectiveness of the parish reading programand how it might be improved The survey consisted primarily of interviews with a sampling of teachers at the elementary and secondary level principels librarians special reading teachers and parents and attitude inventory tests and mental maturity tests administered to a sampling of student from grades four six nine and twelve Baucum said The survey team commended the overall reading program in the parish at the completion of its study particularly the reading program in grades one through six Baucum reported Numerous recommendations for improvement were made also he said Pep Rally Will Start Activities At LBEA District Meet Scheduled State Prison Head Dies In Rapides Property Transfers Rites Set Today For A Con ly Sr Red bud Festival Group Conducts First Session Special to The Journal MONROE A meeting of the Louisiana Business Education Association's northern dishid has been scheduled for Saturday on the Northeast Louisiana State College campus In addition to the election of officers for 1969 the session in the College Union Building will be highlighted with a talk by Eric Wade vice president of Marketing at Central Savings Bank Monroe on the values of business teachers and a presentation on the methods of teaching typewriting including Diatype transparencies by Mrs Jean Christian state supervisor of Business Education According to Mrs Joyce Burkhalter district vice president persons who are not members of LBEA will have the opportunity to apply for membership at the meeting Ross Perry Scudder Jr to Wownoo Sims Bowden Lot 5 ot a Rep lot of Clingman Park Unit 3 $1831667 Lawrence A Marsh to Charles A Evans Lot 75 Au Ids Broaomoor Terrace Subd Unit 3 $539696 and assumption Frank Hardy Thaxton Jr to Gerald Wayne Gardner Lot 155 Sunset Acres Subd Unit 7 S13075 Victor Alexander to Frank Ruggers Lot 330 and WI '2 of Lot 329 and East 3 feet of North 56 feet of Lot 331 Pinehurst Subd $13000 School Park Land Co Inc to Jerry Cooper Lot 62 less a strip off tne west side measuring 12 feet on rear of sad Lot 62 and 62 feet on the front of Said Lot 62 School Park Subd $13000 John Gorman to Vince Balan0 a Parcel of land in Lots 5 6 and 9 of Replat of Mabry-Hamiter Subd $5500 Thomas Hogan to Philip Mecom Jr Lot 8 Unit 1 Pepper Ridge Estates $7000 Kansas City Southern Railway Co to Leon Ballard a certain tract of land in SW 14 of Sec 23 Two 17 14 $2000 A King to Robert Brown Lots 139 140 141 and 142 of Lincoln Memorial Subd $270034 Wilfred Henry Bouctiette to Joe Ben Hayes Lots 76 and 76 A and a parcel of land off the side of Lots 75 and 75 A Love Bros Broadmoor Terrace Unit 3 $11000 and assumption Parey Branton To Join Wallace Campaign Staff NSC Schedules National Teacher Exams Nov 9 Special to The Journal ALEXANDRIA Rollo Lawrence Sr 74 former mayor of Pineville and superintendent of the Louisiana State Penitentiary died at 8:30 pm Tuesday in Baptist flospial here following several months Funeral rites will be held in the Hixson Funeral Home chapel here at a time to be announced Burial will be in Greenwood Memorial Park A native of Pineville Lawrence was mayor of the city from 1930 to 1946 Ile was superintendent at Angola from 1943 to 1951 and was later superintendent at Pinecrest State School He entered the real estate business and was active in this field until several months ago Ile was widely known in political circles Survivors are his wife the former Miss Nellie Wells: one son Rollo Lawrence Jr of Baton Rouge three daughters Mrs Norman Walker of Arlington Va Mrs David Keys and Mrs La wer ence McNamara both of Baton Rouge: one sister Mrs Ed Savoy of Alexandria and nine Farmerville High FARMERVILLE Launching homecoming- lostivities at Farmerville High School on Friday Oct 11 will be a pep rally in the gymnasium at 10:25 am The coronation of the queen and presentation of her court be a highlight feature Miss Nancy Long is this year's queen and maids attending her are 1lisses Patricia Simpson representing the 12th grade: Wanda Buckley of the lith grade Pamela llowand the 10th grade: and Terri Allen of the 9th grade The par ad will begin promptly at 2 pm with all participants assembling at the school The queen and her court the band the pep squad and other units floats and decorated cars will be featured All organizations and interested individuals are invited to enter a float or decorated car A chicken spaghetti supper sponsored by the Band Boosters' Club will be served in the cafeteria from 5 until 7 pm Price per plate is Alumni and families of the class of 1948 will have a reserved table Presentation of the queen and her court is to be held at 7 pm at the stadium Escorting them