Washington Chronicle from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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THE DAILY MORNING CITRONICLEWASTnNGTONrMONDAY NOVEMBER '20 1871 PROPOSALS GROCERIES REAL ESTATE OR SALE moi TOMORROW (late of the inn of Holden tfr ABBY SAGE lilCHABDSOS TEA COMPANY REAL ESTATE AGENTS sne wjcnes the waves tap miy ui Andfnarks the track of the white winged snt 1418 Pennsylvania Avenue Opposite Hotel I PROPOSALS TEAS hile her lips vaft their last farewelL HALL SUGARS 1 200 Proposals for furnishing RESH CHOICE GOODS ONEY be 8cc Real Estate and Note Brokers AND RETAIL 'IHAS A McEUEN fc GO CHOICE GOODS ONLY i miaiu rvui icuus taming a scampTO oe useu ou me reply rerwur George Swayze William yyrlting should state age and send portion of ad vortisem*n describing svniptonjs BLANKETS CHOICE GOODS ONET CIGARS 6 fi COfiSWEbL SONS 4 Uk 1418 Pennsylvania Ave OPPOSITE HOTEL Orders left at the Gas light Office 'No 413 Tenth street at TH irst street or at 110 Bridgestreet Georgetown will be promptly filled Red Currant Black Currant Strawberry Raspberry Blackberry Peach thence along street north to ifteenth street west Stilton Cheese Vermicelli Tomato oup Ox Tail Soup Mock Turtle Soup Green (prepared by Prof Blot) 100 100 200 200 200 100 Cherries Quinces Green Gages Limas Crab Apples Ginger Braudy Peaches pulse Rising to leave the wave washed strand Another day of waiting and hope Before his vessel shall greet the land ly dim night through the trackless sky I Hasten Osun to your morning place The glad dawn bring that will rise on me I When I shall look in my face Ovey the sea the storm cloud hangs Wrapping his vessel in black eclipse lloind and round fly the screeching gulls Deeper and deeper the strong prow dips Noeye sees how the bark goes down Tip ear lists to the good ship's knell Sol on her pillow the maiden sleeps 921 Pennsylvania Avenue 912 Street Northwest Proposals fOr removing ROCK IN THE ROANOKE RIVER Have for Sale' Xhc ollowing Improved and Unimproved Property on the Most avorable Terms THE HOWLAND DEN TAL association: No 212 our and a half Street NORTHWEST CORNER SIXTH STREET 'AND LOUISIANA AVENUE Suuer Graham Rye 1 Rye Meal Oat Meal Scotch Canadian Hominy and Grits Wheaton Grits choice ibst Phecinct The registered voters of the Seventh District whose names begin with the letters A will vote at Becket's wood yard on street between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets north vfesi Second Pbecinot The registered voters of the Seventh District whose names begin with the letters will vote at the corner of Sixteenth and streets northwest MOCHA Coffee JAVA tOld Government Java) Coffee Coffee CEYLON JAVA Coffee LAGOYKIA Coffee ItIO (Choice' Coffee RIO (Good) Coffee PLANT TION or MALEBERRY Coffee (very choice highly cultivated aud delicious flavor) COEE8 ROASTED EVERY DAY 643 LOUISIANA AVENUE Third door east of Seventh street 25 25 SO 100 100 100 MINERAL SPRING WATER WAUKESHA WISCONSIN holesale and Retail Agents AT CHEAPER PRICES THAN EVER OERED IN THIS CITY irst Precinct The registered voters of the Eleventh District whose names begin with the letters A I will vote at southwest corner Mary land avenue and Eleventh street southwest Second Precinct The registered voters ot the Eleventh District whose names begin with the letters will vote at southwest corner Maryland avenue and Eleventh street southwest TWELTH DISTRICT Includes all thatpait of the city of Washington Iving between street north and the canal and between Sixth street west aud Eleventh street west Why Spend Money in Buying a new pair of Kid Gloves every time you go out? Renovate those you have with JOUVEN INODOROUS KID GLOVE CLEAN ER fr it will make them equal to new with scarcely any trouble Be careful to get the Genuine Sold by Druggists and Dealers in ancy Goods Pxice 25 cents per bottle WELLS CO 192 ulton street New York Second Precinct The registered voters of the Tenth District whose names begin with the letters It will vote at Greason House northwest corner Thirteenth and streets ELEVENTH DISTRICT Includes all that nart of the city ot Washington lying south ot the canal and west of Eighth street west or our best Wines we have the choicest qualities Imported STARTLING ftKD WONDERUL Discovery Real Estate Rrolxer Corner Bev eutli and Streets We have tor investment In notes secured by deed of trust on Real Estate in the District of Co lumbia the sum of 8169000 or loans on collateral security and business paper $19000 LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE PENDING NEGOTIATIONS Prompt personal attention given to all matters entrusted to our care HA VENN ER CO SPECIAL NOTICES Dental Notice ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY CANNED RUITS 5 000 dozen TOMATOES comprising 1000 CORN wall Cboice Brands OO 3 pouud PEACHES MIO 2 250 200 200 200 200 100 200 A large and elegantly built MANSARD ROO HOUSE centrally located with every modern Improvement will bo traded for good vacant ground OR SALE married In Mazatlae Mexico at tlie United States Consulate October 17 1871 Erne tG Moss of New Orleans La to Josephine Sanford of New York city EMONS BANANAS CURRANTS CITRON LRMfflf PRKT ORANGE PEEL DIED On the morning of the 18th instant Miss Sarah A Lusby sister of the late James Lusby formerly of Annapolis Md In the 79th year of her ago The funeral will take place on Monday the 20th instant at II A from No 200 corner second and I stnets west The friends of the family are invited to attend 10 barrels ENGLISH WALNUTS (fresh) 10 PECAN NUTS 10 ilberts 10 Ci am Nuts 25 Paper Shelled Almonds 10 Soft 10 Hard Above RUITS and Nuts are resh and Choice CHEAP LOTS On Seventh street between 3 and Lot on the southeast corner of Thirteenth and streets Also Two on Grant street desirably located ARMS EVERY DESCRIPTION AND VARIETY containing from 50 to 700 acres of ground for sale or WILL EXCHANGE OB CITY PROPERTY WINES Imported PortWLiesu Hock Wine perior quality Muscate California Port Winesu SM'roIx Rum perfor quality New England Rum Poamartt Sherry Wine Brandy Topaz Sherry Wine Hennessy Brandy Sherry Wine ognac Brandy Madeira Wine California Brandy Catawba Wine Do you Desire your Hair to be Soft Luxuriant and Glossy? POMADE OPTIME used daily will make it so It is entirely a Vege table Compound exquisitely perfumed and spe cially adapted for nourishing the Hair Sold by Druggists and Dealers in ancy Goods Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle WELLS CO 192 ulton street New York 1 HL OICIAL ORANGES MALAGA GRAPES Catawba grapes CONCORD GRAPES DELAW AKE GRAPES NEW IGS NEW DATES We make CHOICE TEAS our specialty and se'l none but pure sound TEAS Our facilities for buying are uuequaied and a small percentage on the quantities we sell pays us as our sales are large Anv Coffee or Tea purchased from us if not satisfactory can be returned and money re funded EVERYTHING WE SELL WE GUARANTEE Best Oolong Tea 1 00 per pound Choice 0 29 Good 0 75 Best Gunpowder Tea 1 B0 Choice 1 25 Good 1 00 west JAP AN (very choice) Tea 1 15 Good JAPAN Tea 1 00 Be IMPERIAL Tea 1 4u Choice 1 15 Good 1 00 Good 0 75 BEST YOUNG HYSON Tea 140 BEST ENGLISH BREAKAST TEA (a very choice article) 100 The above TEAS are ot latest Importation and have been selected witn great care IT 8 Engineer Office Third stobt Union Hank Building atettb nbh Charles STKasT Baltimobs MD November a 187L SEALED PROPOSALS are mvuea at uiis office for the removal of about 420 CUBIO YARDS ROCK In the Roanoke river Immediately below Weldon The depth of excavation will not'exoeed' eight feet at ordinary low water The location is sheltered proposals in duplicate indorsed on outside ac companied by a copy of the advertisem*nt and specifications addressed io the undersigned will be received at this office until noon of December 6 1871 and will be opeaed ten mtnuUs thereafter in presence of such bidders as choose to attend The right Is reserved to reject any bld orms of proposals specifications to be had at this office where the maps maybe seen WM CRAIGHILL Major of Engineers Spanish Olives Potted Meat ('ive arcies Boneless Sardines Capers Anchovies Guava Jelly 3 size boxes Anchovy Paste rench Brandy ruits Gelatine Assorted Honey in bottlesSap Rairo Cheese sneet uei irme Pineapple Cheese Edam Cheese Macaroni Italian Paste rotted Ham Tongue Turkey GEO CLARBL A TRAVES CLARK TRAVIS LOUIi 500 barrels Choice amily lour 300 Extra 2i0 25 10 10 10 10 10 Rice lour Pearl Barlev 8ago Tapioca arina Corn Starch Sea Moss arine Nntrina Manloca IRON MANUACTURERS PROPOSALS OR THw METAL WORK A IRST ORDER