The Washington Daily News from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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THI WASHINGTON DAILY NKWS RIDAY JOLT 17 lie 29 13 California WAITRESSES (whits) 14th id alterations Good sal SEAM8TRESS One who understands 17 i BED Henry Apply Chef WARD TEL Conn Ave Call NO 646g si 90 1000 for ap and work! ngeond i ton 1313 You BL NW colored experi ed WASHING Good hours I good pay Sleasant working condition i Apply toward' Ollie MAYLOWEfc HO hours: ex tit NW INSTRUCTIONS or details call CON GRESSIONAL AIRPORT OU SUB or Hyde (ield SP 0888 WILL GIVE best nf care to small cKTld in my home licensed Vienna Jt5 1 1W tmsh club resi sxperlenee helpful SALESGIRLS (Colored) Experienced preferred but not necessary rood op orl right person Apply MARKERS white or enced or inexperlent i TON LAUNDRY 162 to 5 a A TELEPHONE CO (Hiring arrangement approved by WMC) 7 I i Tn person to COOfc (colored) elderly woman day work Apply Cozy Hill Grill 2106 16th Sti NW SHWi 25 or over salary 820 wk ration books required 2919 28th St WTS office open Mon WAITRESSES (colored) 4 to 12 AjP ply GREYHOUND GRILL 12th A New York Ave in bus terminal WAITRESS (Whit e) for exclusive downtown' dub Good salary and commission meals and uniforms fur nished CaD DL 811 between IB a SHORT ORDER COOK (colored) Ap ply OOZY HILL GRILL 2106 18th Sundays Small Apt fond of children Reference TA 2131 i COOK Bor small boarding house hours 1 to 8 no Sundays 80 wk Ref1914 16lh St NW IRST CLASS colored cook to go to Blue Ridge Summit Ladies' Exchange 21 37 StN NA 481 Wreliable assist with I child no eodkinr: must live In 82 wk tosta rt: Bocal re SL 9 144 GHWj ironing exp no washing no cooking 1 i in 815 BH 7232 SALESWOMEN with immediate open ings No experience necessary I Apply at once Employment Office Sth floor WOODWARD) A LOTHBO I daily 12:39 9: Thursday OR your old gdid jrw)ry diamond We also pay rood cash prices for c)d fjresrms GALLEYS PAWNBROKERS 907 SL 1 ng 6677 jnonds never worn TR 3482 DINETTE SET table with tending sides 3 chairs in exc cond TE 9121 DINETTE SET: bleached furniture con sisting of table 4 chairs buffet 85: exc i cond DE 27 4 8 I DRESS OE W( and misses dept Apply! Per Office 7 th floor JXLLKE8 We buy sell and trade Brenners 94 Pa Ave fonp Depfc Just) RE 2434 SMALL house or atore front condition immaterial: wH! pay bet 825 and 135 month MK 6292 STENOGRAPHER rapid accurate good salary and pleasant workinc con ditions RIGGS NATIONAL BANK 1503 Pennsylvania Ave ELEVATOR A SWITCHBOARD OPER ATOR (colored) for apt house Can manage ri CO 8841 ELEVATOR operator colored experi enced to 4:30 See housekeeper aniunivn hvibl zizj Bt NW X)MPTOMETER Oppor unity for permanent position with essential organisation Good starting salary opportunity for advancement vacatiotf with pay each year Air conditioned office Apply SAEWAY STORES INC 4th and Sts NE Hlfing arrangement approved' stock and variety ACME URNITUREOp1015ti 7th SL NW NA 952 Also sharpened and repaired Grind scissors and saw il OODTSSxaLXk CAWTER National Cash Register system 8125 month and meals 8 day week Apply Mrs Bitzer WAITRESSES (white) day or night work MAYLOWER DONUT SHOP 1309 BL NW Waitresses and ooUh White or colored good openings (no fees) WASHINGTON RESTAURANT ASSN 003 Eye BL NW WAITRESSES (white)! experienced excellent earnings in new modern air conditioned