will be members of the class of 1948 Finalizing the day'6 activities will be the football clash between the Farmers and the Coushatta Choctaws Classes of the years 1918 1928 1938 1948 the years 1918 1928 1938 1948 1958 and 1968 have a special invitation to attend as they Nvill be recognized during the halftime performance Benton Queen To Be Crowned Special to The Journal COUSHATTA Funeral services Will be held today for Maurice Armistead Conly Sr 73 He died suddenly in his home Tuesday Services will be held at 2:30 pm today in the First Methodist Church with the Rev Lewis Copphe officiating He will be assisted by the Rev Jack Shaw Burial will follow in the Springville Cemetery Mr Conly was a retired right-of-way engineer for the Louisiana State Department of Highways He was a member of the First Methodist Church a member of the Silent Brotherhood Lodge number 146 a former Red River Parish clerk of court and a former school teacher in Bienville and Red River Parishes A native of Bienville Parish Mr Conly had lived in Red River Parish for the past 60 years Survivors include his wife one son A Conly Jr of Coushatta five brothers Cecil Conly of Boise Idaho Basil Conly and Conly both of Ringgold Mel Conly of Tucson Ariz and Conly of Prairievillet four sisters Mrs Willie Giddins Miss Jewel Conly Mrs Cleo Morrow and Mr Horace Salter all of Ringgold his step mother Mrs Conly of Ringgold and one grandson Marriage Licenses Lynn Edward Washington Shreveport and Mary Lep Johnson Shreveport Wayne Leiand Brightman Marion Mass and Margaret Nell ShUMW8Y Shreveport James Butler Shreveport and Jennie Darnell Shreveport Jerry Wayne Diffee Dallas Tex and Charlotte Anne Palmer Shreveport Gente Allen Hervey Jr Shreveport end Lillian Johns On Shreveport Bobby Ray Bovette Shreveport and Jacqueline Sue Elkins Dallas Tex Arlenzia Cummings Shreveport and Lillie Mae French Shreveport Fredthe Lee Harris Shreveport and Dianne Phil' Shreveport Special to The Journal VIVIAN The Vivian Bed-bud Festival Inc held its first meeting of the 1968-69 year recently at the Kiwanis Club with the new president Palmer WorminIton in charge The meeting opened with prayer by Smith vice president David Lawrence new treasurer gave his report showing a good bank balance and all bilk paid As chairman of horticulture he announced that more redbud trees would be planted this year ith the club's intention to encircle the North Caddo Memorial Hospital as requested by Lawrence Gray administrator He urged that members and citizens in general fertilize and trim old trees to enhance their quality of blooms It was voted to have the festival for one weekend only (approximate date to be decide' upon later) filling in the full time with continuous activities All items on the 1967-68 brochure were voted as highly successful and so for the new year two activities are to be added to the weekenc16 agenda: a pet show and a domino street tournament The president selected David Lawrence Mrs Exa MeGullin and Mrs Dudley Horton to submit suggestions for the type of brochure for the forthcoming year Mrs Mary Katherine Brice Mrs Hart and the president are to arrange for appropriate decals for advertising the festival The club voted to have all meetings called or regular in the Kiwanis Building subject to approval by the Kiwanians The fourth Tuesday of October and January '69 meetings constitute the only ones prior to the festival (late in March Residents Report Telephone Calls Special to The Journal NATCHITOCHES National Teacher Examinations will be administered at Northwestern State College Nov 9 and teachers and education students planning to take the tests have less than two weeks to regist er Northwestern's director of counseling and testing Dr Tandy McElwee said registrations for the examinations must be returned to the college by Oct 13 Registration forms and bulletins of information may be obtained by writing Northwestern's counseling and testing center or by contacting the Educational Testing Service Box 911 Princeton JN At the one-day test session a candidate may take the common examinations which include tests in professional education and general education and one of the 13 Teaching Area Examinations w'hich are designed to evaluate a person's understanding of various areas of subject matter McElwee said each candidate will receive an admission ticket advising him of the exact location of the center to hich he should report Candidates for the common examinations will report at 8:30 am on Nov 9 and should finish about 1 pm The Teaching Area Examinations will begin at 1:30 and candidates should complete the tests at about 4:15 pm Special to The Journal BENTON Nan Inman