LIGHTHOUSE TO BE ERECTED AT CAE OUL WEATHER OREGON Office or Lighthouse Engineer Thirteenth District Portland Oregon October 24 187L SEALED PROPOSALS indorsed for Metal Work for Cape oulweather Light house will be received at this office and at the office of Colonel 3 Williamson 509 Kearney street San rancisco until 12 of WED NESDAY November 29 1871 from Iron Manu facturers only for furnbhing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the completion of the METAL WORK A IRST ORDER LIGHT HOUSE OR CAPE OULWEATHER OREGON In accordance with the specifications and draw Ings The same to be dsllvered at the expense of the I contractor on board of a sea going vessel or ves sels at San rancisco or Portland The Lighthouse Establishment will provide all the wrought iron floor beams the lantern the lens the lamps and furniture belonging thereto and their cost is not to be Included in the amount ot the bld The bld should state the sum in United States legal tender notes for which the entire Metal Work as shown on the drawings will be 'm pie ted fully eree'ed at the workshops then taken down after acceptance and delivered as afore said and should aso state the day and date on which it shall be so completed and delivered under forfeit as speclfled In the of The work will be carried on under the personal supervision of an agent of the Lighthouse Estab lishment and all facilities must be afforded him tor inspecting the material and workmanship Such parts of either as are not in accordance with the drawings and specifications mnst in case of rejection be made good at the expense of the con tractor The right is reserved to reject any proposal for any reasons deemed sufficient Each bid must be accompanied by a bond signed by the bidder and two competent sureties in the sum of five thousand dollars (85000 that In the event of the acceptance of such bid the necessary contract will be entered Into within ten (lOJ days after notice is given that the bld has been ac cented Bond and security in the sum of five thousand dollars (85 000 signed by two coinpenent bonds men tor the faithful performance of the contract will be required Plans specifications and forms of proposals I mav be obtained from the undersigned or from Colonel Williamson on application by mail or 1 person ROBERTS Major of Engineers A Lighthouse En gineer Thirteenth litstrict Three doors north of Pennsylvania avenue Extract teeth without pain orinlury by adminis tering Nitrous Oxide Price ot extracting first tooth 81 50 each additional tooth at same sitting 81 Extractions without gas each tooth 50 cents nereafler no cfvirge will be made or extraction where artificial teeth are inserted Price of arti ficial teeth: full upper or lower sets 820: partia sets from 86 to $19 gold fillings ordinary cavities 62 50 Osteo dentine 50 cents to 81 All work warranted first class and to give entire satisfac tion Dr George Welch will be happy to see his friends and patients at the office of the How land Dental Association Dr Howland has been a Professor of the Natural Sciences and Analyti cal Chemist for the past twenty years and Knows now to make aud test the purity of his gas so that it will not injure He has now administered Nitrous Oxide to over twenty thousand persons Call and road the thousands of testimonials Dr Howland administers gas for surgical opera tions Proposals for army sup plies Office Chief Commissary of Subsistence Department of the Missouri ort Leavenworth Kan Octobei 2(i 871 SEALED PROPOSAL In dupilcste will be re ceived at this office until 12 o'clock November 20 1871 for furnishing the Subsistence Depart ment 8 Army at ort Leiveuwortb with the following named art'cles XXX lour from fall wheat in single I and double sacks containing 100 pounds net a wa uroii nl(nnrjT nuitufi xbivo cmiu via iii Haiirn wcu and square double sacks containing 00 pounds net Green Rio Coffee In original sacks and In sauare double sacks conlalntng Its' pounds net Drawn Qutrar urinal tn f1 rels and square double sacks containing 10j pounds net Vinegar of 30 and 65 grain strength in barrels and half barrels full Iron hoop'd and painted Adamamlne Candles Extra amily Soap and Pure Ground Black Pepper in boxes well strapped with iron or hickory Bidders will state what quantity of each article bid for they will furnish and when they will de liver the saine as well a the kind of package Samples must be furnished ot all the arHcles Blank forms of p'oimsals will be furnGherl upon application to tills office as web as by the purchas ing commissaries in St Louis and Cliicairo mobgan Major and Mo This Water is the acknowledged cure of the intractable aud incurable diseases known as Disease aud Diabetes disease is fatal to the kidney the body wastes away destroy life by starvation of the blood Diabetes commences with frequent desire to pass water great thirst constipation loss of strength aud flesh Astonishing cures of dropsy have been effected Brick dust deposit inflammation of the necK of the bladder alkali aud gouty swellings or the liver it is unsurpassed It will allay all inflamma tion of the kidney and urinary organs in twenty four hours giving immediate relief Also in bear let ever It prevents the Kidneys from congest fhg and removes all traces of albumenena It will give relief in all cases of high fever GENERAL AGENTS EDWARD DUNBAR Esq ar the SpringsDRWLLLIAM ENTWISbE corner oi Pennsylvania avenue and Twelfth street Any desired intormation by letter or other wise will be freely given applicatiou to the subseriber RICHARD DUNBAR 1201 Pennsylvania avenue URINOMETEBS WR SALE Mrdend for circulars PRESERVED RUITS Preserved Strawberries Raspberries glass quarts ana pints Blackberries glass aches Damsons Pim appie Pears Citron Tamarinds WHOLESALE fjiOR SALE 8UBURBAN REiSi DENCES TWO COTTAGES AT MOUNT containing ten rooms each about of an acre ot land attached well feuceu in with a stable Terms easv requiring but a mmierate cash payment BROWN Cor 15th st and New York ave 4 barrels CUT Sugar POWDERED Sugar KUS iKD GRANUIATED Sugar CQEKE CHOICE YELLOW coarse grain Sugar All grades Brown Sugar WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOSEPH GAWLER (YDKRTAKER No 1721 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Near Seventeenth street Improved Burial Cases in Imitation Rosewood and Walnut: Improved for pre serving bodies All orders receive prompt atten tion and prices reasonable lACAr 4XICRTW COURT IN GENERAL Cfiiqf Justice Oirtttr and Associate Justices Olin MacArthur Wylie and in this court on Saturday Mr Cox prayed an appeal to the Supreme Court ot the United States in the four million loan injunc tion On motion of Mr Merrick Hon Alexander Randall was admitted to the bar Hickman et al vs Edwards: demurrer sustained orrest vs Ely decree below affirmed appeal taken Mr Merrick presented resolutions of re spect to the memory of endall wblcu were ordered to be spread On the minutes Adjourned The Probate Court in session for a short time during which several administrators ac counts were examined and passed upon Polich Judye Snell he cases were disposed of in this Samuel Sheckels was arraigned on a charge or vagrancy and was required to the workhouse William Winters El 1 ielcR Mary Dailev red Coleman and Ihoma illman were fined for profanity: Martha Holmes fined $10 ana costs for larceny James Smith violated the hacic law fined S3 WANTED OUR NEAT AND SMALL DWELLINGS Brick or rame between Tenth and Sixteenth streets west at ouce Persons having such build ings for sale please call Price not to exceed $4 OuO OR TRADE ILLIAM HACKETT Successor to George Harvey CN9KBTAKER No 735 Seventh st between and east side Caskets aud Coffins of every description A Pa tent Cooler is used which will preserve bodies perfectly during the hottest weather Calls at tended to promptly at all hours of the day or night BEAL ESTATE AGENTS13 SEVENTH STREET OPPOSITE Will attend to the purchase and sale of Real Es tate Renting of Houses and the Collection of and Accounts Have a large list of desirable Property for SALE and EXCHANGE RO POS ALS OR RESH RE OICE A 8 ort Washington My November 1 18'1 SEALED ROroSATB in duplicate will I a re ceived at this office until 12 December 1 fr furnishing the resh Bef required by the Suh atetenoe Department united States at tht station for six months commencing Januajy 1872' Information to conditions quality of Reef? payments can be obtained by application to WM EVERETT nol Second LleuL 4th Artillery A A NEW TWQ 3T0PY RAME HOUSE on A street southeast 1 corner of ifth seven rooms bath room pantry cellar water and gas I nce Si 