restaurant BASSXN'B RESTAURANT 1349 St NW WAITRESSES (white) good pay and tip Apply Hostess NEW COLONIAL HOTEL 15th A Sts NW WAITRESSES (white) 4 to 12 and 12 to 8 Apply GREYHOUND GRILL 12th New York Ave in bus termi te 40 good salary and working condi tions i Apply Mrs Wavs SMITH 8 TRANSER a STORAGE CO 1313 You SL NW I or eve uniforms i 1 Applyi HOTEL NW SODA OUNTAIN Good hours good pay i meals and uniforms fur nished no Sunday work bonus everv 3 months! COLONIAL PHARMACY iiu lam 0i GOOD Cook 8c housekeeper must have knowledge of Jewish rooking Willing worker 830 wk local ref Call TR 876jintil 5TA 3274after 5 MAID and" pantry colored tn high class guest house can live in 1712 New Hampshire Ave NW PART TIME (colored)? 11 a Ito 6:30 No Sun Experi enced for adult family to clean completely new modern apL 818 1636 StJNW PART TIME hw A laundry: 5 da wk hrs 10 4 813 wk and carfare Kft Z4 3 1 1 nr tlo BRING us your rags Iron and metal (of all kinds) We also buy funk carA Call for quick service KENILWORTH JUNK CO 1301 Kenilworth Ave AT 1180 New a 60c per 100 Iba Books maga gines 85c per 100 lbs INTERESTING WAR Earning? at start 83220 weekly vlth rapid in creasea No experience necessary Ex cellent working conditions Ages 38 to 50 Apply Employment Office 722 12th SL NW Monday th rd riday :30 week 1107 16th SL RECEPTIONIST for dence Switchboard but not essential lurg to daily nease pnone Mrg pointmen i SALAD Abd Steward HOTEL BHXNGTON 15th PART TIME male or female work tn drug store eva to 10 experiencedpreferred 4594 PHOTOSTAT OPERATORS BRITISH MISSIONS Employment office openMod through rL to Bat to Hiring' arrangements approved Apply all week 1107 10th BL NW STUDIO COUCH wine madeTntodou ble bed with matching chair' exc cond: HOP CO 0291 0T 3 harness 'and coJ lars everything for the horse Pull line of western saddles and bridlea KING JR ill Uth SL NW dress shorn 820 wo Ling conditions Apply 1114 Conn Av WAITRESS small club dining room evenings 5 to 9 dally Please phone100 for appointment WAITRESS 1 (colored) refined tor counter work good working conditions air conditioning must be over 18 Apply Restaurant 5th floor HI 8KOR BOWLINGJ ALLEYS 719 13th SL NW WAITRESSES colored)" work in new restaurant must be faL courte ous and neaL Apply 1005 You BL NW MrSmlth WAITRESS (whited GENDELMAN7?) RESTAURANT 4001 Georgia Av NW WAITRESS (white) tipping day or nite STATES RESTAURANT CapUoi WAITRESSES white) experienced excellent tips and wages: ne Sun Ap ply OLMBTTO RESTAURANT 133 ASHION ARTIST end one for general department store illustrating: must be ana wasn good worto posiuon re white female pups wks Spitz 82 83 HO 3873 ev es nneoug for Sale 2B rip wssteg remsie AaLaD GIRL experienced excellent working conditions good salary ROBIN HOOD RESTAURANT 1422 St NW i i AT 5 Ik days 820 wk: fh £lain cook live in or out ref 132 i grab am St NW GE 4442 A ghw exp 825' wk live in beautifal room A bath fond of chii dren other help Liberal time off I 7579 COOK rhiT small family 1 or out 8100 mo CH 3351 HOTEL CASHIER ORtPRONT ICE Experienced with National Cash Register posting machine per manent position excellent working conditions Apply Mr Corish credit office MAYLOWER HOTEL Conn COOK" (colored)" GENDELMAN'S RESTAURANT 401 Georgia Ave GIRLS for well known or ganization to wait on public estimate on dry cleaning and shoe repair work No experience necessary