daughter of Nirs Virginia Waddell is the homecoming queen at Benton High School She will be crowned at 7:15 pm Friday during pre-game ceremonies Other members of the court are Debbie Barclay football seetheart: Paula Baker senior maid: Nancy Dunnam junior maid: Rhonda llo Bier sophom*ore maid and Donna Bowen freshman maid FolloMng the game with the Bernice Bears which begins at 7:30 pm a reception for all Benton High School graduates will be held in the home economics cottage Being honored during the reception are the graduation classes of 1918 1928 1938 1958 and 1968 The junior class will sponsor a dance in the school cafeteria after the game Special to The Journal RAYNESVILLE State Rep Parey Branton of Shongaloo announced Tuesday that he will join the staff of presidential candidate George Wallace on a fulitime basis Thursday Rep Branton made the announcement at a luncheon meeting of the Haynesville Lions Club here lie was the principal speader at the meeting Rep Branton said he accepted an invitation from former Alabama Gov Wallace to serve on his campaign staff until the Nov 5 general election The state legislator who serves the Claiborne-Webster parish district said he was giving his time to the Wallacefor-President campaign on a voluntary basis Rep Branton said he Nvould work in the coordination of advance preparations for campaign appearances by Wallace Ile said he would leave Thurs day for Denver Cola to begin his campaign work with other stops scheduled at Salt Lake City Utah and Seattle Wash The invitation to serve on the Wallace campaign staff came last week in a letter from Wallace to Rep Branton in which the presidential candidate said "I am very hopeful that you vill be able to give your active time to the campaign in the weeks ahead" Wallace wrote to Rep Branton tha he was most grateful for all that you have done for me through the years" and added "I remember that you have spearheaded all of the invitations I have received to address joint sessions of the Louisiana Legislature and I thank you" In his talk to the Lions Club Rep Branton hit at tax increases proposed by Gov John McKeithen calling instead for economy "through the elimination of waste and mismanagement in government" before consideration of new taxes NBC Group Joins Physics Society Carl Johnson New Faculty Member Special to The Journal MONROE A number of area residents have called the Ouachita Parish Health Unit reporting telephone calls re ceived from an unknown man asking personal questions The taller states he is conducting a survey on sex habits for the health unit Dr Carroll Summer said that the unit is not conducting such a survey and that the calls have been reported to the police department Also Summer said the health unit has been receiving calls regarding health books for sale Those calling say they have been telephoned about the books and that the caller told them that someone would be sent out to deliver the books and examine theft children Summer stated "We are not selling anything We have a rom full of pamphlets and be glad to give anyone any information on health they ant" Building Permits Monday Gocdman 6407 Willard Ave add carport $25 A Kelly 2446 Queens Highway move ou tof city $1100 Chriss Albert Roquemore 1502 Andrew St reroo f3150 Hazelmyre 117 East 75th St siding $1400 Aluminum Awning Memel Caston 4008 Wallace Ave Sidng $1400 Aluminum Awning Williams Met Malcolm St general repairs S2130 Dr Young 5056 Dixle Garden reroOf and repairs $225 Johnson tevent 3637 Del St reroof Sl00 Johnson Yancey 605 Hyde Park Pl brick veneer residence $i8900 Edgar Green 1735 Sycamore Ave reroof $100 Beicher 3336 Stonewall St reroof S500 Bossier Remodeling Arnold 141 Swedes Ave receipt $519 Nichols Rooting Fargotson 3144 Madison Ave woof S419 Nichois Roofing RP Otterson 4513 South Fairway Dr uproot $448 Nichols Roofing Carl Korman 453 Columbia St repair termite damage Sl150 Joe Stroud 3915 Sandra St remove partition $250 Jordan 4505 Youree Dr eridese caroort for office $1000 (Orden 402 East Kings Highway acid to beauty shoo van Ludames Lewis 3614 Sanders st pa-el residence $100 Pauline Bel 1945 Poland St rercit and paint $250 Harry Fox 427 East 154th St build frame residence $6656 Herring 4240 Joe Lewis Bivd repair steps Si00 Herring 4240 Booker St repair resloence $100 Sam Bruno 243 Webster Ave repair porch 3100 Southiand Printing Co Airport Dr partition building $1300 Farmer 2521 Dairell St sheetrock garage apartment $20 Willie Vlnzant 123 March St install windows and paint $150 Minnie Woodley 425 East isterrck St reroof WO Total Si8012 A Wilson's Etex Rites Held Special to The Journal MONROE Northeast Louisiana State College is the