000 terms to suit A NEW TWO STORY RAME HOUSIWon ifth street East Cap'totnd A street north five rooms pantry watejand gas near block ouse sits a fine yard in front Price 32 300 8500 cash balance to suit A ARM of 108 acresat Vienna Station ya 14 miles from the Washington and Ohio railroad new house and stable new fencing good orchard of peaches pears and apples well watered will trade for city property Price $35 per acre Terms 6800 cash balance ou ten vears' time A THREE STORY AND BAsem*nT BRICK HriUSE on street near Third str et northwest nine rooms bath room water gas Ac brick stable carriage house nice garden attached Price 5o0: $1500 cash dance $75 per month A TWO HTORY AND BAsem*nT BRICK HOUSE on Dstreet south bear the Capitol seven rooms water gas and bath room lot 18x124 Price 34200 terms easy A ARM of 70 acres on the Seventh street pike eight rom Washington Z5 acres in wood two good springs house of eight rooms forty feet front stable for tour horses corn house pui ry yard fine grove around the bouse' 200 assorted fruit trees under high state of cultivation one quarter of a mile frtwia railroad station and one half of a mile from Newport mill churches stores' Price 36000 one jialf cash balance in one two and three years A ARM NINE ACRES at alls Church Vlrgi nia good frame house five rooms barn 200 peach trees a large number of pear quince and cherry trees good fencing Price 31500 3300 cash balance 330 per mouth A TWO STOKY AND BACK BUTTDTNG BRICK HOUSEon Sstreet near the State Depart ment seven rooms bay window gas water and bath room fine yard In fr mt and rear Price $1000 cash balance 850 per month A TWO Sl'ORY AND BAsem*nT BRICK HOUSE on I) street southeast near the Capitol seven rooms and bath room hail water and gas Puce 84200 1000cash balance $50 per month we HAVE ALSO A LARGE LIST PRO PERTY IN THE CITY AND COUNTRY CON SISTING HOUSEN LOIS ANO ARMS OR SALE OR EXCHANGE IS THE COCSTX I November 13 William uller to' red erick Schaffer land adjoining Mount Olivet Ceme tery containing 1'acre Brood's and 4 perches AUCTION SALES AC 30 By Clark Ti avis real estate ageilts No 601 Louisiana avenue to Mrs Elliott a lot one between our and a haif and Sixth Streets improved by a four story brick the property of Mrs Herzburg November By Green Williams to Henry Stewart lot 27 square 498 Conan's alley between our and a half and Sixth streets and and I streets (Island improved bya two story frame house By Green Williams to rancis McLean west part of vacant lot 9 square 842 22 feet front by 100 feet depth on A street south between ifth and Sixth streets egst at 25 cants per footi November 16 By Green Williams to Lincoln lot 7 in subdivision of south half ot square 732 on street south between irst and Second streets east improved with nearly new three story brick bouse with modern improvements 3310 By to Samuel Stock part of lot 15 square 117 on Twentieth street west near street north improved with a small! frame house Latimer Cleary to Herman Gasch lot 35 in alley in subdivision otfsquare 442 lying between Rhode Island avenue and 8 street north and Sixtn and Seventh streets west 25 feet front by 68 depth Improved by two one' story brick buildings I November By Green Williams John Dick part of lot 8 square 15 feet front by 100 depth on street north between irst street west and New Jersey avenue im proved by frame house (No 126 street north) containing four rooms MISCELLANEOUS I Atthe meeting of the Building Associ ation last week the report showed that nearly one half ot the original number of shares had been canceled that the stock at the close of' the second year was worth 3738 per share pre mium and that the association was in a prosper pus condition A jury of condemnation meets at the Custom house in Georgetown this evening to condemn four buildings on the south side ot Bridge Just east of Greeu street which are to be torn down to admit of the straightening of Aqueduct street Nice two story brick HOUSE six rooms GAS and WATER Eighthstreet between and streets 82600 Easy termA Three story brick HOUSE pressed briek front brown stone trimmings with ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS Eighth street between and Lot 20x100 to an alley Two storv frame HOUSE five rooms Ac on street between ourteenth and ifteenth In good order alleyin rear Can be bought on easy terms Two stor'v dwelling nine rooms' gas aud water closets 1 street between ifteenth and Six teenth lot 21x125 Only $4 cash balance to suit purchaser An excellent ARM containing 385 acres of ground ou the Baltimore and Ohio raiir wr about eighteen miles from this city Cai be divided into three farms Dwellings and out buildings apple orchard two hundred peach trees grapes Ac Land undulating and fine Cheap Will trade for city pronerty 81550 Easy terms our two story frame HOUSES each having six rooms hall closets front and back yard large lots CAN BE BOUGHT ON LONG TIME with a small cash payment Good chance Handsome cottage corner of Eighteenth aud Boundary streets ieight rooms wide hall pump 16 000 feet of ground trees and siable 88000 Easy terms WILL TRADE OR OTHER PROPERTY WHISKIES Parties wanting Pure Old Whisky will please give us a trial The following list contains the leading brand of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies made in tills country We purcha direct from Distillery and can guarantee all Whisky we sell We have this day reduced the prices ot all our Whisky as price list will show: Celebrated Whisky for the lat ten years tle choice table Whisky at Hotel price $4 50 per gallon Kentucky: Celebrated "Old Whtskv $4 50 Kentucky Cele brated Whisky $4 50 Philadelphia Celebrated Whisky 84 50 Kentucky Celebrated Silver Distillery 3 50 Ken tucky Celebrated $4 50 Pennsylva nia Celebrated $3 50 Pennsylva nia Celebrated No 2 83 50 Kentucky Potomac $1 75 per gallon Out onthe beach a maiden sits Wlthf bsent eyes and parted lips Rho wiohua thn Inn l(11V UDi WASHINGTON NEWS CO Corner of ifteenth street and New York Avenue opposite Treasury Department OREIGN MAGAZINES OREIGN DAILIES ALL AMERICAN MAGAZINES ILLUSTRATED PAPERS WEEKLIES NEW YORK PAPERS CITY PAPERS BLANK BOOKS Of Every Description Large and New Stock ot STATIONERY A ILL Proprietor Late ot aud statiouei Stores or two fine brick DWKLLLNtiS well calculated for Membersof Congress conveniently located and well ar ranged with water gas ac OUR ORIGINAL LOTS binding on the Ca near Virginia aveuuu THREE LOIS on East Capitol street THREE WHOLE SQUARES of' grdund all in Washington Also WO ARMS to exchange for property In tltis city One is near St Paul Minnesota the other in St Joseph county aud State of Michigan Aimlvtd GILBERT i No 411 ourth street northwest ibst Precinct The registered voters of the Second District re siding in that part of said district lying east ot Itock Creek whose names begin with the letters A I will vote at the lower Seventh street toll gate Second Precinct The registered voters of the Second District re siding in that part of said district lying east ot Bock Creek whose names begin with the letters KL 8 YZ will vote at the lower Seventh street toll gate Third Precinct 1 The registered voters of the Second District re Slaing 1H I'flilL Phv OI BaLQ Q15lTIvl IjlLlg Woolr Ul Rock Creek will vote at carpenter shop Tenuallytowu THIRD DISTRICT Includes all that part ot the city of Georgetown lying west of Highstreet irst Precinct The registered voters of the Third District whse names begin with the letters A I will vote at No: 59 Market street in Georgetown 0 Second Precinct 8 The registered voters of the Thfrd District whose nanipq lwcrin with th ft Iftttftra will vote at No 180 Bridge street in Ureorgotown OURTH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city of Georgetown lying east of High street irst Precinct The registered voters of the ourth District whose names begin with the letters A will vote at No 51 Congress street in Georgetown Second Pbhcinct The registered voters of the ourth District whose names begin with the letters I 8 will vote at No 116 Congress street ITH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city of Washington lying west of Twenty first street irst Pbecinct The registered voters of the ifth IMstricUwhosenames begin with the letters A 'will vote at the corner of Twenty second and I streets northwest Second Precinct The registered voters of the ifth District whose names begin with the letters I will vote at the corner of Twenty second ana I streets northwest Thibo Precinct The registered voters of the ifth District whose names begin with the letters 8 will vote at the