we will train you and give you a good salary Ap ply 1342 New York Ave NW LOUHTArWOMEN Want to change to an essential lob? Call LITTLE TAV ERN JBHOPB TNG for Ham 5k CLERK experienced transcript ixl sairv and bonus Apply RITZ )T3L 920 St NW r1ty: EfERS experienced slag roof Idre and helpers Permanent Job Call Phillips WO B229 after 6 ih kviCE' ELEVATOR OPERATOR tifs open Apply Employment Ox rWILLARD HOTEL 14th A Petina OWICH MAN Permanent position nd opportunity BASSIN'S RE8 iflUXT 1349 SL NW SALESMEN or perenca necessary ex servicemenferred good salary and eommis permanent position Apply Mr ttlieb 3212 14th SL NW Mr bn 44'3 Conn Ave: Mr Abbey rrsCNW HAHN SHOE STORES DB With or wlthout ex netue discharged veterans pre rred Libera! salary and commis St NW 5e sai Good salary kt commission plan Apply Per hel plfice 7th floor JELLE'S I22D SL NW 1 NDdAKR nr finisher experienced py Torn Valet Service' tr A NA 5685 I WRITER Experienced for wjh store display Permanent po on convenient hours pleasantLag conditions Salary 853 Ap I Mr Wvatt HAHN STOE STORES I dr SWNW tKROOM BRITISH MIS 'i tiipioyineni wxuee open mod rr: to oil to a mr ajrnirnts approvco APPly SU 1107 16th St NW ARMY AND NAVY are our cus era out we need yon to keepthem We are hiring and training perrncea or experienced men and cm wno want to wore and keep job ss Technicians Inspectors I Assemble of vital equipment huie one of the man? who know war isn over we'd ike to talk with you Call Personnel De cent WA 9000 WASHINGTON ITITUTE TECHNOLOGY Co! Park Md SR 1st class TINNER HELP good salary steady work Apply onda Ava MW MARKERS AND ASS Good wages Ideal working conditions iwui txniLinn Hammer i ALEXANDJ HA CLEANERS 71 1 King St Alex an Iriai Va OICE CLERIC A LB General clerical worx xor dependable SL iV I MAIDS (colored! Ap ly Housekeeper JEBBITTHOTEL10tl H8UNW maid experienced in wees: pleasant theirf loft as Technicians Inspectors and Assemblers of vital equipment If you're one of thg manv srho know the wat isn't over we'd like to talk buxines with you Call Personnel De partment WA 9000 WASHINGTON INBTTTtrTE TECHNOLOGY Co! lege rtc Md i THE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS has an bpdning fore a young lady who would pike to learn the advertising busings Excellent opportunity for ad vancement Hours 3:30 Ho 7:30 Call Mrsj abidingDL 7 7 7 7 for appt TYPIST OR BRITISH Statistical and clerk typists Employ ment office open Mon I through ri toi BaL to 1 Hiring arrange mezMtk approved Apply al week 1107 Uth Bt NW TYPIST CLERK aayj sreek gooJ ply MfA Ways SMITH'S TRANSER 09 QA IWIUC vxj Opportunity for permanent position with essential organization Good startmg salary with opportu nity for advancement vacation with pay each year air conditioned office Apply SAEWAY STORES INC 4th and StalNE Hiring arrangements approved VEGETABLE colored) Applv Bnpldrment Office WILLARD HOTEL 14th 4z Peana Ave NW VENETIAN BLIND CLEANERS coT Apply Employment Office WILLARD HOTEL 14th A Penna Ave WAITRESS 7COLORH)k APLT tfl ner Syg matt 840 GE 5210 CHINESE Blue 6x9 8300 Exc condi NO 1874 Ext 506 TwS Lamson 10 foot utility conveyors complete with gear head) motor Mr Bonner THE LO STRAND 'CO 95 Behm Rd Silver Soring Md SH 1166 CORNET: trumpet model Conn eic cond CH 0576 Lady's ct 8125 Lady's 1 clT150 14 ct 8250 Lady's IVa Cts 8295 Lady iH Ct 1350 Man's 24 cLs845O Man perfect 1 cts i 