first United States college to be accepted into membership in the Society of Physics Students a physics organization formed by the merger of two national societies According to the chapter's advisor Dr Larry Johnson Northeast's chapter is the first chartered since the National Physics Honor Society of Sigma Pi Sigma and the American Institute of Physics Students joined their memberships last April The chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma will be contained within the organization and membership in it will be awarded to those persons of high scholastic achio ement and distinction in the field of physics At the chapter's first meeting Ronnie a Ole ton of Monroe was elected president Wallace harper Slidell vice president and Romand Monroe 'LIVE UP to your responsibilities Special to The Journal RUSTON Carl Johnson has recently joined the faculty of the School of Business Administration at Louisiana Tech as assistant professor of business law who holds the BA and LLB degrees from the University of Texas was formerly associated with a law frim in El Paso Tex Ile is a member of the American Bar Association Texas Bar Association Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity and Alpha Phi Omega Ile served as an army officer in Viet Nam and received the army commendation medal for meritorious service Johnson is a native of El Paso and is married to the former Pamela Bulls the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bulls 1830 Bayour Drive Shreveport Mrs Johnson is also a graduate of the University of Texas special to The Journal TYLER Tex Funeral services for William Nndrew vere held at Full Gospel Church in Joinerville with burial in Union Grove Cemetery at Troup A native of Tyler Mr Wilson was owner of Oklahoma 4uto Parts Survivors include his wife four sons James Monroe Wilsonof Houston William Andrew Wilson Charles Edward Wilson and Noble Curtis Wilson all of Tyler five daughters Mrs Bessie Lame Hulsey Mrs Barbra Ann Jennincs and Mrs Peggy Earl Busing all of Tyler Mrs Geraldine Skjeveland of Austin Minn and Mrs Zelda Willis of Pontiac Mich Calhoun Man Killed by Car SAVE UP i'l i 41 i a It: -'4 1 4 'IP(' (A th10 1 '0b I 4 4 4 0 -1P i I '4 Pt Dr Rice Joins Tech Faculty New Financial Plan Introduced 1 Longview Tax Statements Mailed 1st Kindergarten Has Opening Special to The Journal WEST MONROE Louis (Rusty) Larance of Calhoun was killed early Tuesday 'hen he was struck by an automobile near the intersection of La Hwy 15 and the Arkansas Road According to State Police Larance was hit by an auto driven by Joseph Gray Dean 20 of Farmerville Dean told officers that he felt a jolt as his car ran over an object on the road He said he thought it was a box but stopped the car went back to check and found the man sprawled on the pavement Funeral services will be held at 2 pm today in the Kilpa tr ick Funeral Home Chapel Burial will be at the Unionville Cemetery near Du NIONJ IMP tr sio thdo 11" 4" :111:1 I 4 T-4 41'' 't '-47''''-'11: 11111 Ir Jr lt 11A 1 444': 1 76N 84ki: 1 4- cT '') 71 :401 wt 4r 1 6 illk 414 160(if i- ''q6 ocbery 1 4 to 0 'Ii ----1 I Tuesday: Solomon Baxter and Softy Jeon Avifin 2431 RoOsevelt Avto add story)! and neater time' $'00 Pork Shoo Grocery 2147 Midway St re-rool S576 Bnucnor Slack 111 43 Parksido Dr build brick veneer residence St6957 Gibson Construction Co 4390 Thor good St build brick veneer residence S9500 Jordan 1342 WIlklmon St demolish ooroue apartment Sio0 Cart Erernack 5329 Alto Vista St anciose room $200 FHA 1156 Michel St repa'r residence SI000 Robert jOrneS 2919 LOOneV St add fwn rooms S2600 williams 2756 POlard St erclose porch to 'verge ronm SCA Wilt A Horrig e5 15 vyallact Ave cleon tro atter fire SO A Mockoy 27P Llownod Ave general residence rrpairs 1500 Collhon 3423 Frederrck St allumi nu siding Mr I 0 Guinn 3715 West C011e9I St Aluminum siding SI350 YVostyieti Christian CrurCh 3401 Qrrenwood Rd raroof 5'000 Mrs 131 Glenn St re-roof Foremost Mortnoge 2150 Hollywood Ave re-root SI205 MAble Sronders 4432 Brody Ave replace stairs S800 Crtivirt Cco*k 21 WO est it7lt St nclose Porch for room and repair $1000 Mentcolm 340 Baltimore Ave add throe room $4435 Herbort A Harlem Jr 1119 Georoia St add bedroom bath den and patio $t60 David Moore Davelociers 604 Suomi mot Tr buldng brick venter residence 1111160 DOVirt Moore Developers 1812 Velem ie Ln biuld brick veneer residence $12310 Jonn Lriber 670 Linden St hrata roof and reroet WO I WI Ballord 022 Sipple St build warehouse partial perm V2650 Aignonso Hibbler 29J7 LOgile St build slornoe Vuo Adkins (nO Initiols Wort) 078 Irmo ttafivoey move dwellin goulsicle of CitY t0 borkacca Jackson 4122 Booker