corner of Twenty secona and I streets northwest SIXTH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city of Washington ly ing south ot street north between Eighteenth and 1 wenty first streets west and south of street north between ifteenth and Eighteenth TTTX14 UlfyLVO HVOV irst Precinct The registered voters of the Sixth District whose names begin with the letters A I will vote at the school house on the south east corner ot aud Nineteenth streets north west Second Precinct The registered voters of the Sixth District whose names begin with the letters 8 YZ win vote at the schoji teeuth streets northwest SEVENTH DISTRICT Inelndes ail that part of the city of Washington lyinrwithiu the following bounds: Commencing at street north aud ruling up ifteenth street west to Nstreet north: thenee east on street north to ourteenth street west thenoe up our teenth street west to' Boundary thence along Boundary street to Twenty first west thence down Twenty first street west to street north thence along street north to Eighteenth street west and down Eighteenth street vest to street norths Mqning dawus with rosiest glow Inging tiie waters with coral and gold Nt in sea nor sky is a whisper heard (if the secret tlie white topped billows hold after day the maiden will wait jontli grow to year ere her watching be a lover who never will come to land or a ship which never will touch the shore I Independent MEDICAL SIXTEENTH DISTRICT 1 Includes all that part of the city of Washington lying within the following bounds: Commencing at street and running down Sixth street west to the canal thence along the line ofthecanaltoour and a half street thence down our and a half street to Maryland avenue thence along Mary land avenue eastwardly to the canal thence along the line of the canal to South Capitol street thence up South aud North Capitol streets to street north and along street norIi to Sixth street west irst Precinct The registered voters of the Sixteenth District whose names begin with the letters A and will vote at 318 Pennsylvania avenne Second Precinct The registered voters of the Sixteenth District whose names begin with the letters I will vote at 318 Pennsylvania avenue Third Precinct The registered voters of the Sixteenth District whose names begin with the letters 8 will vote at 322 Pennsylvania avenue SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city ot Washington lying within the foltowing bounds: Commencing on Eighth street west ana running along street south to the canal thence along the line of the canal northwardly and northwestwardly to its junction with Maryland avenue: thence along Maryland avenue to our and a half street: thence up our and a half street to the canal and along the line of the canal to Eighth street west thence down Eighth street west to street south irst Precinct The registered voters of tlie Seventeenth District whose names begin with the letters A will vote i)t Island Hall near the intersection of Sixth street and Virginia avenue southwest Second Precinct The registered votersof the Seventeenth District whose names begin with the letters I will vote at Island Hall near intersection of Sixth street and Virginia avenue southwest Third Precinct The registered voters of the Seventeenth District whose names begin with the letters will vote at Island Hall nearlnteisec Ion of Sixth street and Virginia avenue southwest ourth Precinct The registered voters of the Seventeenth Dis trict whose names begin with the letters 8 U' will vote at Island Hall near inter section of Sixth street and Vlrgipia avenue south west 1 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT Includes all that part ot the city of Washington lying south of Gstreet south between South Capi tol Street and Eighth street west irst Precinct The registered voters of the Eighteenth District whose names begin wlth the letters A will vote at house No 462 II street southwest Second Precinct The registered voters of the Eighteenth District whose names begin with the letters I will vote at house No 462 street south Third Precinct The registered voters of the Eighteenth District whose names bgin with the letters will vote at house No 335 street southwest i Precinct The registered voters of the Eighteenth District i whose names begin with the letters rjiO IRON MANUACTURERS Treasuht Department Office of the Light house Board Washington November 15 1871 SEALED PKOPOSaIA indorsed for Light houses for Trinity Shoal and Timbalier Gulf of Mexico and addressed to the Chairman qf the Light house Board will be received at this office until I o'clock of THURSDAY the 4th of January next for the construction of two first order IRON to be made taken down after acceptance and de livered on board vessels furnished by the United States Proposals will bo received only in the printed' forms which with circulars plans specifications form' of contract and any desired information can be had on application by mail or in person to GEORGE ELLIOT Major of Engineers US A Engineer Secretary Executive Office District of Columbia Washington Novembers 1871 I Henry Cooke Governor of the District of Columbia hereby give notice that a general elec tion will be held in said District on the fourth WEDNESDAY (the twenty second day) of No vember 1871 between the hours of 8 A and 7 ot said day fer the elec tion of twenty two members of the House of Dele gates for said District one for each Delegate Dis trict as created by an act of the Legislative As sembly of said District of Columbia entitled act to divide the District ot Columbia into election approved August 23 1871 as hereinafter (Tescrlbed to hold their respective offices for one year from the twentieth day of April And that agreeably to an act en I titled act regulating the holding of general elections in the District of Columbia aud providing for ascertaining the results thereof and tor noti fying persons who may be elected to any office in saia approved August 23 1871 I have designated the following places in said delegate districts as the places for holding the elections therein on said day and between said hours for the election of members of the House of Delegates as aforesaid viz: IRST DISTRICT Includes all that part of the county of Washington lying east of Lincoln avenue and Bunker Hill road at ort Bunker Hill irst Precinct The registered voters of ther irst District resid ing in that part of said district lying between Lin coln avenue and Banker Hill road and the Anacos tia river will vote at the corner Bridge road and Boundary street at the house of George Holland Second Precinct The registered voters of the irst District resid ing in that partof said district lying east of the Anacostia river whose names begin with the let ters A and will vote at Rob ert Hotel Uniontown Third Precinct The registered voters of the irst District resid ing in that part of said district lying east of the Anacostia river whose names begin with the let ters I 8 VW will vote at Loudon's shop Uniontown SECOND DISTRICT Includes all that part of the county of Washington lying west of Lincoln avenue and Buuker Hill road CORNWELL SONS lllPORTED O1GAR9 We are constantly receiving per United Mates mail steamers direct from Havana fresh Cigars which we sell at retail at wholesale prices We deal exclusively tn genuine Havana Ottrars The trade supplied at prices 'Single box at wholesale price We sell by the worth at small advance over box price Genuine Havana Cigars only PROPOSALS OR ORAGE Chief Office Department of Texas San Antonio Texas August 26 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS in triplicate subject to the usual conditions heretofore published will be received at this office and also at the office of the United States Quartermaster at ort Richardson Texas 12 o'clock ou eDNEMJaY the 22cl of November L71 for furnishing and deliver ing at sa ort Richardson such quantities ot grain forage as may be required at that post for the remainder of the fiscal year ending on the 30tl of June I872 1 500 000 pounds of Oats or Corn The exact quantity of each kind of grain to be contracted for will be determined when the con tract is awarded The grain mnst be of the best quality and delivered in good sound sacks Separate bids will be made for Oats and Corn and bidders will state tlie rate per 100 pounds at which they will deliver each of the kind of grain needed Blank proposals and any additional Information can be obtained on application to this office BENJAMIN CARD Act! ng Chief Quartermaster A I WALL AT THE LOUDEN PARK CEME TERY BALTIMORE MARYLAND 1 i i