8550 Lady's perfect 2 cte 87751 3 Tiffany 4 ctv 8625 1 Manis perfect 54 cL 81295 LIV ING3TON A CO 1423 BL NE ME 3440 DIAMOND BAfcOAtNS RINGS from 810 to 8500 Large selec tion all at exceptional values Na tional Pawnbrokers 1306 Lee Hgwy (ft Key bridge) CH 1777 LAUNDRY Openings in press ing flat work i and assorting depart ments Experience not necessary Good pay while learning Apply rear ELITE LAUNDRY 119 14th St NW Hir ing arrangements LAUNDRY WWTp MAREXRS A8SORT KRS LAT 'WORK OPERATORS PRESS OPERATORS Good pay ex perience not necessary Apply BLUE RIBBON LAUNDRY 6712 Hampden Lane OL 1717 Mr Kligman i LAUNDRY WORKE31S (colored full time Apply Laundry Manager WARDMAN PARK HOTEL Conn Ave A Woodley Rd NW LAU DR hel per shirt presser arid finisher 830 liweek ahd over J35O lorida Ave 14 LA UN DR HE LP le a a opera tor BLUE RIBBON LAUNDRY 2510 14th St NW I LAUNDRY women (co'loredK good working conditions paid vacation Ap ply Mr Stovall MATE XJWer HOTEL 17th and De Sales St MACHINE PRESSERS Must be experi enced on wool end si good wages ideal working conditio steady posi tion Apply Henry I Hammer AL EXANDRIA CLEANERS 711 King BL tion Apply Henry Alexandria Va MAID (colored) must i i SODA DISPENSERS Salary 825 830 week semi annual bonus plus vaca tion with pay UNION DRUG COM PANY I Union Station I STATIStTCAl7CIJtRK in credit office fine men' specialty shop permanent position good salary store completely air coniditioned closed Saturdays dur ing July and AugusL Apply Mr Aiken Grosner of 1325 Bt NW STEAMfTABLE girls waitresses bus girls salad girls maids cooks Water 213 Eye SL NW ktNOGRAPHER Opportunity for permanent position with essential or ganisation rood starting isalary op portunity fox advancement vacation with nay teach year air conditioned Office Apply SAEWAY STORES INC 4th and St NE Hiring arrangements approved nrM Apply KRASNIR 3 2940 14th 'l HAND1C 1500 st NE LIVING ROOM dinette bd room Ute complete all in goat eond 4eHa 3703 LOVELY four poster mahogany sinsT bed deluxe coil springs and inner spring mattress 140 Studio couch 820Excellent condition 3565 MANICURING SET tableland i'chairi cream trimmed in black exc cond TR 965 OAK dim ng rm set 8 pieces rood cond reas GE 8324 OICE NA 913 Used desks chairs flies etc BAUM A SONS 16 St Lyon Healev baby grand TR 668 PORTABLE electric welder like new 8175 also 1 brake dium machine like new reasonable CAMPBELLS AUTO BALKS 4MassAye NW ME 03 RESTING CHAIR large brown excr lent condition HO 732 SEWING machines recond treadle and elec 81950 upi Repairing rent 'Ing 3812 Lee HyCH 4914 SILK White silk lieavy gauge' Ger man parachute for best cash offerCaIlOE 3007 SOA good condition prewar excellent springs EX 7851 SPECIALIST in Swiss and American watch and clock repairing 3 ay serv Mlseellanewun (er jial DlNlifCr ROOM SUITK "Exception al suite walnut 0 pc indudlrg lew buffet and china closet or inspectionClljowner RA1490 AN GE 16 DieC DIAMONDS pocket wnt watches In itial birthstone diamond wedding ring any other Jewelry and pawn ticket purchased Highest price paid Ngw York Jewelry Co 727 7th St NW URNITURE of ail kinds radios 3054 8L NW AD 9058 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianos Piano Arcordion Telephone RE 6212 fir Appraisal 1330 O6LNW MAGAZINES ixjok and newspaper Highest cash price ast A courteous service Dealers or private COLUMBIA WASTE MATERIAT CO 4 th A School