Sebastian Kamilli on LinkedIn: A holistic learning experience with 4MAT (2024)

Sebastian Kamilli

Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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🌟 Your holistic learning experience with 4MAT designed workshops 🌟(A sneak preview into a workshop design for: Amplify your Second Brain and Digital Garden with AI)I used the 8 octants of the 4MAT Model to design a workshop that creates a holistic learning experience.The attached slides show a sneak preview for the session design for the upcoming workshop:— Amplify your Second Brain and Digital Garden with AI — provided next week on 04.06. in the Ness Labs community.Here the 8 octants on an overview(I recommend to read in parallel with the slides to connect to an example):🔹 1. Connect (Why/Feel) 🔹Start with a personal story or a surprising fact to connect emotionally with your audience.This sets the stage by highlighting the importance and relevance of the content.🔹 2. Attend (Why/Think) 🔹I use engaging questions or reflective prompts.To encourage participants to think about their own experiences related to the topic.This deepens their curiosity and involvement.🔹 3. Image (What/Feel) 🔹I ask attendees to explore what becomes possible.This helps participants create mental images that enhance understanding and retention.🔹 4. Inform (What/Think) 🔹I present clear, structured information through lectures, demonstrations, or readings.To build a solid knowledge foundation.🔹 5. Practice (How/Feel) 🔹I embed hands-on activities where participants can practice new skills.In a collaborative setting!🔹 6. Extend (How/Think) 🔹I encourage participants to apply what they’ve learned to real-world scenarios.Offering different routes, tailored to individual learning styles 🔹 7. Refine (What if/Feel) 🔹Participants to reflect on their learning journey, connect back to step 3/their mental image and make adjustments. 🔹 8. Perform (What if/Think) 🔹I challenge participants to innovate and experiment with their new knowledge. 👉 Maybe we’ll see each other next week?



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Jan Hegewald

Helping Product Development Organizations to Deliver Customer Value


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Sounds like that will be a highly helpful workshop.

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    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    Can I use a GPT to design a full workshop❓Ever thought about having a GPT design your workshop?Recently, I created a GPT that guides me through the 4MAT's 9-step recipe to develop trainings/workshops. In the slides, you'll find an example workshop based on:('s fascinating how the GPT leads me through the process. Even deciding at step 4 that it can proceed without my input. Here’s a quick rundown of my experience...What Works Well:———✅ Interviewing me for each step✅ AI-generated suggestions and summaries✅ Providing a potential concept and essential questionNext to Explore:———🔄 Adding explanatory images at each step🔄 Ensuring my involvement throughout the process🔄 Fine-tuning the learning cycle diagram – can the GPT generate this? What do you think? Would you like to try such a GPT?


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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    Workshop insights:Amplify Your Second Brain 🧠 and Digital Garden 🌱 with AI(Interested in a LinkedIn Live Session?)On June 4th, I led a workshop for the Ness Labs community, where we delved into:🧠 Growing a Second Brain:Techniques to expand your mental capabilities.🌱 Expressing and Sharing Thoughts in a Digital Garden:Creating a space for your ideas to flourish.🤖 Leveraging AI for Information Processing:Using AI to Capture, Organize, Distill, and Express information efficiently.A special thanks to Hanne Houbak for the opportunity to sketch the session during the 4MAT Master Training Design.Integrating these insights into the 4MAT PERFORM stage allowed me to complete a full 4MAT learning cycle!Now, I’m eager to share these insights with a broader audience.Check out the attached slides for a sneak peek into the workshop.👉Interested in joining a future session? Comment below to let me know!Based on your interest, I might set up a LinkedIn Live session next.