Quartermaster's Office US Army Philadelphia Pa October 2u 1871 SEALED PROPOsaIJI In triplicate will lie re reived at this office until 12 on TU MS DA November 21 1871 for building the east aids of Louden Park Cemeterv Baltimore Md a 11 wall of rubble stone i enirrh ot wan to tie nnllt 63U leet more or less Bidders wij be required to specify the ir pec 1 lineal foot and bid will be received that dues I A A A1 I not coniorm io rrquiirniriHJi The rubbish reultlne from the excavation fot the wall to be removed from the ground 'f the cemeterv at the expense of the successful bidder Kfat1nna fttld Hliililc format likl furnished upon application to the undersigned rn niirAin akieikki kl ii Baltimore Md nnisKV Hvutnvr Major and Quartermaster 8 A EAL OR SALE BY A SINT IX BROWN CORKER XBW YORK8AVEEAND I Ten first houses with farm 2n000 to $60 000? Twenty houses worth trem $8000te $20000 on easy terms JgSwral houses worth 6o9 will De sold on monthly installments of 8A by the payment of 83o0 eash Houses at Mt Pleasant for sale on terms to suit Lots at Mt Pleasant for sale on easy terms where the pur chasers will bind themselves to build Several houses near General on easy terms OICKO Awim co PROPOSALS OR HORSES Office Chief Quartekmast'eb ort Leaven worth Kansas November 4 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS in triplicate will be re ceived at this office until 11 A MDecem ber 5 1871 for the delivery of 628 CAVALRY HORSES to the Depot Quartermaster at ort Leavenworth Kansas The horses must be sound in all particulars well broken in full flesh aud good condition from fif teen (15) to sixteen(16) hands high and from five (5) to nine (9) years old and well adapted in every way to cavalry purposes The horses must be delivered within fifty (50) days from date ot award of contract Proposals will be received for any portion of tlie number of horses from oue upward No proposal wilibe entertained unless the party making the same is preseutat tlie opening of the blds or represented by an agent or attorney or is known at this office to be responsible The usual conditions which cau be ascertained at this office will lie imposed upon bidders and contractors and blank forms of proposals will furnished upon application By authority of the Quartermaster General: EASTON Deputy General A Depart ment Mo WALL ROBINSON' A rpo QUARRYMEN AND BUILD Office Third District Tompkinsville Nov 15 1871 PROPOSALS for the materials and labor for completing the foundation and cm strutting the pier and landing wharf for light house on Race Rock Long Island Sound New York: Sealed proposals still be received at this office until ndbn of December 18 1871 for the materials and labor for completingjhe foundation and for constructing the pierand landing wharf tortile light house tor Race Rock Long Island Sound ac cording to plans and specifications therefor to be had by parties desirous of bidding on application to the undersigned Proposals must be in duplicate accompanied by a guarantee in duplicate and a printed copy of this advertisem*nt attached co each proposal Proposals must be made on tlie blank forms at tached to the specifications furnished by this office and bidders mu conform to the requirements under the head of instructions to bidders The following are the quantities and dimensions for the work advertised The foundation to be completed by a protection of 8000 tons of granite blocks quarried regular In shape and measuring from 4x4x6 feet 6 inches to 4x4x8 feet and weighing from eight to teu tons each The pier Is te be in shape of the frustum of a cone 57 feet diameter at base and 52 feet diame ter at top and 28 feet high The landing wharf is to be 25 feet wide by 53 feet 6 Indies long The following are the estimated quantities re quired: 41 835 5 cubic feet of cut stone 72671 rough stone 164(187 concrete 3 066 04 brick work 8000 tons of granite for foundation WOODRU Lieutenant Colonel Engineers Engineer Third District COWIORTS AND SPREADS Second Precinct The registered voters of the ourteenth District whose names begin with tlie letters I will vote at corner ourth and streets northwest Third Precinct The registered voters of the ourteenth District whose names begin with the letter will vote at corner ourth and streets northwest ourth Precinct The registered voters ot tlie ourteenth District whose names begin with the letters 8 will vote at corner ourth and streets northwest ITEENTH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city of Washington lying within the following bounds Commencing at street north and running up North Capitol street to Massachusetts avenue thence along Mas sachusetts avenue to irst street west thence up irst street west to street north thence along street to New Jersey avenue thence up New Jersey avenue to street north thence along street north to Seventh street west thence down Seventh street west to street north thence along street north to Sixth street west thence along Sixth street west to street north and along street north to North Capitol street irst Precinct The registered voters of the ifteenth District whose names begin witli tlie letters A will vote at the southwest corner of ourth and streets northwest Second Precinct The registered voters of the ifteenth District whose names begin with the 'etters I will vote at the southwest coruer of ourth and streets northwest Third Precinct The registered voters of the ifteenth District whose names begin with the letters NO will vote at No 211 Massachusetts avenue between Second and Third streets northwest ourth Precinct The registered voters of the ifteenth District whose names begin with the letters will vote at No 739 Third street north west RUIT JELLIES Apple Grape Quince Lemon Orange Crabapple Third Ppecinct The registered voters ot the Seventh District whose names begin with the letteis I will vote at corner Sixteenth and streets northwest ourth Precinct The registered voters of the Seventh District whose names begin with the letters IN will vote at corner Sixteenth and streets northwest gjfjHTII DISTRICT Includes aRthat part of the city of Washington ly ing within the following bounds: Commencing at street north aud running up ourteenth street west to Boundary thence along Boundary to Sixth street west thence down Sixth street west to Rhode Island avenue thenee along Rhode Island avenue to Seventh street west thence down Sev enth street west to street north thence along street nortli to Eleventh street west thence dowp Eleventh street west to street north and aiong street north to ourteenth street west irst Precinct The registered voters of the Eighth District whose names begin with the letters A will vote at northeast corner of Eleventh and streets northwest Second Precinct The registered voters ot the Eighth District whose names begin with the letters I will vote at Eleventh street between aqd northwest Third Precinct The registered voters of the Eighth District whose names begin with the letters 8 will vote at street between Eleventh and Twelfth streets northwest NINTH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city of Washington lying between street north and street north and between Eleventh street west aud ifteenth street west irst Precinct The registered voters of the Ninth District whose names begin with the letters A I will vote at Union Hall on ourteenth street between street and New York avenue northwest Second Precinct The registered voters of tlie Ninth District whose names begin with the letters will vote at Union Hall on ourteenth street between street and New York avenue northwest TENTH DISTRICT Includes all that partof the city of Washington lying between street north and the canal and between Eleventh and ifteenth streets west irst Phecinct The registered voters of the Tenth District whose names begin with the letters A BC I will vote at house No 1229 street north west CHAMPAGNES MVMMSPRY VERZEN AY quarts and pints CHANDON Verzenay Green Seal aniLDry Sillerv quarts and pints ROEDKRER Carte Blanche' Dry Blllery riimnri Vln Tmnprffil nn rt and St arceaux arte Blanche quarts and pints Heirlsleck (Piper) quarts and pints I DOMESTIC CHAMPAGNES Vai lev Carte quarts and pints I Wine Champague en route PROPOSALS OR RESH BEE OICE A ort Wadsworth November 10 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate with a copyot this advertisem*nt attached will be re ceived at this office until 10 o'clock A Decem ber 10 1871 for furnishing the resh Beef re quired by the Subsistence Department United States army at this station during six months commencing January 1 1872 tach bid must