Sts DI 339 PIANOS GRAND spinet itudo Highest' ash prices paid HUGO WORCHii 1110 St NA 4529 I PIANOS Players 'upHglil grand NA 2965 Eve WO 88 STUDIO COUCHES chest of drauers and dressers TH 2094 SWING MACHINES We buy 'all typea Repair Hemstitching bullLtj covered 917 SL RE 19'rtl RK 2311 After 7 cal! C0 0025 STUDIO COUCHES chm of dtsvr rs and refers TR 2094 trSHE white) good no Sunday work Apply pcBTAtlRANT SZ 13thStUW I colored) APP oflxe WILLARD HOTBL it Renna Are NW ttt i men eatablished millrrraee earnlnu 0 Per week iwir good daytime houra excel ortinr conditions Apply in er 321 CH58TNUT ARM aY 2535 Pennsylvania Ave N1W erf arrangements approved ras New macblnee Pesto! and worklny condition a 3 cleaners io Rhode il Phone WA 99JL I sSvjf experienced: rood waxes 1704 Kuclld St NW CO 2335 SSRS experienced lor well es inhed downtown valet shop Mod imachnes Good pay and houra iy 1342 Ave NW SSERS on woolens: exp wkly gi AY 1 ALNDRY SH 3S Appiv at once Excellent stedv work EXCELSIOR USTtS 503 Bt NW BSER HS wk ValetSho ilth St NW MK 8375 fijGRATION MECHANIC steady nnasent repair Job now open foraiied industrious man with ex nence in field of refrigeration Jhrnment services inc nil St or telephone Mr Stone 1437 i' X' Vernal 13 I tai 4v nt nlrht work experience not neeessery good salary meals and uniforms furnished Apply in person THOMPSON'S RES TAURANT Personnel Office 9th di ata nw jrq hoof DISHWABHER colored Apply ORIENT REBTAU1 WiAmncin Ava Dishwashers a KrrcHEir' wanted at one: aoodl meals (no tees) WASHINGTON RES TAURANT ASSN 2003 Eyel BL NW uisnwgfinxa icoioreaj aai niDg work meals and 1 furnished excellent salary! WMK1JMMIV ANI Conn Ave and Woodie DISHWASHERS: immodiateTopeningsu Apply Employment Office bthr loors WOODWARD 8s LOTHRQP 9:30 daily 13 Tntxrsday urniture of is rm bouse must disposed of this wre( Consisting 'of nice bedroom suites dressers studio couches floor lamps soft chairs ta bles gas Uives few hundred new panes of glass Lsu a lot ot other miscei articles and furniture ei eellent ouahtv inl cond Mrs Tigrew3Il SL N'W Ml 7296 or LT 962o' URN ITU REA 3 pc wm springs good copd pair twin bedprings 20 mxi from 'own TB 9751 URNITURE Modem dining thle with pad 60 inch buffet all wool ru With pad odd piecA Must sell at once WL341 i or 1 bed rmapt csfrtese J11 ch1f Play pen misc UN 0013 URNITURE Bed springs mattress' kitchen table rx3 chair etc 3829 JO th St NW A 357 women OAR 14th 8 hour day PHION ARLINaTONIANS! One best show stores lo in your own neighborhood Lk ninf8 or meu or women to Ittoes full or part time Experi LuMiful2 but not ieasenttat' iKisdly tram you Permanent P004 pleasant worklnx er kr ennlnxtow SHOE STORK 1411 WiUonArlington Va 'J'HILK you LEARN! We will limited number of men andn our dry cleanlnx depk to pressers etc 6wa AX while you learn See Mr New York Ave NW shift good Apply cSef TjotnL 200 nth St NW Ott 73MU ABLE MAN colored): rt hrs 9 to 6 no Sunr: salary wen Apply Chef OLMSTED BTAURANT 1336 St NWp eran clerk typist permanent "po oieasant surroundings Apply IaTqs Office MAYLOWER) HO Conn and DeSale SL TER 'ihpino) experienced good irv pleasant working conditions Hostess AIRAX MOTEL: 2100 Ave NW iTERS (colored) for seafood ratu i I on'v dependable men need ap excellent working conditions included Apply Personnel Of DONNELL'S GR1LL 107 feHOL'SWORKERS to handle empty cases inside work 5 werk