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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    I use 3 powerful approaches to organize all information(and achieve fast retrieval plus random discovery)Each method addresses a unique scenario, whether I either:→ know exactly what I need→ vaguely recall the information, or→ seek new connections to spark creativity🔍 1. Maps of Content———Maps of Content are my go-to for quickly accessing information. I create specialized notes where links are grouped by topics, enriched with my thoughts, and visual cues.Benefits:🟢 Connects information across my Second Brain.🟢 Provides fast entry points from different perspectives.🟢 Allows for adding meta-information like images and reflections.Drawbacks:🔴 Requires active maintenance.🔴 Some connections might be missed.detailed example:⚡ 2. P.A.R.A: Organize by Actionability———The P.A.R.A. method prioritizes actionability, ensuring I stay focused on what matters most. I structure in:→Projects: Outcomes that need multiple work sessions.→Areas of Responsibility: Ongoing roles and standards.→Resources: Topics or themes of interest.→Archives: Non-actionable items worth keeping.Benefits:🟢 Enhances actionability and quick access to current topics🟢 Adaptable across tools like Obsidian, Google Drive, and TodoistDrawbacks:🔴 Needs regular maintenance🔴 It’s one-dimensional, requiring me to remember the structure✨ 3. AI & Integrated Search———AI-powered tools like Smart Connections in Obsidian and specialized GPTs help me find new connections and reduce cognitive load.Benefits:🟢 Requires no active maintenance.🟢 Encourages serendipitous discoveries.🟢 Handles fuzzy search terms effectively.Drawbacks:🔴 Requires scanning through many results, which can be time-consuming.🔴 Needs a starting search term, which might limit discovery.What method works best for organizing your information? Share your tips and let's learn together!

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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    🌳→🗺️ Organize Wild Knowledge: Maps Over Folders(to retrieve information super fast and get additional inspiration)Folders only cover one dimension.But most of my topics have many angles.→ I use a Map of Content to look at information from different perspectives.For example, my approach to externalizing and storing knowledge in a Second Brain continuously evolves.My growing knowledge about Building a Second Brain (BASB) stems from:▪Projects utilizing the Second Brain▪Presentations shared with others▪ Books, videos, and articles▪Personal reflectionsTo quickly retain information about BASB, I created a Map of Content (MOC):▪Main aspects covered in an overview, linked to detailed descriptions▪Sources where I discuss BASB link back to the MOC▪this MOC has already 18 outgoing links and▪is mentioned in 91 further notesI use my Maps of Content as:💡 Entry Point: A central hub that reduces cognitive load → find info faster💡 Inspiration Source: Scanning backlinks just sparked 6 new content ideas💡 Reference Tool: Shareable with others for a quick, comprehensive overview of years of learningMy triggers to introduce a Map of Content:↳ When a topic spans multiple notes and folders↳ When a central entry point for frequently used topics is neededHow do you structure your learning insights?👉 Would you like to try working with a Map of Content?


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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    From Good to Great: 12 Principles of Powerful Learning📌 Learning is functionalLearning should be practical, benefiting your life or work directly.📌 Real learning leaves us changedIt changes how we think, behave, or view the world.📌 Learning is fundamentally social→ Learning often occurs through interaction and communication with others.→ Language, discussion, and dialogue are primary tools for sharing information, clarifying understanding, and co-constructing knowledge.📌 Self-directed learning is the coreTake charge of your learning journey. Make it engaging and motivating.🔍📌 Cracking the whip stifles learningEscape places where fear and excessive pressure dominate. They stifle your potential.📌 Learning needs a supportive environmentUtilize diverse support systems: teachers, peers, family, and advanced learning materials and technologies.📌 Sometimes the best learning is unlearningChallenge and discard outdated beliefs and practices. Stay adaptable.📌 Failing to learn is often the fault of the systemIf you’re struggling, examine your learning system first. Consider your methods, resources, and approach.📌 People need to learn about what matters to themRelevance and personal significance drive motivation and engagement.Learning is more effective when it aligns with your interests, needs, and goals.🌀 Unlocking the Power of Curiosity: 📌 Learning is conceptual in nature and creates visual imagesUnderstanding concepts and forming mental images is crucial for effective learning 🏞️📌 Learning needs to promote a mindset that endures beyond the teachingGrow a lifelong love of learning and develop critical thinking skills.🍀 For myself learning itself brings happiness:📌 Learning by doing is more powerful than memorizing and coaching is the key→ Coaching and mentorship provide guidance, feedback, and support→ Explore the 4MAT stages: Practice, Extend, and Refine for holistic learning experiences:👉 Which ONE of the 12 principles resonates most?