be accompanied by the sum of one hundred dollars to insure good faith Information as to quality of payments condi Uods can bq obtained' by application to 1 A CHAMBERLIN irst Lieut 1st Artillery A 8 THIRD DISTRICT irst John Bronaugh Robert Wil son Wm ie' cher Second Orrin Wilcox John Reynolds Philip Coakley OURTH DISTRICT irst Henry Grant Wells James Dickson Second Isaiah Lemon Win Ross Jacob Straub ITH DISTRICT irst Joseph Anderson Robert Logan Owen MrQuade Second Davis Alexander Roche Patrick Hagerty Third Pre A Taylor Charles Twine 8 Et Douglass SIXTH DISTRICT irst John II Brooks Laughlin Calhoun Clark Second Janies Thomas A Cassidy Charles Earl SEVENTH DISTRICT irst St Clair Davis Jerome Wise John Clark Second John Clark William Areeman Peter Lammond Thlrd Dr A reeman SV Davis James Henning' ourth A Taverns George Stewart Walter Linkins EIGHTH DISTRICT irst William Nott Robert Humphrey Rev Robert Johnson Second Pre Thomas Green Henry NVinweii George Conn Third Snas Bruivu iug Aaron Thornton William Chambers NINTH DISTRICT irst John Hunt John Brown Holland Second Dr Dauiei i Evans Robert oker Gm TENTH DISTRICT irst John Baier Richard Covington George Bauer Second William Mueller John Barker rank Meyers ELEVENTH DISTRICT irst Jones Cato Ward Chinch Second Kennaugh Richard Tompkins Ambrose Stephenson TWELTH DISTRICT irst Ezekial Lockwood John Simp son William Brown Second Plant Robert Douglass Dennis THIRTEENTH DISTRICT! irst Zach Brooke A Shaw Zachariah Downing Second Precinct John Seitz McBeth AV Bell Third Precinct WW Griffin George Smith Baldwin Drane OURTEENTH DISTRICT irst Precinct Thomas Tullock Aaron Rus sell Josiah Prather Second John Parker Archie Lewis Robert enwick Third Samuel Hotchkiss George Renfro Richard Williams ourth Henry jonnson Redgrave ITEENTH DISTRICT irst Precinct John A Perkins William Smith William Dalton Second Martin Charles Wood Kirby Third Daniel Cahill William Tadev William Lord ourth William Bramball Williams SIXTEENTH DISTRICT i irst Plowman SH Williams Second Hall Moulton English Third Precinct David Henson rench Brounor SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT irst Benjamin uller John Wilkinson Peter Pearson Second Precinct Karpeles William Ryder Rooert Graham Third Alexander Lawson William Cole Lewis Wright ourth Pre Richard Coleman Henry Miadieton Joseph Pearson A Twe 4 1 EIG IITEENTH DISTRICT irst Thomas Barron Henry Johnson Andrew Archer Second George Collson Jesse Chinn Samuel Puni pbrey Third Thomas Smithson George Brooks Mockabee ourtn Pre Hall John Branson Robert Godman NINETEENTH DISTRICT irst Preci Patrick Quirk William Win ters Timotlw Costello Second Martin Bresnihan Nase Tabbs Michael Hassett i TWENTIETH DISTRICT Rirut: Precinct Julius Smith Stenben "tVailes iames Havne Second Precinct rank I Xi we Marceuus Marcerou William Wilkerson Third Itouert Nicholson A Dodge A Tinney TWENTY IRST DISTRICT irst Precinct Campbell Lawrence lttttier Charles Snntn Second George McReynolds William Moore Thomas Birch Third Davis Baker Smith Pratt George Harbin TWENTY SECOND DISTRICT irst Charles McGowan Peter Mosbv Abner CuIL BeoondjPrecInct jCIiarles Hs Mur XVfHfrtoi Uvi 1 Aral itxi "UaePt 4 rv I TT 'MjI A 1 I ft a ev sijibiitris A 'AVI UAI Third rauds Wood Marcus Richard son John Morgan Given under my hand at the city of Washington District of olunibla this sixth day of November A eighteen hundred and seventy one 'r' 1 I Governor ot the District of Columbia BY the Governor 18 jLlJWin Ik DlAlUUlNi Secretary of the District of Columbia irst Precinct The registered voters of the Twelfth District whose names begin with the letters A I will vote at northwest corner of Eighth and streets northwest Second Precinct The registered voters of the Twelfth District whose names begin with the letters MN will vote at northwest corner of Eighth and streets north west THIRTEENTH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city of Washington Iving within the following bounds: Commencing at street north aud riinntng along Seventh street west to street north thence along Gstreet to Eleventh street west thence down Eleventh street to street north and along street to Sev enth street west irst Precinct Theiregistered voters of the Thirteenth District whose names begin with the letters A will vote at house No 907 New York avenue northwest Second Phecinct The registered voters of the Thirteenth District whose names begin with the letters I will vote at house No 909 New York avenue northwest Third Precinct The registered voters of the Thirteenth District whose names begin with the letters 8 will vote at house south west corner of Ninth and streets northwest OURTEENTH DISTRICT Includes all that part ot the city of Washington lying within the following bounds: Commencing at street north and running up North Capitol street to Boundary: thence along Boundary to Sixth street west thence along Sixth street west to Rhode Island avenge thence along Rhode Island avenue to Seventh street west thence down Seventh street west to street north thence along street north to Nev Jersey avenue thence down New Jersey avenue to street north and along street to North Capitol street irst Precinct The registered voters of the ourteenth District whose names begin with the letters A will vote at corner ourth and streets north west pKOUOSALS OR BESII BEE Office A 8 ort Columbus New York Harbor October 28 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS tn duplicate willbe re ceived at this office until 12 November 29 1871 for furnishing the resh Beef required by tlie Sub sistence Department United Hates army atthe during the six commencing Jnnu a a JlVizvtn Bry i 167Z ininririAnou of Bpf payments can bp nbtaheo by ap V1 AS OTT'TT UDUlDn pneauon TO TV HL I A Seconti Lieut 12th 8 Infantry A CS 1 PROPOSALS OR RESH BEE Office of the a 8 ort Hamilton New York Habbob October 28 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate will lie re ceived at this office until 11 A December 1 1871 for furnishing the resh Beef required by the Siibslatence Department United States armv at thia station during six months commencing tannery 1 187X Information as to conditions analRy of Beef payments can he obtained by application to EM HALL Onartermaater 1st Artillery and Brevet Colonel United States army Atting Commissary ot Sub slstence will vote at house No 501 street southwest NINETEENTH DISTRICT aU that part of the city ot Washington lying within the following bounds: Commencing at ifteenth street east and 'running north to Boundary street thence along Boundary street to North Capitol street thence down North Capitol street to street north thence along to irtt street west thence down irst street to Massachusetts avenue and down Massachusetts avenue to Northt Capitol street thence down North Capitol street tqE aud along to ifteenth street east irst Precinct The registered voters of the Nineteenth District i whose names begin with the lette rs A i will vote at school house on street between irst and North Capi i tol streets northeast i Second Precinct I The registered voters of the Nineteenth District I whose names begin with the letters 8 TU XY will vote at No 50 street northeast near school house TWENTIETH DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city Washington! lying smith of street north between North and South Capitol st reets aud ourth street east irst Precinct The registered voters of the Twentieth District whose names beein ith the letters A 8 wlll vote at School house southeast corner of Third and A streets southeast Second Precinct The registered voters of the Twentieth District whose name begins with the letters I will vote at School house southeast corner of Third and A streets southeast i third Precinct The registered voters of the Twentieth District whose names begin with the letters 8 VW will vote at School house southeast corner of Third and A streets southeast TWENTY IP3T DISTRICT Includes' all that prtt ot the city of Washington lying within the following bounds: Commencing at South Carolina avenue and running up ourth street east to street north thence along street north to ifteenth street east thence down if teenth street east to street north thence along street north to the Eastern branch thenee along the line ot the Eastern branch to street south thence along street south to ifteenth street east: thence down fifteenth street east to street south thence along street south to South Caro lina avenue and down South Carolina avenue to ourth street east irst Precinct The registered voters of the Twenty first Dis trict whose names