St re root $J311 A Dowdrn 3271 -Itidson St OnliVoe two rooms and add porch 1 Tyton Leto JAIrsrin St aenert repeiri to rrsiOrnre SLOW 1)mly total 211 torotvrtitorir oermit totAl ti ISRS91 Iol for firo eine rrenthi elf 10011 99 901594 4 compared witlt during similar period In 1961 iii special to The Journal TEXARKANA Ark Texrkanas first public school kindergarten also a first for Ark ansa st opened Tuesday with 58 chIldren registered The program is made possible by the school systems participation in Title I of Public Law 89-10 Arkansas state law prohibits the use of state funds for children below the age of first graders and also prohibits the use of buses for the children In this kindergarten There are two teachers Mrs Mary Young and Mrs Cewilla Shannon for four classes a day two in the morning and two in the aftcrnoon They meet in portable buildings on the Carver School campus There is no charge for tendance Longview Man's Rites Set Today Special to The Journal LONGVIEW Tex The first of more than 3600 tax statements for the year 1968 from the City of Longview and the Longview Independent School District have been mailed it was announced by A James Henry tax assessor-collector The statements cover a combined total Ivey of S334406213 of which the city's share is $141364325 and the school system's $193041828 This year's levy represents an increase of $7364669 to the city and $8342240 to the schools Ifenry iaid the statements are due and upon receipt and become delinquent on Jan 31 19(9 at which time a tO per cent penalty and interest rate of 6 per cent will be added Henry said all statements will be in the mails this week special to The Journal RUSTON Dr Philip Rice has recently joined the faculty of the School of Business Administration at Louisiana Tech as associate professor of management science and industrial management Dr Bice holds the BSEE and MBA degrees from the University of Arkansas and was awarded the Ph degree in engineering management by Clemson University Clemson SC Dr Rice's principal area of interest is the application of business problems to management While at Clemson Dr Rice taught courses in quality control and was associated with the economic research service His research was in the area of input-outptit analysis and mathematical programming lie holds memberships in the American Statistical Associalion Southern Economic Association Beta Comma Sigma Theta Tau Blue Key and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Dr Rice is a native of Pine Bluff Ark and is married to the former Jane Brady of Helena Ark who is also a graduate of the University of Arkansas special to The journal SHONGALOO The finan cial system at Shongaloo High School is pesently a state of reorganization according to Harold Bartlett principal The revamping plans are being made in an effort to provide readily accessible funds for the individual classroom teacher for needs of the classroom The new plan will provide for each teacher to be alloted a certain percentage of the funds for his or her use and in this way teachers will know what is available for expenditures Bartlett emphasized that this plan will encourage teachers to purchase items that would supplement their teaching pro gram Each teacher will feel that he itas an equal share in providing and using the avail able funds Another factor in the plan slated Bartlett is the reduction of fund raising activities to one a year This year a Halloween Carnival will be held to raise funds The expenditures of the athletic department and office funds for the general office will not be included in the equal percentage plan All HoinelFetteltalL SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION LONGVIEW Tex Funeral services for IL Cunningham 90 will be held at 2 pm today in Grape land his hometown Mr Cunningham who was a farmer and who had been in the hotel business before he retired died early Tuesday in a local nursing home after a long illness Survivors are a stepdaughter Mrs Helen Simmons of Longview two sisters Mrs Texie Reed of Houston and Mrs Minnie Selman of Vivian 43 OF SHREW Mitt Ilk MIMI 'MHOS it IOAN INIUIANCI C011iCilitt1004 4 odwo a4ukt MIMI 14004 WAS SANK Slight Iliviop 6 24 NANKIT AT CROCKITT funds obtained through gate receipts and coneession stand al ball games will be used by the athletic department And expenses will be obtained through an ad program which the school has each year Georgia Irads ihe Unitcd Stairs in production of pulp 0 I 11W111117111EVW gifilf0ZNarl'Aill11PMMWO ElabillarSOSIffrimimPlimILIMO f74' rWcftii-l'41 itte 4 77 14911171MPIV A le AT I 4 a 1 tit) kl S1A '4" It I-1 0.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.