permanent job This may job ou have been looking for Mr Schultze at CANADA DRY Rhode Island' EHOUSE SUPER To Ik urniture knowledge of typing i experienced tu handling men 25 years of age Apply Mr Dent 5 TRANS 1 STORAGE CO 1213 You NjV WESTER UNION offera opportunities for several grammar school gradu ates ages 19 45: hours 4 to midnight Light pleasant Indoor work In a vitally essential Industry no previous experience necessary 827 pei week Apply ifer Room VOL 710 14th SL NW Over 55 years olnge to sell in women's departments 5 Apply Em ployment Office 4th floor LAN8 BURGH A BRO 7th 8th and Bt YOUNG To assist merchan dise manager Borne stenographic ex perience Apply Employment Office 4th lansburgb A Bro 7th 8th and St NW iRESiSERB on woolens A silk exp 845 wkly Bafeway Laundry SH 935 RESTAURANT WORfc AU IdndSoi restaurant jobs: good wages meals (no fees) WASHINGTON RESTAU RANT ASSN 2003 Eye Bt NW SALESPEOPLE Men or women men with experience women with or with out will gladly train you Per manent position good salary pleas ant working conditions Apply Mr Gootiieb HAHN SHOE STORE 212 Hth St TEACHERS 7 ublle schools private schools locally and otherwise Vacancies in all fields Register now ADAMS TEACHERS AGENCY 204 Colorado Bldg 14th A Sts NW 4 ui lzvNi iceboxes rug chairs I URN1 aTOVI coi KI NKrrt 1032 GAS RANGES new 9i used Isrs stock A ne fn ca a RANGE lr iburner deep eookin well broiler oven excel cond 8160 Used only SnToa AD 1240 BOX exceL cond U'TOfcg' GE Meat Case nd iCompreor exe 8rvlc S'sr Market (GLADSTONE leather bag daybed ixTx springs desk typewriter table elec table grill tennis racquet records Insomr chair women clothingShoe NO 6398 Bwlnea Oppcei Ml(1ea 4 HOTEI DOWNTOWN LOCATION 37 rKnia 16 bath Beal Boney maker Price 5500 terms 'ANTHONY CHAPIN 27 SL BE AT TO'BUY' OR SELL ANY Satisfactory and Prompt ReauiM granted for dress! shop and accessories highest paid very nle working conditions LORA'S 1009 BL NE ull or part time ant working conditions good compen sation libera) discount on personal purchases Apply Mr Julian Ladies' Dept THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 1319 Bt NW I part tme floor Thursday colored to work in Tfrroiery good hours 830 uB store VPrk Py No sun work )X1AL PHARMACY 1113 ISi BL I nfed7MIe 11 drir i license excellent liaurs meal At TIM 73O ltb Bt NW with immediate openings lLAO 4 AS a hIawW an 9:30 to dally WOODWARD A Permanent work for capable women GARIN BL at 14th SALESLADlSj wanted experienced in children's andl wear Highest salary paid pleasant working condi tion Apply jin person Washington Linen Cq 11 7th BL NW I HOSTESS experienced excellent work ing conditions good salary Sun off? ROBIN HOOD I RESTAURANT 1422 SL NW I HOSTESSES expert eticeq Apply in person to Restaurant Manager HO TEL WASHINGTON 15gh A PennaJ Ave NW HOSTESS evening Atd active salary and pleasant working conditions Ap ply in person Mayflower Donut Shop 10 SL NW PANTRY GIRLS colo lUBicni nours i MAN PARK TTfYTl Woodley Road NW BX OPERATORS BRITISH Bions Bmpioymeni throurh ri ft tA 8: Ing arrangements gpproved Apply all kG MAN interested In newspaper for accounting department' must i tome knowledge of bookkeeping i sntag salary chances for ad JetnenL Excellent working eon di Address Box 1147 Washing toyNews MAN (colored) Apdly Stovall Laundry' MAYLOWER jX Conn Ave a De Bale NW working at Goldenberg'a Pull or part