begin wiih the letters A will vote at Ninth street between street and South Carolina avenue southeast Second Precinct 1 The registered voters of the Twenty first Dis txlct whose names begin with the letters I will vote at corner oi X11IO11 aurci and South Carolina avenue southeast Third Precinct The registered voters of the Twenty first Dis trict whose names begin with the letters 8 will vote at cor ner of Ninth street and South Carolina avenue southeast TWENTY SECOND DISTRICT Includes all that part of the city oL Washington lying within the following bounds: Commencing at the Eastern branch at the foot of ourth street east and running up ourth street east to South CaroHna avenue thence along Sjuth Carolina avenue to street south thence along street south to ifteenth street east thence up ifteenth street east to street south thence on street south to the Eastern branch and along tlie East ern branch to the loot of ourth street east irst Precinct The registered voters of the Twenty second District whose names begin with the letters A will vote at house of James Pox on Eighth street between and streets southeast Second Precinct The registered voters of the Twenty Second District whose names begin with the letters I will vote at Richard Curtin cor ner of Ninth and streets southeast Third Precinct The registered voters of the Twenty second Dis trict whose names begin with the letters 8 will vote at house of Joseph ox on Eighth street between aud streets southeast i And that on said day and between said hours and at said places each voter will be entitled to vote for or against an act of the Legislative As sembly of said District entitled act authorizing the District of Columbia to create a debt for special improvements and repairs in said District by the issuing of four million of bonds and levying a tax for the payment of the in terest as it shall annually accrue thereon and sub mitting the act with the question of the issuing of the four million of improvement bonds to a vote ot the people at a general election iu said District approved August 19 1871: And also for or against an act of said Assembly entitled: Act levying a tax for the payment of the interest as it shall annually accrue on four million dollars of bonds authorized to be issued by the District of Columbia by an act entitled act authorizing the District of Columbia to create a' debt for special Improvements and repairs in sud District by the issuing oi fQur millions of bonds and levying a tax for the payment of the interest as it shall annually accrue theieon and submit ting the act with the question of the of four millions of improvement bonds to a vote of the people ata general election in the said Dis trict August 19 1871 And also for 5 or against an act of said Assembly entitled Act to authorize a subscription to the stock of the Piedmont and Potomac Railroad Company upon certain condition approved August 19 1871 as heretofore set forth in notices in relation thereto published in The Daily National Repub lican The Daily Morning Chronicle The Evening Star and other newspapers of said District And that the following named persons hare been appointed Superintendents of said election for the election precincts of each delegate district as above described viz: IRST DISTRICT irst Whiting Charles Robert son Julian Dean Second Butler George Duvall Jr Alexander MoCormfck Third Dauiei Draper Ambrose olliett John Hickey SECOND DISTRICT irst Precinct A Galtey John Cook John Collins Second Harmon Benjamin Green Middleton Jr ThlrdPre Lugeubeel Robert Buchanan Bernard Swart Half vake and half in a dream Shehotes the gulls sail screaming eelAhe wind bLw ner yellow hair Am counts the clouds in the changefu sky A sfip in her dreams sails fair and fast Nlaring and neariug the jort at hom Crowding all sail as she cuts the waves leaving behind lier white swirls of foam Sli sees on the deck her lover stand breaming like her of the tender hour Wien he shall clasp and hold her his own Heart of his heart of his life the flower gin muses thus till the sun goes down ill sky and waves have in twilight kissed jid a cloudy moon shines overhead Like an opal set in a ring of mist To morrow she murmurs with quickened ViiO IS WISE? A Woman Without a Heart The story of a woman a is fold a highly sensational manner by the New York I itar She is at present a society queen in Wash I ngton Her husband is wealthy aud influential Hie is a magnificent Her beauty were warmly told is of the queenly The flash of hie dark lustrous eyes the poise of the head downed with luxurious masses of hair of a blue ilack hue and glossy as the wing as wells the haughty expression of tlie full crimson Ups Vould seem to indicate a spirit that has held itself jrondly aloof from all that is dishonorable or'fde gradiug No one looking at her would ever dream of tiie mournful secret connected with her past life which has made her what she I A WOMAN DEAD TO ALT TENDER EELING and living only for tlie gratification of ambition bhe is noted in society for her coldness aud im passiveness with regard to everything save dis play iu dress and the advancement of her own or ambitious views But the title otthe woman without a heart is applied to her only by a few ot lier most intimate acquaintancesT'bcy know that altliougli a wife and mother she (seems almost entirely devoid ot any affection! for either husband or children and indeed of any tender emotion whatever Her husband knows it too but he has very little heart himself is wholly absorbed in his ambitious projects ad asks that her beauty and talent shall be auxiliary tol his schemes without troubling himself about ilany manifestations of tenderness He is saiisfiedtliat she loves no other if she has no particular affec tion for himseli and that is quite sufficient to meet his requirements 1 It is known to a very few that a little over three years ago she resided for about two months in ban rancisco Nevertheless it is tlie ease Iler father who had once been engaged iu the shipping busi ness in Baltimore becoming an invalid came to tills coast in search of health and brought her his only child witli liim Taking rooms with a i private family on Sutter street New York the two led during their stay a secluded life making tew acquaintances ana mingling nine witu society One of tlie few to whom they were known a gen tleman well known in dan rancisco while un a recent visit to the East saw and recognized during his stay in the national capital in the person ot a BRILLIANT SOCIETY QUEEN the beautitul unmarried girl whom he iad met in tins city three years before The story is that this remarkable lady while iu New York two years ago a mere girl visited a fortune teller and was given the 'picture ot irer future husband The original of the picture who was iu league tlie fortune teller succeeded in making her acquaint ance and she became fascinated with him wih iie usual result He was a gambler and he re fused to marry her She was nu longer able to refrain from revealing all to her father cludes the story in the paroxysm of rage Which ensued lie broke a blood vessel and died iu a tew hours Most women would have way under such an accumulation ot calamities but she was ot a different mettle Summoning her strong will to her aid she crushed down all emotion that might betray her terrible secret and determined that it should I have no effect upon her future life Sliortlyafter ward she accepted the suitor whom she I liad hitherto repelled and after tiieir marriage they went to Washington where tliey have since re sided 1 HUR BETRAYER AS KILLED not a year ago in a shooting affray at Omaha The woman mentioned as having revealed the facts here narrated was the mistress before and atter they occurred and is stdl in the city Buch is the story of the woman whom her acquaintances deem heartless No wonder that she should seem so for tlie secret that she has shut in lier bosom has so worked upon her proud aud sensitive nature that she loathes herself and her own existence notwithstanding that she is admired caressed and courted by others as one ot the queens ot society blow music DAILY CHRONICLE DAY NOVEMBER 20 18711 i Office a ort oote Md November 6 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate will ceived at this office until 12 December 1 18" 1V for furnishing the RESH BEE required by the Subsistence Department United States army st this station during six months commencing January 1 1872 Also separate proposals for furnishing officers with Choice Cuts for the same period Information as to conditions quality of Beef' payments