    • Sebastian Kamilli on LinkedIn: A holistic learning experience with 4MAT (18)


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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    My top 5️⃣ LinkedIn Insights this Week 💡(PROGRESS, wealth❓, TEAM ,💡💡💡💡💡,4MAT) This week, I explored:↳ giving up wealth↳ PROGRESS IS POSSIBLE↳ 4MAT for learning design↳ 📖 recommendation: TEAM↳ top 5 of the 5 💡💡💡💡💡Here are 5 posts that sparked my thinking:‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾PROGRESS IS POSSIBLE. TED talk. by Angus Hervey I'm Giving Up 90% of My Wealth Today and Not When I'm 80 by Sebastian Klein most popular concepts, creations, and writing pieces by Billy Broas Allen and Ed Lamont’s new book, Team, shines by Tiago Forte top: I’m Now a Certified 4MAT Master! ─ turn: What inspired you this week?

    • Sebastian Kamilli on LinkedIn: A holistic learning experience with 4MAT (21)



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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    🚀 Thrilled to Announce: I’m Now a Certified 4MAT Master! 🚀After an intensive 3-day journey through the 4MAT Mastering Training Design, I'm officially certified! A huge thanks to Hanne Houbak for leading such an insightful course and Dr Bernice McCarthy for developing this holistic framework.In just three days, I’ve gained invaluable insights into:🎨 Designing and planning effective trainings, workshops, and presentations using the 4MAT learning cycle.🌟 The four 4MAT learning styles: WHY, WHAT, HOW, and WHAT IF learners.🧠 The preferences of our cerebral hemispheres: left/right brain.I'm excited to apply these learnings in my upcoming workshop:"Amplify Your Second Brain and Digital Garden with AI"👉 Next week in the NessLabs communityIf you’re looking to enhance your course designs orwant to dive deeper into the 4MAT framework, feel free to reach out. 👉 Let's connect and transform learning experiences together!

    • Sebastian Kamilli on LinkedIn: A holistic learning experience with 4MAT (26)



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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    Learning is the making of ✨meaning✨(It’s like when you learn why the sky is blue, not just that it is blue)We learn by doing things and thinking about what we did.You can make learning meaningful by:↳ Using what you learn in different contexts↳ Thinking about information in different ways↳ Connecting new ideas to things you already knowWhy I care about meaning:———💡Learning is More FunLearning is more exciting when you really understand and care about what you’re learning💡It Makes You HappierDoing things that make sense to you and are fun can make you feel happy and less worried💡You Remember BetterWhen you understand things, you remember them longer.💡You Get Better at ThinkingYou learn how to solve problems and think better——— P.S.I just learned: The sky is blue because tiny particles in the air, mainly nitrogen and oxygen molecules, scatter the blue light from the sun in all directions. This scattered blue light fills the sky, making it look blue to us.

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  • Sebastian Kamilli

    Helping leaders master essential soft skills to enhance business outcomes and customer impact

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    Are you a WHAT learner too? 🔍✨(Discover how understanding your learning style can amplify your growth!)Based on the 4MAT Learning Types, I’m a strong WHAT learner – Style 2 – Analytic.This means I lean towards thinking and involve my left brain hemisphere.When I learn, I balance between Doing/Exercising and Watching/Observing.My learning type is characterized by:———→ Examining cause and effect→ Learning by thinking through ideas→ Collecting objective data and critiquing information→ Applying critical thinking, analyzing, and seeing connections→ Needing to know what things are and breaking them down into partsNo wonder I’m growing a Second Brain!When I present, explain, or teach, I:——→ Provide significant information presented systematically→ Transmit knowledge as accurately and knowledgeably as possibleI lead by:——↳ Respect for others↳ Emotional intelligence↳ Logical argumentation↳ Clarity and confidence↳ Using positive language↳ Creating WIN-WIN approaches↳ Embedding non-verbal communication↳ Tackling topics with rationality and logic↳ Exercising authority with assertive persuasion and knowing the factsTo stretch further, I aim to:——🧪Trust my instincts more🧪Dare to experience chaos🧪Take more risks and action earlierImagine the impact of designing trainings that match different learning types. I’m on it with my training about 4MAT. Stay tuned for optimized training sessions!👉 Curious about your learning type? Let me know!

    • Sebastian Kamilli on LinkedIn: A holistic learning experience with 4MAT (33)


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Sebastian Kamilli on LinkedIn: A holistic learning experience with 4MAT (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.