tim Many Adepts Employe discount at once Hospitalisation Pleasant sur roundings Permanent position Ap i ply Personnel Office 2d loor GOU ENBERG'S tth 8th and Sts NW or full time or part time Apply Personnel Office 3th fl JELLE 8 1214 1220 BL NW BALZSWOMHJ A DEMONSTRATORS for toilet goods department Apply i Employment Office 4th floor' LAN8 i BURGH A RO 7th 8th A Sta I SECRETARIES A BTENOdHAHERS We ae anxipus to obtain the service of several good secretaries A I stenog raphers Must be neat intelligent At well mannered accurate typist aver age speed taking dictation be able to do general office work Good salary to qualified jperson Excellent oppor tunity for advancement' Apply BRIGGS CLARIIER CO 1341 Wise Ave NW 8:30 a to 5 8:30 a to noon Bat SEAMSTRESS experienced for down Must be experienced on ladies' A men' clothing Good wages ideal working conditions steady po sition Apply ALEXANDRIA CLEAN ERS Henry Hammer 711 fcing SL Alexandria1 Va SHOE SALESWOMEN Ex service "worn en With or without experience We will gladly train you Good sal ary A commission permanent posi tion good working conditions Applv Mr Abbey 11297 St Mr Labin 443 Conn Ave4 Mr Gottlieb 3212 loth SL NW HAHN SHOE STORES experienced in pen ink drawinc Salarv hlvn and Ing conditions fuli tim position bring samples See Advertising Man ager 5th floor GOLDENBERG'S 7ththaK Sts NW OUNTAIN Experienced meals ana umiorms tree: goad cellent salary 4730 14tl GE 7700 OtTNTAIN GIRLS (white? no Bun meals and tips: must be ex perienced ROOSEVELT HARMACY 16th A Sts NW GIRL colored work I in Chinese laundry 13 IHorida Ave NW GIRL (colored) to work I in Chinese laundry 1245 20th St Ny Mg 582 SlRL (colored) Work as khirt ironer in Chinese laundry 851 day 425 Georgia Ave RAtl 747 fished figm Post war opportunitv with chance for advancement: 8165 to 81T5 per month Write 3326 care Waah Daily News SI EN OG RAP Per an rat positi on good salary pleasant workinc condi tions Apply ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH CORPORATION River dale MdT I STENOGRAPH ER Part time hours 11:30 itol 6 davs oieasant working conditions good pay Apply! ram aww vtytkiTi Mrs WiM SMITH'S TRANSER 4t LY IMG BTORAGiE CO 1313 You St NW TELEPHONE OPERATORS experi enced Earning 83120 to 85780 week ly depending on length i of service Also part time evening work Apply Empleyrqent Office 722 12th 8L Monday thru riday 8 30 a to 9 30 am to 5 pm A TELEPHONE CO Hirins arrangements approved by WMCl TELETYPE Applv at once to Mr fcichardson Room 401 Union Station lor Railroad Retirement Board 301 St NW THK XRMY AND NAVY are our cus I tomers but we need you to keep them supplied? We are hiring and training inexperienced or experienced men and eivvmu Helf) 13 A GOOb SALESWOMAN In th Clasd fied Advertising Dept of Th Wash ington Daily News Bales experience Breegaary (rlaggiflad preferred) hoojqti salary and bonus arrangement Phon Mr Golding DL 7777 fo ap pointment A JOB YOU WILL Learn this interesting and vital var work Earn ings at start 831 20 weekly with rapid increases? permanent positions pro motion opportunities Ages 19 to 35 Apply Employment Office 723 12tb SL NW Monday thru riday 8:30 to Saturday 8:30 a to i a a TELEPHONE CO (Hiring ar rangementsapproyed by WMC) ALTERATIONS HANDfe experienced in repairing and women's cloth ing Excellent salary permanent Ap ply 1342 New York Ave NW AN attractiv opening th