can be obtained by application to REDERICK UGER irst 4th regiment of Artillery PROPOSALS OR RESH BEE Office of A 8 Madibon Barracks November 10 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A De cember 11 1871 for furnishing the resh Beef re quired by the Subsistence Department United States army at this during the Hix months commencing January 1 1872 Information as to conditions quality of Beef payments can be obtained by application to CARL PALREY Second Lieut 1st Artillery A PROPOSALS OR RESH BEE Office of A 8 ort porter yNov 10 1871 SEALED PROPOSALS In duplicate will be received at this office until 11 A De cember 11 187) for furnishing the resh Beef re quired by the Subsistence Department United States army at this station during six (6) months commencing January 1 1872 Information as to conditions quality of Beef payments can be obtained by application to ARMSTRONG Second Lieut 1st Infantry A 8 REAL ESTATE HATTERS The following transfers of real estate have been recorded in the office ot the Recorder of Deeds lince our last report: CITY WASHINGTON November District ot Columbia to William Todd partof lots 23 and 24 square 491 our and a luilt street between Pennsylvania avenue and street I 8239 James Tustin trustee to Springmau lot 5 square 607 northeast corner of land second streets nortli west 1 Dennis ealy to Alonzo aud Laura VHouck part ot subdivision 31 ot subdi 'Vision of square 76 west side oLTwentieth Street vest between and streets nortli I i Warner co Rudolphe Lobsigerjpart of lot 19 square 539 south side ot street south between Third and our and a half streets west I George Stickney to Warner bame property 1 Maria A Munson to Bohrer lot 47 Square 27 Twelfth street west between Seventh and streets nortli I S3 rank Trigg trustee to C' Ha venner lot ot subdivision of square '568 east side of Third street west near screetnorth Bankers and Telegraph Company to I John Howard Wells the real estate of said com panv in the District of Columbia 837 James Ri Ormes to Westel Willoughby subdivisions 228 229230 231 and 232 ot subdivision ot square 6(5 soutli side of street north between irst street east and North Qapitol street I Morgan Robiuett to Currant JNel I son lot ot Todd subdivision of i square 27 nortli side of street north between Twelfth aud Thirteenth streets west 4 $537 Samuel Cross trustee to James i Walsh lot 21 in square 974 west side of Eleventh street east between and I streets south i November Martha McKnight to George Jeunemau lots 3 4 5 fi 7 8 and 9 square 811 northeast corner of ourth and 1 streets northeast Resina A Miller to George Jeunepian lots 2 and 1 1 in same square Charles II Lewis trustee Ellis part of subdivision 4 in Ad subdivision of square 309 east side of Twelfth street west between ami It streets north 3940 Louisville Twitched to John Crouse lot in Whole's subdivision of square 759 west side of Third street east near A street uorth John Claggett to Timothy O'Brien lot iu square 5C7 north side of street hiorth between hirst and Second streets west I GEORGETOWN November William Young to Charles Schroth lot on the west side of Jefferson street 160 feet from Causeway street S3 Richard Carter to Samuel olkin horH part of lot 209 iu subdivision on south side of West street 71 feet from Montgomery street 1 DR JOHNSTON THE BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL Office: No 7 South rederick street rom his extensive practice in thegreat hospi tals of Europe and the first tn this country viz: England rance Philadelphia and elsewhere can offer the most certain speedy and effectual remedy tn the world for all DISEASES IM PRUDENCE A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS Weakness of the Back or Limbs Strictures Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder In i nt ary Discharges Imuotencv General De bility Nervousness Dyspepsia Languor Low spirits Confusion of Ideas Palpitation of the fieart Timidity Trembling Dimness of Sight or Giddiness Disease of the Head Throat Nose or Skin Affections of the Id ver Lungs Stomach or those terrible Disorders arising from Soli tary Habits of Youth BKCRffT and solitary prso tiocs more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses blighting their most brilliant hopes dr anticipations rendering marriage ta impossible YOUNG MEN who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alone a habit fi equentlj learned from evil companions or at school th sffetts of which are nightly felt even when asleep aud if not cured renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body should apply immediately What a pity that a young man the hope of his country the pride of hfc parents should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments ol life by the consequence ot deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit i MARRIAGE Married persons ot Young Men contemnlattug marriage being aware of Physical Weakness (loss of Procreative Impotency) Nervous Excitability Palpitation Organic Weakness Nervous Debility or any other disqualification apeedtlv relieved so tfo letterau ecelved unless postpaid arid con HHilnar a Mtammo be lifted on the renlv Person! wirtisemant descrlbinu svmntoms INDORsem*nT THE PRESS The many thousands cured at tills estaolislnnenl within the last twenty years and the uumerouv important surgical operations performed by Dr i Johnston witnessed by the reporters of the Sun jand many other papers notices of which Bave ap peared again ana again before the public besides his standing as a gentleman of chai acter and rp sponsibility is a sufficient guarantee to the aWiicted OICE: 7 SOUTH REDERICK STREET BALTIMORE MD COLUMBIA HOSPITAL OR MALES Corner of Pennsylvania avenue sgnd Twenty fifth street i' o' I Hospital is situated one of the most I healthy portions of the District surrounded by its I own grounds the rooms are large and airy ana supplied with the comforts of home Ladles living at a distance who may be desirous of availing them selves of the benefit of treatment in this Institu tion can secure private rooms by applving to the Surgeon in chief or the Matron The price of these rooms vary from $10 to 815 per week which includes board nursing medical or surgical treat ment and medicines The United States Government provides forty REE BEDS for the following class of patients viz: Wives or widows of soldiers or sailors of the United States army and navy or females who may be citizens of any State but temporarilyresidents of the District and requiring medical treatment and nursing put unable to pay there for Cards et admission to these beds can be ob 1 A 1 1 1 I A LUU1VU Ui DUljiUUll VVUUldl UfJIKDU WVUVVM army at his office corner of Pennsylvania ave nueand ifteenth street and of the Surgeon in chief at his office 1324 Massachusetts avenne i There are also twenty REE BEDS for poor women residents ot tiie District Orders for ad mission to these must be obtained of the Gover nor or the Secretary of the District 1 Visiting days MONDAYS and THURSDAYS I from 12 to 4 MRnTriAT STA: THOMPSON Surgeon In Chief of flee and residence 1324 Massachusetts avenue ASHORD Assistant Surgeon office and residence 1330 New York avenue CONSULTING BOARD: Noble Young Howard A Ritchie Johnson Eliot jiiA Morgqn G11 Newman pv asiungton eye in fir MARY 628 street Diseases ot the eye treated gratuitously between the hours 't 12 and 1 daily Attending Surgeons Bella Barrows and Robert Heyburn Consulting Surgeon Gideon Palmer The uneral of the I ate endall The funeral of the late William eudall a prominent young member of the Washington bar took place on Saturday last and was attended bv hnvii nf ho 4 la ei rxzl ''I tuu niuuiuuio vi nu ihuuvujauu a numoer iv a a niu voieat the school of our prominent citizens Jhe body was encased I house on the southeast corner of and Nine In I eazl art ntkh ncwa till Vs lenl 1 a it UIAAA? llftUUCUMlv 1IIU tJIMVfX U1UVU and silver mounted and tiie services which were very impressive were conducted by Rev Addison assisted by Rev Mr Hutton (The re mains were taken to Glenwood where they were emporarily deposited in tiie vault the following acting as pali bearers: Messrs It Merrick Bradley Jr Ennis Johnson Lovejoy Van Biswick Anderson and James Hoban The remains will be ultimately takenty Alexan dria and burled beside the body of the father of he deceased i 4 i I I 1 I Ii I I 3 EGG PLUMS 3 PINEAPPLES 3 BLACKBERRIES 2 tstrawberries 3 Raspberrtes 3 GREEN GAGES 3 CHERRIES from Rochester 3 Quinces 2 PEARS 2 RESH PEAS 2 SUCCOTASH 3 LIMA BEANS 3 Asparagus (Oyster Bay.

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.