circula tion department of The Washington Dally News tor a young lady seeking a permanent position a good startingalary and an opportunity for ad vancement Must able to take dic tation and handle detail work SVfc day week Pleasant working conditions or personal interview and appnlnt ment phone Mr Mack DL 7777 ALTERATION HAND for Ladies work room full or part time: perma nent: good rates pleasant working conditional Liberal discount on per sonal purchases Apply Mr Nunn Ladies Dept THK YOUNG MEN SHOP 1319 St NW ART and Promotion Department of leading Washington newspaper needs an ambitious young woman who is in terested in a thorough background in newspaper work Must be able to take shorthand" and type Interesting permanent position Good salary Op portunity to advance Write Box 1156 Washington Daily News stating quali fications ASSISTANT COOK (colored) good sal ary must he reliable person HE BREW HOME OR THE AGED 1125 Spring Rd NAV BEAUTYDPERATORS with immediate openings Apply at once Employment Office 9th floor WOODWARD A LOTHRQP 9 :30 8 dally 12:30 9 Thur BEAUTY OPERATORS Experienced: salary A eximmlssion 649 St NE TR 9085 BEAUTY OPERATOR (colored) experi enced? DORANN'S BEAUTY 8HOP 153New Jersey Ave NW feEAUTY One to manage shop at Meade 3 to work in shop 850 wk' A commission living quarters on post reas Call Mr lanigan WA 9881 7419 Baltimore BlwX College ParkcMd BEAUTY OPERATOR goox Hours and' pay comm vacation and holldavs with pay full or part time 122 Penna Ave 8E TR 651 BEAUl Xv OPERATOR for northeast or southeast shop good salary and cOm mission 426 15th 8tNE BEAUTY OPERATORS (5) 810 aay and commission Apply 3009 14th SL NW BEAUTY OPERATOR colored Call 9397 or ML 9754 BEAUTY OPERA OR MANICURIST (Colored) Salary A commission ZDU747': BU8GIRLA (coioredb Apply Hesd wMter AMBASSADOR HOTEL 14th A Sts NW CASHWR colored) day work Ap ply Cpr Hill GrUl 2106 16th 8L NW CASHIERS (colored) experience not necessary must be intelligent and neat in appearance Apply 1095 You Bt NW Mr Smith CHARWOMAN (white) for offo build ing Hours to 11:30 6 dy week' Apply Mgrw 1001 Vermont Av KW CHAMBERMAID good pay meals va cation with pay HEBREW HOME OR THE AGED 1125 Spring Rd NW Clerk typist for accounting de partment Pleasant working condi tions good hours and salary Ap ply to Mr Johannes Wash ington Daily News 101 13th BL NW CLERK Typists (colored): 5 day wk permanent prevailing salary 1512 Yon St NW betw I CLERK Good working condi tions permanent work Apply Mr Corish Credit Office MAYLOWER HOTEL Conn Ave A DeSaies St NW CLERK tor dry cleaning: experience not necessary: 835 week to start AR ROW CLEANERB 8233 Gorgia Ave CLEANERS (colored) hours 10:30 to'7'a 'Apply in person to House keeper HOTEL WASHINGTON 15 th A Ave NW GIRL (colored) to work in Chinese laundry excellent salary 1933 11th 8t NW CO 4973 GIRL (colored to workf tn Chinese laundry 2030 9th St NW QRAPHOTYPK to openings Apply at oc Employ ment Office Sth floor WOODWARD At LOTHROP :30 dally 12:30 Thursday HOSIERY SALESGIRL Attractive well dressed woman to sei hosiery and bags tn on of Wash! igton finest shoe shop Apply to Mr Siegal 14th A Sts NW or Mr Abbey 1207 St NW HAHNI SHOE STORES I I.

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The Washington Daily News from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 5572

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.